CH05 zoom

Week 6 Overview

  • Chapter 5 focuses on instruction sets and architectures.

  • Midterm exam review will be included in the lecture.

  • New classroom: Science and Education Center, Room 115, due to size considerations.

  • The midterm exam is mandatory and must be taken in person.

Midterm Exam Details

  • Date: Next week, after the lecture during the first half of class.

  • Students must inform the instructor if there are issues attending in person to arrange alternatives.

  • Bring a fully charged laptop for the exam on D2L.

  • Allowed: up to 10 pages of single-sided notes and the textbook (including e-text). Open book exam.

Homework Review

  • Micro Program Operation vs. Assembly Language:

    • Regular assembly language requires multiple execution steps; micro program instructions directly control control signals for operations.

  • CISC vs. RISC Architecture:

    • CISC: Variable-length instructions allowing complexity; harder to decode.

    • RISC: Fixed-length instructions, simpler decoding, and execution; all instructions are the same length.

Programming Examples

  • Summing integers using code provided: Initialize X at 1, sum until 10, increment X, and check conditions for the loop.

  • Discussed return address handling in subroutines: stacks for recursion management since a single register can't accommodate multiple calls efficiently.

  • C Program Example:

    • Functions Find Max and Count Odd: both take an integer array and size, processing to calculate result based on conditions.

  • Stack implementation for arrays and memory allocation in C discussed thoroughly, including linked lists.

Instruction Sets Overview

  • Factors in instruction set design: bits per instruction, operand locations, types, and size.

  • Endianness:

    • Little-endian stores least significant byte first; big-endian stores most significant byte first, affects multi-byte integer storage.

  • Memory addressing: stack vs. accumulator vs. general-purpose registers.

Architecture Types

  • Types of CPU architectures: stack architecture (operands implicitly taken from stack), accumulator architecture (only one operational accumulator), and general-purpose register architecture (multiple registers).

  • CISC generally leads to longer instruction lengths compared to RISC, which optimizes for fixed lengths.

  • Memory-to-memory, register-memory, and load-store architectures affect instruction sizes and execution.

Pipelining and Hazards

  • Instruction pipelining enhances throughput by breaking the fetch-decode-execute cycle into stages, allowing parallel execution.

  • Hazards may arise during this process due to resource conflicts, data dependencies, or conditional branch instructions that stall the pipeline.

  • Compilers must optimize instruction order to minimize stalls and maximize throughput.

C Programming and Memory Management

  • Importance of manual memory management in C using malloc and free: responsible for allocating and deallocating memory, unlike Java's garbage collection.

  • Example of building and cleaning up a linked list in C demonstrated.

  • Debugging using gdb highlighted: setting breakpoints, viewing memory contents, and stepping through code execution.

Review of Important Concepts

  • Memory hierarchy: registers, caches (L1, L2), RAM, and permanent storage.

  • Numeric conversion between decimal, binary, hex, ASCII, and Unicode.

  • Handling floating point representation, including IEEE standards.

  • Pipeline strategies, addressing modes, and RISC vs. CISC architectures enumerated.

  • Key distinctions and inter-relationships between hardware designs and software implementations.

Recommended Preparation Strategies

  • Thorough review of memory management and programming concepts in C before the exam.

  • Practice problems covering endian conversions, numeric systems, and instruction sets.

  • Prepare notes focusing on key differences between RISC and CISC architectures for the exam.
