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Ap human geo unit 3 notes overview

Migration Notes Overviewing

Causes of migration

  • Human Migration-the permanent change of residence by an individual or group

  • Pull factors-positive situations, conditions, events, and factors that make people want to move to a geographic location

  • Push factors-negative situations, conditions, events, and factors that make people want to leave a geographic location

  • Emigration-when an individual leaves a country or political territory

  • Immigration-when an individual enters a country or political territory

  • Intervening Obstacles-negative situations or events that hinder migration and end up preventing migrants from reaching their final destination

  • Intervening Oppurtunities-positive situations or events that hinder migration and end up preventing migrants from reaching their final destination

  • Push and Pull factors (ESPN)

  • Economic

  • Societal

  • Political

  • Environmental

  • Emigration=exit

  • Immigration=in

Different Types of Migration

  • __Refugee-__an individual who has been forced to leave their home country and has crossed an international border in order to escape war, persecution, and/or natural disasters.

  • Asylum-seeker-an individual who is seeking international protection

  • Internally Displaced Person(IDP)-and individual who has been forced to flee from their home in otfrr to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights, or natural disasters, but have not crossed an internationally recognized state border

  • Transnational Migration-a migrant emigrates from their home country to another country but remains connected to their original country

  • __Chain migration-__a process in which a legal immigrant, who has become a naturalized citizen, sponsors a family member to immigrate to the country

  • Step migration- migration that happens in stages

  • __Guest worker-__a migrant who may temporarily migrate to a new country for work or educational reasons

  • Remittance-money an immigrant sends back to their family residing in their home country

  • Internal Migration-permanent move within a country

  • Transhumance migration-migration that is cyclical and revolves around the seasonal movement of livestock

  • Intraregional Migration-migration that involves a permanent move within the same region

  • Interregional Migration-migration that involves a permanent move from one region of a country to another region of the same country

  • Examples of forced migration

  • Human Trafficking

  • Forced Child Labor

  • Child Soldiers

  • Slavery

  • Types of voluntary migration

  • Transnational

  • Chain

  • Step

  • Guest workers

  • Internal

  • Transhumance

  • Intraregional

  • Interregional

Effects of Migration

  • Brain Drain-when the skilled labor leaves the geographic area in favor of another area that offers more opportunity

  • Effects

  • Immigration quotas

  • Countries with more immigrants often have an increase in their economic output

  • Brain Drain

  • More diverse workforce

  • More competitive job market

  • Higher cultural diversity

Ap human geo unit 3 notes overview

Migration Notes Overviewing

Causes of migration

  • Human Migration-the permanent change of residence by an individual or group

  • Pull factors-positive situations, conditions, events, and factors that make people want to move to a geographic location

  • Push factors-negative situations, conditions, events, and factors that make people want to leave a geographic location

  • Emigration-when an individual leaves a country or political territory

  • Immigration-when an individual enters a country or political territory

  • Intervening Obstacles-negative situations or events that hinder migration and end up preventing migrants from reaching their final destination

  • Intervening Oppurtunities-positive situations or events that hinder migration and end up preventing migrants from reaching their final destination

  • Push and Pull factors (ESPN)

  • Economic

  • Societal

  • Political

  • Environmental

  • Emigration=exit

  • Immigration=in

Different Types of Migration

  • __Refugee-__an individual who has been forced to leave their home country and has crossed an international border in order to escape war, persecution, and/or natural disasters.

  • Asylum-seeker-an individual who is seeking international protection

  • Internally Displaced Person(IDP)-and individual who has been forced to flee from their home in otfrr to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights, or natural disasters, but have not crossed an internationally recognized state border

  • Transnational Migration-a migrant emigrates from their home country to another country but remains connected to their original country

  • __Chain migration-__a process in which a legal immigrant, who has become a naturalized citizen, sponsors a family member to immigrate to the country

  • Step migration- migration that happens in stages

  • __Guest worker-__a migrant who may temporarily migrate to a new country for work or educational reasons

  • Remittance-money an immigrant sends back to their family residing in their home country

  • Internal Migration-permanent move within a country

  • Transhumance migration-migration that is cyclical and revolves around the seasonal movement of livestock

  • Intraregional Migration-migration that involves a permanent move within the same region

  • Interregional Migration-migration that involves a permanent move from one region of a country to another region of the same country

  • Examples of forced migration

  • Human Trafficking

  • Forced Child Labor

  • Child Soldiers

  • Slavery

  • Types of voluntary migration

  • Transnational

  • Chain

  • Step

  • Guest workers

  • Internal

  • Transhumance

  • Intraregional

  • Interregional

Effects of Migration

  • Brain Drain-when the skilled labor leaves the geographic area in favor of another area that offers more opportunity

  • Effects

  • Immigration quotas

  • Countries with more immigrants often have an increase in their economic output

  • Brain Drain

  • More diverse workforce

  • More competitive job market

  • Higher cultural diversity