
Introduction to Hearing

  • Understanding sound perception through frequency, intensity, and phase.

  • The human ear can perceive sounds between 20 Hz (low frequency) and 20,000 Hz (high frequency).

  • Normal hearing tend to decline with age, particularly in higher frequencies:

    • By age 40: 20 Hz to 15,000 Hz

    • By age 50: 20 Hz to 10,000 Hz

Pitch Perception

  • The brain's capability to distinguish pitches, even subtle differences, exemplified in musical training.

  • Human beings can distinguish pitches as close as 1/10th of a half step.

  • Online frequency range tests can help assess individual hearing levels.

Loudness Perception

  • The loudness scale is measured in decibels (dB):

    • Human sensitivity spans from 0 dB to 40 dB.

    • Sounds can become painful at approximately 20 dB-40 dB.

  • The upper threshold of audible sounds is around 100 dB.

  • It is essential to clarify that 0 dB does not represent total silence, as ambient noises may still be present.

Anatomy of the Ear

Outer Ear

  • The pinna serves to:

    • Direct sound into the ear canal.

    • Enhance sounds around 4500 Hz, assisting in sound localization.

  • External auditory canal acts as a resonator for sounds between 3000 Hz and 4500 Hz, amplifying these frequencies before reaching the eardrum.

Middle Ear

  • Structures involved include:

    • Eardrum (tympanic membrane)

    • Ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes

    • Eustachian tube

  • Functions of the middle ear:

    • Boosts sound intensity for efficient transfer to the inner ear.

    • Equalizes air pressure to avoid middle ear infections.

    • Controls ossicular movement reflexively to protect against loud sounds.

  • Key muscles:

    • Tensor tympani (innervated by cranial nerve V)

    • Stapedius muscle (innervated by cranial nerve VII)

Inner Ear


  • The cochlea's physical structure is crucial for hearing:

    • Spiral shape and tonotopic organization: high frequencies at the base and low frequencies at the apex.

  • Scala within cochlea:

    • Scala media (endolymph) is critical for sensory cell function.

    • Scala vestibuli and tympani (filled with perilymph) maintain chemical balances and protect sensory cells.

Organ of Corti

  • Contains hair cells responsible for sound transduction:

    • Inner hair cells: transmit auditory information.

    • Outer hair cells: amplify soft sounds via contraction, influenced by brain signals.

  • Process of hair cell activation:

    • Movement of stereocilia opens ion channels leading to depolarization and nerve stimulation.

Neural Transmission

  • Auditory signals travel from inner ear via cochlear nerve to auditory brainstem:

    • Coding frequencies by activation along the basilar membrane.

    • Intensity coded by the firing rate of nerve fibers.

  • Localization of sound involves:

    • Comparing signals from both ears (timing and intensity differences).

Vestibular System

  • Works in tandem with hearing but focuses on balance and spatial awareness:

    • Inputs required: visual system, vestibular system, proprioceptive system.

  • Semicircular canals detect rotational movements.

  • Utricle and saccule detect gravitational forces, including tilts and accelerations.

Reflexive Mechanisms

  • Vestibulo-ocular reflex: stabilizes vision during head movements.

  • Vestibulospinal reflex: manages postural corrections during balance disruptions.


  • The ear's anatomy allows for the intricate processes involved in hearing, from sound wave collection to neural transmission.

  • Aging impacts frequency perception, while outer, middle, and inner ear structures each play vital roles in detecting and processing sound.

  • Understanding these mechanisms is essential for recognizing how balance and hearing interact.
