Nazis provided many of them with work, although in some case it was in government programmes, which had both poor pay, sometimes lower than the welfare benefits, and conditions.
Discovered that real wages were slow to recover and working hours were often longer
Workers' rights to negotiate for better wages and conditions and to form trade unions were also lost and therefore, other than having a job, it might be difficult to argue that life had improved.
Decline in quality and more emphasis on chapter staple foods, such as potatoes and rye bread while meat and fairy consumption declined dramatically
Little investment in housing for ordinary people, which may also have played a role in why some were reluctant to have large families.
Strength through Joy movement brought benefits these were limited, while schemes to purchase the Volkswagen cars were no more than propaganda.
Stressed the importance of agriculture and promised to help farmers who had been badly hit by the collapse in food prices
Government did write off some debts and fixed prices at which produce was sold to boost prices
1935- the government introduced price controls so that farmers did not benefit from food shortages and therefore agriculture remained largely unprofitable, with the result that many farmers moved from the countryside and a rural labour shortage developed
Reich Entailed Farm Law (1933) - designed to preserve the ‘peasantry’ only added to the rural problems as it prevented the development of more large-scale farms, which were more efficient
Had won much support among small businesses men and shopkeepers, who believed that they were losing out to the large stores
Laws were passed to ban new department stores and stop those that existed from expanding
Little more than cosmetic changes as big businesses was needed to boost the economy
Department stores were not closed down and actually helped by the government
Rearmament programme brought considerable profits to a number of firms, and all benefited fromm the demise of trade union power
Value of the German industry rose and this was reflected in the 70% wage rises for many managers
The government controlled prcies, wages and imports, and decided what industry should produce and how it should produce it
Forced to invest in research into things such as rubber