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Arts Appreciation Reviewer


●Sigmund freud


●not real

●reaction of world War 1 and world War 2


●focus on process rather than the art itself


●reaction against abstractionism

●doesn't represent anything (abstract)

●confusing because they they criticize and celebrate capitalism at the same time


Color - is one of the fundamental element of art

Lines- can define shape, sense of direction

Form- different dimensions of object

Texture- surface characteristics

Space has 2 kinds:

a. negative (empty or surrounding area of positive) and

b. positive (object in the composition)

shapes organic (have measurements) while organic (irregular free form assymentrical in nature)

Principle of Art

Balance- is the proper distribution of visual elements

Emphasis- is the subject where the artist wants the viewers to focus on

Contrast- using different colors, making elements standout from one another

Repetition- (pattern)

Unity- ensures that all of the elements will work together

Movement- is the illusion or motion of the direction of the artwork

Harmony- how you combine all the elements


art is the bridge that connect's artist inner world with the audience's external world

art is the mirror that reflect out our soul


  • Definition: visual art form that involves applying pigments, color, or other mediums to a surface (typically canvas)

  • 2 dimentional

Forms of painting:

Oil- The Starry Night

  • easy to blend, known for translucent effect

  • most of it has slower dyeing time

Acrylic painting - Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy

  • uses waterbased acrylic paint

  • fast drying time

  • allows quick layering

  • diluted with water

  • long lasting and vibrant

Watercolor - Newton

  • uses technique uses waterbased paints

  • surface is always white

  • requires delicate touch

  • uses in landscape and botamic illustrations

Pastel- flower couds

  • using pastel sticks which is powdered comes with soft and paint

Encaustic- flag

  • ancient technique

Bees Wax

  • applied to surface while hot

  • can be manipulated using spatulas and brush

  • quality and texture because it is thicker than usual paint

  • very unique and durable output

Different types of painting:


  • art movement emerge in 19th century

  • photography like

  • very realistic way

  • often focus on everyday lives and ordinary people in an accurate and objective manner


  • extention of realism

  • depict subject matter in highly detailed

  • natural world and nature


  • exist in impressionist movement

  • art movement existed in 19th century

  • depicts visual impression of a scene

  • often use brush strokes


  • emerge in early 20th century

  • subjective depictions of artists' emotion

  • intense colors


  • murals

  • style that moves away representation

  • emphasis use of colors lines and shapes and gestures and textures

  • do not attempt to think recognizable object


  • technique that developed in late 19th century

  • symbols, psychological meanings

  • hidden meanings

  • cannot take art in surface value

  • often incorporate fantasy


  • early 20th century movement

  • uses naturalistic colors

  • raw emotion

  • unleash the powers of colors


  • revolutionary

  • caused chaos by world War 1

  • irrational element

  • object that already exist and put something into it

  • process of Dada artism get ready made artwork and turn it into other form


  • originated in early 20th century reaction in ww1 and ww2

  • explores psychic and reality

  • unrelated elements to make uncanny and subconscious elements

Famous Women Artist


  • celebrated for stylish and glamorous in 1930's

  • polish artist


  • french

  • she has a french impressionist touch

  • domestic scenes and portraits


  • french

  • realism painter

  • known for her detailed and large scale animal painting (horse fair)


  • wife of Jackson polock

  • American abstractionist

  • pioneer in abstractionism

  • innovative and vibrant


  • french American artist

  • known for sculptures

  • human anatomy humans body

Georgia O'keeffe

  • American modernist artist

  • distinctive large flowers

  • doesn't want to be associated in such movements or periods

  • born on Nov 15 1887

  • one of the privilege artist

  • commercial artist

  • introduce to the ideas of Arthur dove and Alfred strike glips

  • mass of work after she died

  • lasting impact on the world of art

  • influence and environment affected most of her work

  • She is known for:

a. known persission and detail;meticulous attention to detail

b. also known for close up and magnification

often paint flowers

c. abstraction and representation; her ability to combine abstractionism with regular object is quite unique

d.vibrant and strong colors

  • why does jimson weed is her most famost artwork?Most expensive artwork of a woman (sold for 44 million dollar at an auction in 2014)

  • masterpiece: cow's skull with calico roses

  • Her issues:

    a. misinterpretation of her works

    b. marital problems

    c. please the critiques




  • mas makakagawa ng plausible anaylsis

  • idea of arts as sign; sign has meaning

3 types of Signs


  • sign that represents as is

  • resembles the object it represents


  • have relationship to what they represent

  • being dependent to another thing


  • dependent to convention or cultural agreement

  • can be written and spoken

Semiotics in Arts

  • visual elements

  • color theory

  • principles of arts

  • visual appearance of the artwork

  • iconography

  • cultural or historical significance


  • three dimentional art

  • have length, width and height

  • you can feel the shape, texture of the artwork

Key Aspects of Sculpture

  • three dimentionality

  • materials

  • Techniques - carving, modeling, casting, assembling,

  • Scale

Types of Sculpture


  • attached to a background (na nakausli)



Free Standing

  • self supporting


  • have specific time and location

  • changing location to exhibit



  • depict human forms focuses in realism

  • kinetic

  • have movement

Famous Woman Sculptors


  • french

  • very talented

  • that contribution was overshadowed by her mentor

  • her Forte is metal sculpting


  • british

  • modern period

  • she focus on tubing

  • abstact sculpting


  • french american

  • focuses on gigantic sculptures

  • have vibrant colors

  • (nana's sculptures/series)


  • known for doing gigantic sculptures

  • wants to explore the deeds of umanity and collective experiences


  • contemporary

  • Minimalist sculptures

EDMONIA LEWIS (famous sculptor)

  • experienced sexism and racism

  • even though she was successful and recognized, still subjected to dailism and prejudice

  • moved to rome

  • past away on London

  • her life was a testament to strive in the art world despite challenges

Different Themes of Her Artwork

  • represent her identity

  • linch, pinapatay ng walang sapat na dahilan ang people with color

  • portrayal of her cultural heritage

  • native American heritage

  • created artworks depicted her heritage and culture

  • historical and mytholigical

  • expression of her emotions in her artworks

  • she wanted to make a person that represents emotions

  • often used her art to confess

  • naturalistic style

One of her Famous Artwork - The Death of Cleopatra

  • neoclassical marble sculpture

  • masterpiece

  • explores the life and death and power


  • always have narrative

Types of Literature


  • traditionally pass down through oral


  • it may talk about love


  • profound and easiest way of writing poetry

  • tells us story


  • poetry from japan

  • have followed pattern and meter

  • 5-7-5


  • 7-7-7-7

  • content of it is about nature


a. Fiction

  • parable usually from bible and purpose to give moral lesson

b. Fable

  • inanimate objects, animals or plants

c. nonfiction

d. Biography

  • third party person

e. Autobiography

  • the author is the main subject of the writing

Philippine Literary Timeline

a. Precolonial

  • before the spaniards

Types of Literature:


  • pangungusap na mas malalim na kahulugan


  • short sentences na may malalim na kahulugan


  • ginagamit sa ritwal at ceremonia


  • used to explain one thing


  • kwentong bayan,

Katutubong Awitin-

b. Colonial

  • this is the season when ibong adarna, florante at laura, noli me tangere, and El filibusterismo

Types of Literature:

Religious Writings


  • tula talks about love

At Corrido

  • tula talks about heroic doings


  • reenactment from stories from bible


  • reenactment ng before, during, and death of jesuscrist


  • dula ng pagkabuhay ni Jesus

c. American Assimilation

  • thomasites

  • pag gamit ng filipino ng English language

  • comiks

d. Japanese Invasion Era

  • haiku

  • tanaga

e. Premartial

  • love story because di pa ganoong kalaki ang problem sa gobyerno

f. Post Edsa

  • lumabas ang akda ng nangyari sa martial law

  • luwalhati bautista

  • primitivo mijares-

g. Contemporary

  • pre-dilawan

  • wattpad era

h. Post Dilawan

  • books critizes the government

Dimensions of Philippine Literature

  • geography-place

  • language

  • ethnicity

Important Filipino Authors

Jose rizal

  • important contributions are el fili and noli

Francisco Balagtas

  • florante at laura

  • also known as Francisco baltazar

Nick Joaquin

  • lives of filipino people

  • lalim and complexity of the characters

Lualhati Bautista

  • talented and recognized

  • dekada sisenta

  • Bulaklak sa city jail

  • bata bata paano ka ginawa

  • undergraduate

Important Literatures in Philippines

Noli and El fili

  • it takes about what happened in Spanish colonialization

How to Read Literary Work

  • relate

  • engage and criticize

Know Female Literature Writer

Emily Dickenson

  • was an American poet

  • was there for the rest of her life

  • born to A prominent family

  • known for unconventional and unusual style

  • very honest, unimotional and depth writer

  • is "gay"; has controversial relationship to her sister in law Susan

  • a woman who never married despite being intelligent

  • epileptic episodes

  • past relationship: only 2

Example of her poem for Susan:

  • hope is the thing with feathers

  • I died for beauty

  • I gave myself to him

  • the bee

  • because I could not stop for death

Themes of Her Poem:

  • death

  • afterlife

  • nature

  • love, passion, and complexities and nuances of romantic relationships

  • self and identity-reflects the nature of her identity

  • free form

  • loves methapor, symbolism and personification

  • loves using paradox to convey deeper meaning

Jane Austen

Virginia Woolf

  • important figure when it comes to modernist movement in literature

Toni Morrison

Louisa May Alcott

  • family and female characters

Sylvia Plath

  • author that attempted to to take away her life 3 times

  • experienced alot of mental illnesses

  • documented in her writings

  • also known for semi autobiographical writings


  • is complex

  • it is more than organized sound

  • series of notes and sounds

  • can exist without lyrics

  • also way of expressing emotions, thoughts and ideas that can transcends culture

  • one of the most striking feature is it has emotional power

  • capacity to convey

  • has ability to evoke wide range emotions because

  • can be many more emotions

  • musician disagree to the notion that 'English language is the universal language'

  • many people find themselves connect to others through music

  • used throughout history

  • most accessible form of art

Pre colonial Music

  • fire lighting ceremony (recreation)

History of Music

  • long and fascinating history

  • integral part of human culture and society and serves various purposes

  • has evolved and change; represents cultural trends

  • evolution of technology

Ancient Music

  • closely related to religion

  • for performance and public events


  • classical period

  • romantic- expresive melodies

20th century different genre

  • culture

  • social

  • technological

Components of Music


  • main tune and theme

  • Easily Recognize and Memorable

  • either simple or complex

  • Can be Created

  • the part of a music that we remember


  • supports the melody

  • enhances the emotional impact of a music


  • pattern of beats

  • the part of music that gives dynamics/motion


  • pitch


  • classical - originated in traditions of western , started from the barok to romantic period, often features orchestra compositions, one of the highly criticized music because it only serves rich people

  • jazz - emerge in the modern period early 20th century, uses one type of instrument(brazz instruments), upbeat,

  • rock - rooted mid 20th century, use electric instruments and heavy rhythms

  • pop- accessibility, catchy and appealing to wider audience, incorporate other genres,

  • hip hop or rap- originated in 17th century, rhythmic lyrics, uses breakdancing

  • blues - originated to African American communty, soulful vocals, accompanied by guitars and a harmonica, have influence of jazz

  • country - popularize in southern United states, relies on its narrative, story telling, relies in acoustic guitars and banjos,

  • reggae - originated in jamaica, upbeat rhythm, sing about social and political issues

  • folk - traditional music form, it celebrates cultural dievrsity, incorporates indigenous instruments and vocals

Women in Music Industry

Marian anderson

  • operas and spiritual performances, civil rights activist,

Billie Holiday

  • great song writer, jazz performer, cfrate music's in different genre, influence delivery of tempo and lyrics

Ella Fitzgerald

  • first Lady of song, jazz performer, queen of jazz,

Aretha Franklin

  • african american musician, 75 million records sold, queen of soul, greatest singer of all time

Joni Mitchell

  • song writer, canadian american singer, one of the first women that pick folk as genre of her music,

Taylor Swift

from pennsylvania, start her song at the age of 10 yrs old, monster in my closet, perform in local venues,

debut album 2006

Critical a claim and success

to be an opening acts in major performance

billboard 200- albums

billboard 100- singles

2nd album (stolen ver) : fearless 2008

first album that got major success, in first week she was able to sell thousand units

received 4 grami awards

first world tour

relatable song writing abilities

3rd album (stolen ver): Speak Now 2010

she release speak now because of the criticism that she don't create music of her own

has song 'innocent' dedicated to Kanye est

first album that able to sell 100m unit album in a week

6 time grami award winning artist

4th album: Red 2012


confusion to the audience if she is still a pop music artist and country artist

feeling of break up because of Jake

5th album: 1989 2014

embrace pop music fully

one of the best selling album

win 3 grami award

receive alot of a claim from every new site

issue: racist influence; revival pf poptism

*2015: first woman who receive grami award twice

6th album: reputation 2017

Use the rumors to power herself

reinvention of her lyrics and sound

massive success: able to sell look what you made me do for 1 million units of album and known for being the most viewed music video just for 24 hours

iconic comeback

7th album: lover 2019

1st album she owned

calm and romantic, vulnerable side of taylor

short period and sweet

8th album: folklore 2021

2nd album she owned

9th: evermore

sister album of folklore


more lyrically mature

10th album (Taylor version): fearless

*during the time she is about to leave her old record, it was force to keep by the management

11th album (Taylor ver): Red

birth of all too well 10 mins ver

12th album: Midnight

ant her

Arts Appreciation Reviewer


●Sigmund freud


●not real

●reaction of world War 1 and world War 2


●focus on process rather than the art itself


●reaction against abstractionism

●doesn't represent anything (abstract)

●confusing because they they criticize and celebrate capitalism at the same time


Color - is one of the fundamental element of art

Lines- can define shape, sense of direction

Form- different dimensions of object

Texture- surface characteristics

Space has 2 kinds:

a. negative (empty or surrounding area of positive) and

b. positive (object in the composition)

shapes organic (have measurements) while organic (irregular free form assymentrical in nature)

Principle of Art

Balance- is the proper distribution of visual elements

Emphasis- is the subject where the artist wants the viewers to focus on

Contrast- using different colors, making elements standout from one another

Repetition- (pattern)

Unity- ensures that all of the elements will work together

Movement- is the illusion or motion of the direction of the artwork

Harmony- how you combine all the elements


art is the bridge that connect's artist inner world with the audience's external world

art is the mirror that reflect out our soul


  • Definition: visual art form that involves applying pigments, color, or other mediums to a surface (typically canvas)

  • 2 dimentional

Forms of painting:

Oil- The Starry Night

  • easy to blend, known for translucent effect

  • most of it has slower dyeing time

Acrylic painting - Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy

  • uses waterbased acrylic paint

  • fast drying time

  • allows quick layering

  • diluted with water

  • long lasting and vibrant

Watercolor - Newton

  • uses technique uses waterbased paints

  • surface is always white

  • requires delicate touch

  • uses in landscape and botamic illustrations

Pastel- flower couds

  • using pastel sticks which is powdered comes with soft and paint

Encaustic- flag

  • ancient technique

Bees Wax

  • applied to surface while hot

  • can be manipulated using spatulas and brush

  • quality and texture because it is thicker than usual paint

  • very unique and durable output

Different types of painting:


  • art movement emerge in 19th century

  • photography like

  • very realistic way

  • often focus on everyday lives and ordinary people in an accurate and objective manner


  • extention of realism

  • depict subject matter in highly detailed

  • natural world and nature


  • exist in impressionist movement

  • art movement existed in 19th century

  • depicts visual impression of a scene

  • often use brush strokes


  • emerge in early 20th century

  • subjective depictions of artists' emotion

  • intense colors


  • murals

  • style that moves away representation

  • emphasis use of colors lines and shapes and gestures and textures

  • do not attempt to think recognizable object


  • technique that developed in late 19th century

  • symbols, psychological meanings

  • hidden meanings

  • cannot take art in surface value

  • often incorporate fantasy


  • early 20th century movement

  • uses naturalistic colors

  • raw emotion

  • unleash the powers of colors


  • revolutionary

  • caused chaos by world War 1

  • irrational element

  • object that already exist and put something into it

  • process of Dada artism get ready made artwork and turn it into other form


  • originated in early 20th century reaction in ww1 and ww2

  • explores psychic and reality

  • unrelated elements to make uncanny and subconscious elements

Famous Women Artist


  • celebrated for stylish and glamorous in 1930's

  • polish artist


  • french

  • she has a french impressionist touch

  • domestic scenes and portraits


  • french

  • realism painter

  • known for her detailed and large scale animal painting (horse fair)


  • wife of Jackson polock

  • American abstractionist

  • pioneer in abstractionism

  • innovative and vibrant


  • french American artist

  • known for sculptures

  • human anatomy humans body

Georgia O'keeffe

  • American modernist artist

  • distinctive large flowers

  • doesn't want to be associated in such movements or periods

  • born on Nov 15 1887

  • one of the privilege artist

  • commercial artist

  • introduce to the ideas of Arthur dove and Alfred strike glips

  • mass of work after she died

  • lasting impact on the world of art

  • influence and environment affected most of her work

  • She is known for:

a. known persission and detail;meticulous attention to detail

b. also known for close up and magnification

often paint flowers

c. abstraction and representation; her ability to combine abstractionism with regular object is quite unique

d.vibrant and strong colors

  • why does jimson weed is her most famost artwork?Most expensive artwork of a woman (sold for 44 million dollar at an auction in 2014)

  • masterpiece: cow's skull with calico roses

  • Her issues:

    a. misinterpretation of her works

    b. marital problems

    c. please the critiques




  • mas makakagawa ng plausible anaylsis

  • idea of arts as sign; sign has meaning

3 types of Signs


  • sign that represents as is

  • resembles the object it represents


  • have relationship to what they represent

  • being dependent to another thing


  • dependent to convention or cultural agreement

  • can be written and spoken

Semiotics in Arts

  • visual elements

  • color theory

  • principles of arts

  • visual appearance of the artwork

  • iconography

  • cultural or historical significance


  • three dimentional art

  • have length, width and height

  • you can feel the shape, texture of the artwork

Key Aspects of Sculpture

  • three dimentionality

  • materials

  • Techniques - carving, modeling, casting, assembling,

  • Scale

Types of Sculpture


  • attached to a background (na nakausli)



Free Standing

  • self supporting


  • have specific time and location

  • changing location to exhibit



  • depict human forms focuses in realism

  • kinetic

  • have movement

Famous Woman Sculptors


  • french

  • very talented

  • that contribution was overshadowed by her mentor

  • her Forte is metal sculpting


  • british

  • modern period

  • she focus on tubing

  • abstact sculpting


  • french american

  • focuses on gigantic sculptures

  • have vibrant colors

  • (nana's sculptures/series)


  • known for doing gigantic sculptures

  • wants to explore the deeds of umanity and collective experiences


  • contemporary

  • Minimalist sculptures

EDMONIA LEWIS (famous sculptor)

  • experienced sexism and racism

  • even though she was successful and recognized, still subjected to dailism and prejudice

  • moved to rome

  • past away on London

  • her life was a testament to strive in the art world despite challenges

Different Themes of Her Artwork

  • represent her identity

  • linch, pinapatay ng walang sapat na dahilan ang people with color

  • portrayal of her cultural heritage

  • native American heritage

  • created artworks depicted her heritage and culture

  • historical and mytholigical

  • expression of her emotions in her artworks

  • she wanted to make a person that represents emotions

  • often used her art to confess

  • naturalistic style

One of her Famous Artwork - The Death of Cleopatra

  • neoclassical marble sculpture

  • masterpiece

  • explores the life and death and power


  • always have narrative

Types of Literature


  • traditionally pass down through oral


  • it may talk about love


  • profound and easiest way of writing poetry

  • tells us story


  • poetry from japan

  • have followed pattern and meter

  • 5-7-5


  • 7-7-7-7

  • content of it is about nature


a. Fiction

  • parable usually from bible and purpose to give moral lesson

b. Fable

  • inanimate objects, animals or plants

c. nonfiction

d. Biography

  • third party person

e. Autobiography

  • the author is the main subject of the writing

Philippine Literary Timeline

a. Precolonial

  • before the spaniards

Types of Literature:


  • pangungusap na mas malalim na kahulugan


  • short sentences na may malalim na kahulugan


  • ginagamit sa ritwal at ceremonia


  • used to explain one thing


  • kwentong bayan,

Katutubong Awitin-

b. Colonial

  • this is the season when ibong adarna, florante at laura, noli me tangere, and El filibusterismo

Types of Literature:

Religious Writings


  • tula talks about love

At Corrido

  • tula talks about heroic doings


  • reenactment from stories from bible


  • reenactment ng before, during, and death of jesuscrist


  • dula ng pagkabuhay ni Jesus

c. American Assimilation

  • thomasites

  • pag gamit ng filipino ng English language

  • comiks

d. Japanese Invasion Era

  • haiku

  • tanaga

e. Premartial

  • love story because di pa ganoong kalaki ang problem sa gobyerno

f. Post Edsa

  • lumabas ang akda ng nangyari sa martial law

  • luwalhati bautista

  • primitivo mijares-

g. Contemporary

  • pre-dilawan

  • wattpad era

h. Post Dilawan

  • books critizes the government

Dimensions of Philippine Literature

  • geography-place

  • language

  • ethnicity

Important Filipino Authors

Jose rizal

  • important contributions are el fili and noli

Francisco Balagtas

  • florante at laura

  • also known as Francisco baltazar

Nick Joaquin

  • lives of filipino people

  • lalim and complexity of the characters

Lualhati Bautista

  • talented and recognized

  • dekada sisenta

  • Bulaklak sa city jail

  • bata bata paano ka ginawa

  • undergraduate

Important Literatures in Philippines

Noli and El fili

  • it takes about what happened in Spanish colonialization

How to Read Literary Work

  • relate

  • engage and criticize

Know Female Literature Writer

Emily Dickenson

  • was an American poet

  • was there for the rest of her life

  • born to A prominent family

  • known for unconventional and unusual style

  • very honest, unimotional and depth writer

  • is "gay"; has controversial relationship to her sister in law Susan

  • a woman who never married despite being intelligent

  • epileptic episodes

  • past relationship: only 2

Example of her poem for Susan:

  • hope is the thing with feathers

  • I died for beauty

  • I gave myself to him

  • the bee

  • because I could not stop for death

Themes of Her Poem:

  • death

  • afterlife

  • nature

  • love, passion, and complexities and nuances of romantic relationships

  • self and identity-reflects the nature of her identity

  • free form

  • loves methapor, symbolism and personification

  • loves using paradox to convey deeper meaning

Jane Austen

Virginia Woolf

  • important figure when it comes to modernist movement in literature

Toni Morrison

Louisa May Alcott

  • family and female characters

Sylvia Plath

  • author that attempted to to take away her life 3 times

  • experienced alot of mental illnesses

  • documented in her writings

  • also known for semi autobiographical writings


  • is complex

  • it is more than organized sound

  • series of notes and sounds

  • can exist without lyrics

  • also way of expressing emotions, thoughts and ideas that can transcends culture

  • one of the most striking feature is it has emotional power

  • capacity to convey

  • has ability to evoke wide range emotions because

  • can be many more emotions

  • musician disagree to the notion that 'English language is the universal language'

  • many people find themselves connect to others through music

  • used throughout history

  • most accessible form of art

Pre colonial Music

  • fire lighting ceremony (recreation)

History of Music

  • long and fascinating history

  • integral part of human culture and society and serves various purposes

  • has evolved and change; represents cultural trends

  • evolution of technology

Ancient Music

  • closely related to religion

  • for performance and public events


  • classical period

  • romantic- expresive melodies

20th century different genre

  • culture

  • social

  • technological

Components of Music


  • main tune and theme

  • Easily Recognize and Memorable

  • either simple or complex

  • Can be Created

  • the part of a music that we remember


  • supports the melody

  • enhances the emotional impact of a music


  • pattern of beats

  • the part of music that gives dynamics/motion


  • pitch


  • classical - originated in traditions of western , started from the barok to romantic period, often features orchestra compositions, one of the highly criticized music because it only serves rich people

  • jazz - emerge in the modern period early 20th century, uses one type of instrument(brazz instruments), upbeat,

  • rock - rooted mid 20th century, use electric instruments and heavy rhythms

  • pop- accessibility, catchy and appealing to wider audience, incorporate other genres,

  • hip hop or rap- originated in 17th century, rhythmic lyrics, uses breakdancing

  • blues - originated to African American communty, soulful vocals, accompanied by guitars and a harmonica, have influence of jazz

  • country - popularize in southern United states, relies on its narrative, story telling, relies in acoustic guitars and banjos,

  • reggae - originated in jamaica, upbeat rhythm, sing about social and political issues

  • folk - traditional music form, it celebrates cultural dievrsity, incorporates indigenous instruments and vocals

Women in Music Industry

Marian anderson

  • operas and spiritual performances, civil rights activist,

Billie Holiday

  • great song writer, jazz performer, cfrate music's in different genre, influence delivery of tempo and lyrics

Ella Fitzgerald

  • first Lady of song, jazz performer, queen of jazz,

Aretha Franklin

  • african american musician, 75 million records sold, queen of soul, greatest singer of all time

Joni Mitchell

  • song writer, canadian american singer, one of the first women that pick folk as genre of her music,

Taylor Swift

from pennsylvania, start her song at the age of 10 yrs old, monster in my closet, perform in local venues,

debut album 2006

Critical a claim and success

to be an opening acts in major performance

billboard 200- albums

billboard 100- singles

2nd album (stolen ver) : fearless 2008

first album that got major success, in first week she was able to sell thousand units

received 4 grami awards

first world tour

relatable song writing abilities

3rd album (stolen ver): Speak Now 2010

she release speak now because of the criticism that she don't create music of her own

has song 'innocent' dedicated to Kanye est

first album that able to sell 100m unit album in a week

6 time grami award winning artist

4th album: Red 2012


confusion to the audience if she is still a pop music artist and country artist

feeling of break up because of Jake

5th album: 1989 2014

embrace pop music fully

one of the best selling album

win 3 grami award

receive alot of a claim from every new site

issue: racist influence; revival pf poptism

*2015: first woman who receive grami award twice

6th album: reputation 2017

Use the rumors to power herself

reinvention of her lyrics and sound

massive success: able to sell look what you made me do for 1 million units of album and known for being the most viewed music video just for 24 hours

iconic comeback

7th album: lover 2019

1st album she owned

calm and romantic, vulnerable side of taylor

short period and sweet

8th album: folklore 2021

2nd album she owned

9th: evermore

sister album of folklore


more lyrically mature

10th album (Taylor version): fearless

*during the time she is about to leave her old record, it was force to keep by the management

11th album (Taylor ver): Red

birth of all too well 10 mins ver

12th album: Midnight

ant her