
Introduction to Monetary Policy

  • Lecture 18 by Emmanuel Saez, Fall 2024

  • Focus on monetary policy in economic contexts.

Overview (Page 2)

  • Understanding how monetary policy influences the economy.

Determination of Short-Run Output: The "Keynesian Cross" (Page 3)

  • Short-run outputs influenced by aggregate demand.

  • Planned Aggregate Expenditure (PAE) depicted against output.

Shifting PAE (Page 4)

  • Factors influencing shifts in PAE:

    • Monetary Policy: Central bank actions impacting nominal and real interest rates.

    • Financial Market Disruptions: Such as financial crises affecting overall stability.

Interest Rates, Money, and the Federal Reserve (Page 5)

  • Examining various aspects of interest rates and the role of the Fed.

Different Interest Rates (Page 6)

  • Presence of various nominal interest rates influenced by:

    • Riskiness of Bonds/Loans: Riskier investments yield higher returns.

    • Maturity: Length of time till the bond matures affects interest rates.

    • Interest rates generally move together, representing overall trends.

Evaluating Bond Riskiness (Page 7)

  • Bond risk rated by agencies (Moody's, S&Ps, Fitch):

    • AAA (safest) to C/D (junk bonds).

Quiz on Interest and Risk (Page 8)

  • Evaluating attractiveness of bonds based on risk and return.

  • Example: Safe Federal Government bond vs riskier corporate bonds.

Interest Rates on Bonds of Different Maturities (Page 9)

  • Long-term bonds reflect expected average short-term interest returns.

Understanding Bond Savings (Page 10)

  • Illustration of saving mechanisms via Treasury bonds for different periods.

Quiz on Treasury Bond Expectations (Page 11)

  • Interpretation of current interest rate trends and future expectations.

Characteristics of Money (Page 12)

  • Money defined by three main characteristics:

    • Medium of Exchange: Used in transactions.

    • Unit of Account: Standard measurement for prices.

    • Store of Value: Holds value over time.

  • Historical vs contemporary definitions of money.

Crypto Currency and Its Characteristics (Page 13)

  • Quiz on how Bitcoin measures against the defined characteristics of money.

Role of Commercial Banks (Page 14)

  • Functions of commercial banks in the economy:

    • Safeguarding deposits and lending practices.

    • Risks related to liquidity and bank runs.

Federal Reserve's Role in Monetary Policy (Page 15)

  • Open-market operations: The Fed's purchase and sale of government bonds to control money supply.

Functions of the Federal Reserve (Page 16)

  • Price Stability: Maintaining low inflation (around 2%).

  • Maximum Employment: Ensuring low unemployment at normal output levels.

  • Financial Stability: Acting as a lender of last resort.

Money Production and Government (Page 17)

  • Transition from costly precious metal production to modern, cost-effective money creation.

Risks of Money Mismanagement (Page 18)

  • Excessive money creation can lead to inflation or hyperinflation.

  • Importance of an independent central bank to mitigate these risks.

Modern Monetary Policy Analysis (Page 19)

  • The Fed can influence short-run nominal interest rates by:

    • Adjusting interest on bank reserves.

    • Engaging in open market operations.

Federal Funds Rate (Pages 20-21)

  • Monitoring the federal funds effective rate and its correlation with Treasury Bill rates.

Money Demand Curve (Pages 23-25)

  • Illustrates how money demand decreases with increasing interest rates.

The Fed’s Impact on Real Interest Rates (Page 26)

  • Discusses the relationship between nominal interest rates set by the Fed and their impact on real rates.

Takeaways on Monetary Policy Influence (Page 28)

  • Tools available to the Fed to affect nominal interest rates and their broader economic implications.

PAE and Real Interest Rate Dynamics (Pages 29-34)

  • How changes in the real interest rate affect Planned Aggregate Expenditure (PAE) and economic output:

    • Investment Decrease: Higher rates discourage business investment.

    • PAE Shifts: Changes in aggregate consumption and investment based on interest rate adjustments.

Expansionary and Contractionary Monetary Policy (Pages 37-38)

  • Definitions of contractionary and expansionary policies and their effects on output.

Interest Rate Trends During Economic Conditions (Pages 39-40)

  • Fed's actions to reduce rates during recessions and increase during economic booms.

Response to Output Decline (Pages 41-44)

  • Consequences of reduced PAE on recession and recovery patterns.

Historical Monetary Policy Analysis: The Great Depression (Pages 45-49)

  • Review of Fed actions during the Great Depression and their effectiveness.

Limitations of Monetary Policy (Page 49)

  • Discussion on the Zero Lower Bound.

  • Barriers to further rate cuts during severe economic downturns.

Financial Crisis Overview (Pages 53-54)

  • Definition and implications of financial crises on the economy.

Causes and Effects of Financial Institution Failures (Pages 55-58)

  • Mechanisms leading to insolvency in financial institutions and examples of recent failures like Silicon Valley Bank.

Contagion Effects in Financial Crises (Pages 59-60)

  • How issues in one financial institution can affect the broader market.

Effects of Financial Crises on PAE (Page 61)

  • Impact on lending conditions and consumer confidence, reducing aggregate demand.

Policy Recommendations to Prevent Financial Crises (Page 65)

  • Suggestions for improving stability in the banking system through deposit insurance and regulation.

Unconventional Monetary Policies (Page 66-74)

  • Description of unconventional tools used by the Fed in recent crises (quantitative easing and forward guidance).

Comparison of Monetary and Fiscal Policies (Page 76)

  • Exploration of the deployment and effectiveness of monetary vs. fiscal policy in stabilizing the economy.

References (Page 77)

  • Suggested readings and additional resources related to the topics discussed.
