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R + J Acts 3-5 Vocab

Act III:

  1. appertain: relate to; concern

    1. ex/ He asked me what I was doing, and I told him that it didn’t appertain him.

  2. effeminate: having characteristics and ways of behaving traditionally associated with women and regarded as inappropriate for a man

  3. amorous: showing feeling, or relating to sexual desire

  4. enamored: to be filled with a feeling of love

    1. ex/ His entire family is enamored with his new girlfriend because of her good looks and charming personality.

  5. garish: obtrusively bright and showy; lurid

    1. ex/The lights in the mall were garish and hurt my eyes.

  6. lamentation: the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping

    1. ex/He wrote his lamentation about the way the school was run out on a piece of paper and left it on the principal’s desk because he was afraid the principal would be mad at him if he told him in person

  7. calamity: an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster

    1. ex/ In the event of a calamity such as a tornado, we are supposed to hide in our basement.

  8. reconcile: restore friendly relations between

    1. ex/ My parents told my brother and me to reconcile after we fought because it was affecting our siblings.

  9. jocund: cheerful and light-hearted

    1. ex/ She is always jocund at dance because it is her favorite place to be.

  10. abhors: regard with disgust and hatred

    1. ex/ He abhors the man his little sister is dating even though her boyfriend is always nice.

  11. stratagems: a plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end

    1. ex/ My friend and I created a stratagem to convince our parents to let us have a sleepover.

  12. absolved: set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility

    1. ex/ She absolved that I was not the one who broke her phone although she had been convinced it was I last week.

Acts IV - V:

  1. inundation: an overwhelming abundance of people or things; flood (of something)

    1. ex/

  2. arbitrating: to reach an authoritative judgment or settlement; deciding, being the judge, decide what will happen

  3. abate: (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread to stop, make less intense or widespread; to stop or make less

  4. peevish: easily irritated, especially by unimportant things

    1. ex/ My sister’s always peevish, but she was particularly annoyed by everything today.

  5. prostrate: lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downward

    1. ex/ After being tackled, he lay prostrate on the ground until medical help arrived.

  6. culled: to choose; to pick

    1. ex/ She culled some flowers from the garden and put them in a vase.

  7. solace: comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

    1. ex/ I happily found solace in the fact that my mom would be holding my hand the entire time.

  8. penury: extreme poverty; destitution

    1. ex/ The homeless man lived in penury, but he never hesitated to give anything he had to another more desperate.

  9. inexorable: impossible to stop or prevent; relentless

    1. ex/ Though it was only a basic quiz, he was inexorable in his questions and stayed to talk to the teacher during lunch.

  10. maw: the jaws or throat of a voracious animal

    1. ex/ The dog's maw was clamped tightly around my sister’s favorite toy, and I had to force open its jaws to get it.

  11. interred: to place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, especially with funeral rights

    1. ex/ The frog was interred in the ground after its sudden death earlier that morning.

  12. inauspicious: not conducive to success; unpromising; unlucky

    1. ex/ My brother told his friend that he had never gotten the flu, but it turned out to be inauspicious because he got sick with the flu just 2 days later.

  13. thwarted: prevent (someone) from accomplishing something

    1. ex/ I quickly thwarted my younger brother’s attempt to sneak out because he didn’t realize that I was still in the kitchen when he was trying to leave.

  14. ambiguities: the quality of being open to more than one interpretation

  15. scourge: a punishment

    1. ex/ the scourge of the fight my brother and I had was that we had to stay in our rooms

R + J Acts 3-5 Vocab

Act III:

  1. appertain: relate to; concern

    1. ex/ He asked me what I was doing, and I told him that it didn’t appertain him.

  2. effeminate: having characteristics and ways of behaving traditionally associated with women and regarded as inappropriate for a man

  3. amorous: showing feeling, or relating to sexual desire

  4. enamored: to be filled with a feeling of love

    1. ex/ His entire family is enamored with his new girlfriend because of her good looks and charming personality.

  5. garish: obtrusively bright and showy; lurid

    1. ex/The lights in the mall were garish and hurt my eyes.

  6. lamentation: the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping

    1. ex/He wrote his lamentation about the way the school was run out on a piece of paper and left it on the principal’s desk because he was afraid the principal would be mad at him if he told him in person

  7. calamity: an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster

    1. ex/ In the event of a calamity such as a tornado, we are supposed to hide in our basement.

  8. reconcile: restore friendly relations between

    1. ex/ My parents told my brother and me to reconcile after we fought because it was affecting our siblings.

  9. jocund: cheerful and light-hearted

    1. ex/ She is always jocund at dance because it is her favorite place to be.

  10. abhors: regard with disgust and hatred

    1. ex/ He abhors the man his little sister is dating even though her boyfriend is always nice.

  11. stratagems: a plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end

    1. ex/ My friend and I created a stratagem to convince our parents to let us have a sleepover.

  12. absolved: set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility

    1. ex/ She absolved that I was not the one who broke her phone although she had been convinced it was I last week.

Acts IV - V:

  1. inundation: an overwhelming abundance of people or things; flood (of something)

    1. ex/

  2. arbitrating: to reach an authoritative judgment or settlement; deciding, being the judge, decide what will happen

  3. abate: (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread to stop, make less intense or widespread; to stop or make less

  4. peevish: easily irritated, especially by unimportant things

    1. ex/ My sister’s always peevish, but she was particularly annoyed by everything today.

  5. prostrate: lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downward

    1. ex/ After being tackled, he lay prostrate on the ground until medical help arrived.

  6. culled: to choose; to pick

    1. ex/ She culled some flowers from the garden and put them in a vase.

  7. solace: comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

    1. ex/ I happily found solace in the fact that my mom would be holding my hand the entire time.

  8. penury: extreme poverty; destitution

    1. ex/ The homeless man lived in penury, but he never hesitated to give anything he had to another more desperate.

  9. inexorable: impossible to stop or prevent; relentless

    1. ex/ Though it was only a basic quiz, he was inexorable in his questions and stayed to talk to the teacher during lunch.

  10. maw: the jaws or throat of a voracious animal

    1. ex/ The dog's maw was clamped tightly around my sister’s favorite toy, and I had to force open its jaws to get it.

  11. interred: to place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, especially with funeral rights

    1. ex/ The frog was interred in the ground after its sudden death earlier that morning.

  12. inauspicious: not conducive to success; unpromising; unlucky

    1. ex/ My brother told his friend that he had never gotten the flu, but it turned out to be inauspicious because he got sick with the flu just 2 days later.

  13. thwarted: prevent (someone) from accomplishing something

    1. ex/ I quickly thwarted my younger brother’s attempt to sneak out because he didn’t realize that I was still in the kitchen when he was trying to leave.

  14. ambiguities: the quality of being open to more than one interpretation

  15. scourge: a punishment

    1. ex/ the scourge of the fight my brother and I had was that we had to stay in our rooms