TIME PERIOD 1: 1491-1607: Queen Elizabeth/Spanish Armada Puritan Reformation
TIME PERIOD 2: 1607-1754: Joint Stock Companies Tobacco
Virginia’s House of Burgesses Maryland Indentured Servants
Bacon’s Rebellion Great Awakening
TIME PERIOD 3: 1754-1800: Boston Tea Party Revolutionary War Battle of Saratoga
Articles of Confederation Treaty of Paris Shay’s Rebellion Native Americans
TIME PERIOD 4: 1800-1848: Alexander Hamilton Alien and Sedition Act Washington’s Neutrality Federalists/Anti-Federalists Marbury V Madison Louisiana Purchase War of 1812
Republican Motherhood Monroe Doctrine California Missions John Audubon
Corrupt Bargain Shakers Tariff of 1828 Seminoles
TIME PERIOD 5: 1844-1877: Black Codes 13, 14, 15 Amendments Steven Douglas
Freedmen’s Bureau Underground Railroad Compromise of 1850
Popular Sovereignty Union Military Strategy Copperheads Military Reconstruction Act
TIME PERIOD 6: 1865-1898: Chinese Exclusion Act Social Darwinism McKinley/The Philippines Ghost Dance Battle of Wounded Knee Jane Addams
TIME PERIOD 7: 1890-1945: The Jungle “New Immigrants” 1902 Coal Strike
Roosevelt Corollary Progressive Amendments Progressives/Reforms
Great Migration Schenck v. United States 14 Point Plan Marcus Garvey US foreign policy between WW1 and WW2
American Federation of Labor in the 1920s Impact of Henry Ford/assembly line Bank Holiday Causes of Great Depression New Deal
Battle of Midway Manhattan Project European Theater Homefront experience during WW2
Pacific Theater Effect of WWII on women Effect of WWII on Japanese Americans Bracero program
Impact of WW2 on unemployment