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Science 4th Quarter

  1. Biodiversity - wide variaty of practice

  2. Species - groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations that are reproductive from other groups

  3. Population - organisms that belong to a particular place at a given time

  4. Isolating Mechanisms - population of species become separated from the main group due to either time or geography they divelop different traits

Different Concepts of species

  • Biological - can actually or potentially interbreed

  • Morphological - identical features or appearance

  • Ecological - share the same resources

  • Phylogenic - shared unique genetic history, evolutionary, relationship

  1. Taxonomy - branch of science that groups and names living organisms

  2. Asexual Reproduction - one parent

  3. Aristotle

    • First person who attempted to classify organisms

    • SUbdivided plants into three groups shrubs, herbs, and trees

    • Subdivided animals into their habitat air, water, and land

  4. Carl Linnae (carolus linnaus

    • Swedish Botanist

    • Proposed a systematic process of classifying and naming organisms

    • Developed binomial nomenclature

  5. Order of classifications

    • Domain

    • Kingdom

    • Phylum

    • Class

    • Order

    • Family

    • Genus

    • Species

  6. Systems of classifications

  • Kent - Australia or Brazil

  • Nam Doc - Thailand

  • Glenn - Italy or US

  • Manga - Philippines

  1. Systems of classification

    • International commission of zoological nomenclature (ICZN) Animals

    • International Code of nomenclature (ICN) - algae, fungi, plants

    • International code of nomenclature of cultivated plants (ICNCP) - cultivated plants

  • Animalia - actively mobile heterotrophic multicellular and eukaryotic

  • Chordata - Backbone

  • Homo - human like features

  • Mammalia - covered with hair and breasts that are used by the female in feeding young

  • Sapiens - Wise

  • Primates - Erect - vuses only hind legs

  1. Binomial systems of naming

    • Species Plantarum

    • 6000 Plants

    • Two part scientific name

  2. Domain

  • Bacteria - Small single celled organisms

  • Archea - microorganisms that live in extreme environments

  • Eukarya/Eukaryota - Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista

  1. Kingdom (under kingdom eukarya)

    • Plantae - all the plants

    • Animalia - all animals

    • Fungi all microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds, and mushrooms

    • Protista - a group of eukaryotes that are not fungi, animals, or plants

  1. Ecosystems - A place where organisms interact with each other.

    • Ecology - study of interactions between organisms

    • Ernst Haeckel - likened earth to a big household where all organisms interact

  2. Ecology’s level of organization

    • Individual

    • population

    • community

    • ecosystem

    • biome

    • biosphere

  3. Biomes - highest level or organization

    • Tropical rainforest - located between tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn

    • Temperate rainforest - found between the polar regions and the tropics and has 4 seasons

    • Boreal forest - conifer hardwood forest type

    • Desert - arid and dry

    • Savanna - comes from the word zavanna “treeless plain”

    • Grassland - vegetation is dominated than large shrubs or trees

    • Marine - oceans, corals, reefs, and estuaries

    • Freshwater - less than 1% salt water concentration

    • Tundra - coldest biome

  4. Ecosystems

    • Mutualism - both benefit

    • Commensalism - one benefit and the other is not harmed

    • Parasitism - one benefit and the other is harmed

    • Predation - one acts as predator and one acts as prey

    • Competition - territory

  1. The digestive system

    • Mouth - food entry

    • Teeth - mechanical grinding

    • Tongue - mixing (bolus of foods)

    • Salivary glands - saliva (Enzyme Amylase)

      1. Pharynx - passage to esophagus

        • Esophagus

        • Propels to lower stomach

        • Lower esophageal sphincter

      2. Stomach

      • Reservoir

      • Digestion (pylorus)

      • Pyloric sphincter (chyme)

    • Types of Digestion

    • Mechanical

    • Chemical

      1. Alimentary tubes

        • Oral cavity

        • Pharynx

        • Esophagus

        • Stomach

        • Small and large intestine

      2. Accessory organs

        • Teeth

        • Tongue

        • Salivary glands

        • Liver

        • Gallbladder

        • Pancreas

      3. End products of digestion

        • Carbohydrates

        • Proteins

        • Fats

        • Vitamins, minerals, and water

      1. Liver - Produces bile

      2. Gallbladder - Stores bile

      3. Pancreas - Releases digestive enzymes

      4. Small intestine

        • Digestion

        • Absorption of nutrients

      5. Large intestine

        • Absorption of water, minerals, and vitamins (cont)

      6. Rectum - stores waste (temporarily)

      7. Anus - waste exit (feces)

(im lazy)

Science 4th Quarter

  1. Biodiversity - wide variaty of practice

  2. Species - groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations that are reproductive from other groups

  3. Population - organisms that belong to a particular place at a given time

  4. Isolating Mechanisms - population of species become separated from the main group due to either time or geography they divelop different traits

Different Concepts of species

  • Biological - can actually or potentially interbreed

  • Morphological - identical features or appearance

  • Ecological - share the same resources

  • Phylogenic - shared unique genetic history, evolutionary, relationship

  1. Taxonomy - branch of science that groups and names living organisms

  2. Asexual Reproduction - one parent

  3. Aristotle

    • First person who attempted to classify organisms

    • SUbdivided plants into three groups shrubs, herbs, and trees

    • Subdivided animals into their habitat air, water, and land

  4. Carl Linnae (carolus linnaus

    • Swedish Botanist

    • Proposed a systematic process of classifying and naming organisms

    • Developed binomial nomenclature

  5. Order of classifications

    • Domain

    • Kingdom

    • Phylum

    • Class

    • Order

    • Family

    • Genus

    • Species

  6. Systems of classifications

  • Kent - Australia or Brazil

  • Nam Doc - Thailand

  • Glenn - Italy or US

  • Manga - Philippines

  1. Systems of classification

    • International commission of zoological nomenclature (ICZN) Animals

    • International Code of nomenclature (ICN) - algae, fungi, plants

    • International code of nomenclature of cultivated plants (ICNCP) - cultivated plants

  • Animalia - actively mobile heterotrophic multicellular and eukaryotic

  • Chordata - Backbone

  • Homo - human like features

  • Mammalia - covered with hair and breasts that are used by the female in feeding young

  • Sapiens - Wise

  • Primates - Erect - vuses only hind legs

  1. Binomial systems of naming

    • Species Plantarum

    • 6000 Plants

    • Two part scientific name

  2. Domain

  • Bacteria - Small single celled organisms

  • Archea - microorganisms that live in extreme environments

  • Eukarya/Eukaryota - Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista

  1. Kingdom (under kingdom eukarya)

    • Plantae - all the plants

    • Animalia - all animals

    • Fungi all microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds, and mushrooms

    • Protista - a group of eukaryotes that are not fungi, animals, or plants

  1. Ecosystems - A place where organisms interact with each other.

    • Ecology - study of interactions between organisms

    • Ernst Haeckel - likened earth to a big household where all organisms interact

  2. Ecology’s level of organization

    • Individual

    • population

    • community

    • ecosystem

    • biome

    • biosphere

  3. Biomes - highest level or organization

    • Tropical rainforest - located between tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn

    • Temperate rainforest - found between the polar regions and the tropics and has 4 seasons

    • Boreal forest - conifer hardwood forest type

    • Desert - arid and dry

    • Savanna - comes from the word zavanna “treeless plain”

    • Grassland - vegetation is dominated than large shrubs or trees

    • Marine - oceans, corals, reefs, and estuaries

    • Freshwater - less than 1% salt water concentration

    • Tundra - coldest biome

  4. Ecosystems

    • Mutualism - both benefit

    • Commensalism - one benefit and the other is not harmed

    • Parasitism - one benefit and the other is harmed

    • Predation - one acts as predator and one acts as prey

    • Competition - territory

  1. The digestive system

    • Mouth - food entry

    • Teeth - mechanical grinding

    • Tongue - mixing (bolus of foods)

    • Salivary glands - saliva (Enzyme Amylase)

      1. Pharynx - passage to esophagus

        • Esophagus

        • Propels to lower stomach

        • Lower esophageal sphincter

      2. Stomach

      • Reservoir

      • Digestion (pylorus)

      • Pyloric sphincter (chyme)

    • Types of Digestion

    • Mechanical

    • Chemical

      1. Alimentary tubes

        • Oral cavity

        • Pharynx

        • Esophagus

        • Stomach

        • Small and large intestine

      2. Accessory organs

        • Teeth

        • Tongue

        • Salivary glands

        • Liver

        • Gallbladder

        • Pancreas

      3. End products of digestion

        • Carbohydrates

        • Proteins

        • Fats

        • Vitamins, minerals, and water

      1. Liver - Produces bile

      2. Gallbladder - Stores bile

      3. Pancreas - Releases digestive enzymes

      4. Small intestine

        • Digestion

        • Absorption of nutrients

      5. Large intestine

        • Absorption of water, minerals, and vitamins (cont)

      6. Rectum - stores waste (temporarily)

      7. Anus - waste exit (feces)

(im lazy)