
Domestic division of labour:

One reason—>patriarchy, society is male dominated. This causes a division in labour as traditional role thinking still exists. Ann Oakley says 15% of husbands had a high level of participation in housework and 25% of husbands had a high level of participation in childcare. This means women still had to most/all housework and childcare. (If had to evaluate: Young and Willmott completed a study of couples in Bethnal Green and found couples young couples who would share domestic tasks and idea of symmetrical family)

Another reason—>biological differences. Parsons argues there are biological differences between couples, for example, women are more naturally suited to the nurturing role, making them have an expressive role, men have an instrumental role where they are a breadwinner providing for the family financially. (If had to evaluate: feminists argue this only benefits men)

Impact of paid work:

Functionalists say impact of paid work is positive as it plays a crucial role when socialising children, it is also an economic liability focusing towards family structure. The division of labour supports this balance. Ensuring society runs smoothly.

Feminists say it has a negative impact, this is because it leads to women’s oppression. They have a “dual burden” doing unpaid domestic tasks and work. This can contribute to ongoing gender inequalities.

Role of money:

Material explanation—> limited move towards equality in financial decisions. Laurie and Gershuny found in 1995, 70% of couples had an equal say in decision making especially those on high income. Shows a progress from Hardills findings who found in dual career professional couples, the man would take any important decisions. Role of money is dependant on financial income.
