please give me…..주세요
what is your name….이름이 뭐예요?
먹다…to eat
보다….to see
오빠…..older brother
있어요… you have
that over there….저
sorry or excuse me…..죄송합니다
이여요….to be
잘먹을게…..i will eat well (joking or with close friends)
that (near other person or out of sight)……그
child/close friend……아이
my friends name is ______……제 친구 이름은 _______예요
Let's do it!…..~하자
고싶어요….I want to
가다… go
없어요…..not to be, dont have
잘 먹었습니다…..i have eaten well/giving thanks
it is not delicious…..맛없어요
thank you…..감사합니다
thank you for the food……잘 먹겠습니다
있어요… be/to have
as for me….저는
what is it?…..뭐예요?
leave in peace/goodbye…..안녕히가세요
it is not….아니에요
stay in peace….안녕히 계세요
Yes, that's right…..네, 맞아요.
middle aged man…..아저씨
It is delicious….맛있어요
there isn't any/you don't have?……없어요
i am _____ (my name is)……저는________ 이예요
to eat…..먹다
nice to meet you……만나서 반가워요
older sister……언니
what do you want to do?…..뭐 하고 싶어요?