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Global Regents review

  • Scientific Revolution

  • Questioning Traditional Ideas

  • Challenging established scientific beliefs

  • Transition from geocentric to heliocentric models of the universe

  • Opposition from the Church to new scientific theories

  • Key Figures and Discoveries

  • Copernicus and the heliocentric model

  • Galileo's telescopic observations

  • Isaac Newton's Laws of Gravity

  • Development of the Scientific Method for systematic problem-solving


  • Age of Reason

  • Questioning traditional government structures

  • Advocacy for natural rights and consent of the governed

  • Philosophers and Ideas

  • John Locke's concept of natural rights: Life, Liberty, Property

  • Montesquieu's theory of Separation of Powers

  • Voltaire's emphasis on Freedom of Thought and Expression

  • Rousseau's Social Contract theory

  • French Revolution

  • Causes and Events

  • Social inequality among the three estates

  • Tax burden on the Third Estate

  • Declaration of Rights of Man and of Citizen

  • Reign of Terror under Jacobins

  • Napoleon and Congress of Vienna

  • Napoleon's rise through a coup d'etat

  • Establishment of the French Empire and Napoleonic Code

  • Congress of Vienna's aim to restore pre-Revolution conditions

  • Principles of Balance of Powers, Legitimacy, and Conservatism

  • Industrial Revolution

  • Transformation and Impact

  • Shift from hand production to mechanized factories

  • Urbanization and population movement to cities

  • Influence of Adam Smith's capitalism and laissez-faire economics

  • Karl Marx's critique of capitalism and advocacy for communism

  • World War I

  • Causes like militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism

  • Technological advancements in warfare

  • Treaty of Versailles and its impact on Germany

  • Formation of the League of Nations for international peacekeeping

  • World War II (1939-1945)

  • Rise of Fascism

  • Characterized by extreme militarism, nationalism, and loyalty to a dictator

  • Rooted in economic hardship in Germany and Italy post-World War I

  • Hitler and Mussolini were prominent fascist leaders

  • Appeasement involved giving in to demands to maintain peace

  • Military Invasions

  • Germany invaded Poland, Italy attacked Ethiopia, and Japan invaded China

  • Resulted in the rise of fascist leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo

  • Led to the failure of European economies and the onset of the Great Depression

  • Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh conditions on Germany

  • Key Events

  • Pearl Harbor attack by Japan led to the U.S. entry into the war

  • D-Day marked a turning point with the Allies invading Normandy, France

  • Holocaust resulted in genocide, particularly targeting Jews

  • Nuremberg Trials held individuals accountable for crimes against humanity

  • Aftermath and Impact

  • Formation of the United Nations for international peacekeeping

  • Cold War emerged between the U.S. and Soviet Union

  • Containment policy aimed to stop the spread of Communism

  • End of World War II set the stage for the division of Germany and the Iron Curtain

  • Cold War (1945-1991)

  • Superpowers and Ideologies

  • U.S. and Soviet Union emerged as dominant powers

  • Conflict between Capitalism/Democracy and Communism/Dictatorship

  • Domino Theory feared the spread of Communism to other nations

  • Space and Arms Races heightened tensions

  • Key Events and Conflicts

  • Cuban Missile Crisis brought the U.S. and USSR to the brink of nuclear war

  • Korean War as a proxy conflict divided along the 38th Parallel

  • Vietnam War showcased the failure of containment policy

  • Détente marked a period of easing Cold War tensions

  • End of the Cold War

  • Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms led to the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991

  • Nationalism in former Soviet Republics sparked ethnic conflicts

  • Satellite Nations in Eastern Europe were dominated by the USSR

  • Alliances like NATO and Warsaw Pact defined the geopolitical landscape

  • Modern Conflicts

  • Middle East and OPEC

  • OPEC aimed to control oil prices and maintain high profits

  • Persian Gulf War saw Iraq invade Kuwait, leading to international intervention

  • Iran's nuclear program raised concerns globally

  • Arab Spring uprisings called for democratic reforms in the Middle East

  • Latin American Independence Movements

  • Influenced by Enlightenment ideals and revolutions in America and France

  • Leaders like Toussaint L'Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Jose de San Martin led movements

  • Resulted in the independence of various South American nations from colonial powers

  • Signified a shift towards nationalism and self-governance in Latin America

  • Mexican Revolution

  • Causes

  • Porfirio Diaz's dictatorship favored wealthy and foreign investors

  • Oppression of the landless, uneducated, and poor

  • Presence of British, Dutch, and French possessions

  • Key Figures

  • Emiliano Zapata - Revolutionary figure

  • Francisco Pancho Villa - Prominent revolutionary leader

  • Effects

  • Constitution of 1917 established

  • Land reform initiatives implemented

  • Guaranteed certain rights to the populace

  • Cuban Revolution

  • Political Context

  • Oppression under Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship

  • Fidel Castro's communist ideology and opposition to Batista

  • Revolutionary Actions

  • Castro's organization of a successful guerilla army

  • Peasants' support for Castro

  • Transition of Cuba to a Communist regime

  • Results

  • Establishment of a Communist government in Cuba

  • Indian Independence Movement

  • Colonial Rule

  • India's official colonization by Great Britain

  • Exploitation of Indian resources and labor

  • Nationalist Movements

  • Indian National Congress' goal of independence

  • Formation of the Muslim League to protect Muslim interests

  • Key Leaders

  • Mohandas Gandhi - Leader of the independence movement, advocate of nonviolence

  • Jawaharlal Nehru - First Prime Minister of independent India

  • Japanese Modernization and Imperialism

  • Meiji Restoration

  • Westernization and modernization of Japan

  • Industrialization and the need for natural resources

  • Imperial Expansion

  • Japan's imperialism for resources and markets

  • Wars like Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese conflicts

  • WWII and Aftermath

  • Japan's involvement in WWII, including Pearl Harbor

  • Consequences of atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Post-war developments like the occupation and economic growth


Global Regents review

  • Scientific Revolution

  • Questioning Traditional Ideas

  • Challenging established scientific beliefs

  • Transition from geocentric to heliocentric models of the universe

  • Opposition from the Church to new scientific theories

  • Key Figures and Discoveries

  • Copernicus and the heliocentric model

  • Galileo's telescopic observations

  • Isaac Newton's Laws of Gravity

  • Development of the Scientific Method for systematic problem-solving


  • Age of Reason

  • Questioning traditional government structures

  • Advocacy for natural rights and consent of the governed

  • Philosophers and Ideas

  • John Locke's concept of natural rights: Life, Liberty, Property

  • Montesquieu's theory of Separation of Powers

  • Voltaire's emphasis on Freedom of Thought and Expression

  • Rousseau's Social Contract theory

  • French Revolution

  • Causes and Events

  • Social inequality among the three estates

  • Tax burden on the Third Estate

  • Declaration of Rights of Man and of Citizen

  • Reign of Terror under Jacobins

  • Napoleon and Congress of Vienna

  • Napoleon's rise through a coup d'etat

  • Establishment of the French Empire and Napoleonic Code

  • Congress of Vienna's aim to restore pre-Revolution conditions

  • Principles of Balance of Powers, Legitimacy, and Conservatism

  • Industrial Revolution

  • Transformation and Impact

  • Shift from hand production to mechanized factories

  • Urbanization and population movement to cities

  • Influence of Adam Smith's capitalism and laissez-faire economics

  • Karl Marx's critique of capitalism and advocacy for communism

  • World War I

  • Causes like militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism

  • Technological advancements in warfare

  • Treaty of Versailles and its impact on Germany

  • Formation of the League of Nations for international peacekeeping

  • World War II (1939-1945)

  • Rise of Fascism

  • Characterized by extreme militarism, nationalism, and loyalty to a dictator

  • Rooted in economic hardship in Germany and Italy post-World War I

  • Hitler and Mussolini were prominent fascist leaders

  • Appeasement involved giving in to demands to maintain peace

  • Military Invasions

  • Germany invaded Poland, Italy attacked Ethiopia, and Japan invaded China

  • Resulted in the rise of fascist leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo

  • Led to the failure of European economies and the onset of the Great Depression

  • Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh conditions on Germany

  • Key Events

  • Pearl Harbor attack by Japan led to the U.S. entry into the war

  • D-Day marked a turning point with the Allies invading Normandy, France

  • Holocaust resulted in genocide, particularly targeting Jews

  • Nuremberg Trials held individuals accountable for crimes against humanity

  • Aftermath and Impact

  • Formation of the United Nations for international peacekeeping

  • Cold War emerged between the U.S. and Soviet Union

  • Containment policy aimed to stop the spread of Communism

  • End of World War II set the stage for the division of Germany and the Iron Curtain

  • Cold War (1945-1991)

  • Superpowers and Ideologies

  • U.S. and Soviet Union emerged as dominant powers

  • Conflict between Capitalism/Democracy and Communism/Dictatorship

  • Domino Theory feared the spread of Communism to other nations

  • Space and Arms Races heightened tensions

  • Key Events and Conflicts

  • Cuban Missile Crisis brought the U.S. and USSR to the brink of nuclear war

  • Korean War as a proxy conflict divided along the 38th Parallel

  • Vietnam War showcased the failure of containment policy

  • Détente marked a period of easing Cold War tensions

  • End of the Cold War

  • Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms led to the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991

  • Nationalism in former Soviet Republics sparked ethnic conflicts

  • Satellite Nations in Eastern Europe were dominated by the USSR

  • Alliances like NATO and Warsaw Pact defined the geopolitical landscape

  • Modern Conflicts

  • Middle East and OPEC

  • OPEC aimed to control oil prices and maintain high profits

  • Persian Gulf War saw Iraq invade Kuwait, leading to international intervention

  • Iran's nuclear program raised concerns globally

  • Arab Spring uprisings called for democratic reforms in the Middle East

  • Latin American Independence Movements

  • Influenced by Enlightenment ideals and revolutions in America and France

  • Leaders like Toussaint L'Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Jose de San Martin led movements

  • Resulted in the independence of various South American nations from colonial powers

  • Signified a shift towards nationalism and self-governance in Latin America

  • Mexican Revolution

  • Causes

  • Porfirio Diaz's dictatorship favored wealthy and foreign investors

  • Oppression of the landless, uneducated, and poor

  • Presence of British, Dutch, and French possessions

  • Key Figures

  • Emiliano Zapata - Revolutionary figure

  • Francisco Pancho Villa - Prominent revolutionary leader

  • Effects

  • Constitution of 1917 established

  • Land reform initiatives implemented

  • Guaranteed certain rights to the populace

  • Cuban Revolution

  • Political Context

  • Oppression under Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship

  • Fidel Castro's communist ideology and opposition to Batista

  • Revolutionary Actions

  • Castro's organization of a successful guerilla army

  • Peasants' support for Castro

  • Transition of Cuba to a Communist regime

  • Results

  • Establishment of a Communist government in Cuba

  • Indian Independence Movement

  • Colonial Rule

  • India's official colonization by Great Britain

  • Exploitation of Indian resources and labor

  • Nationalist Movements

  • Indian National Congress' goal of independence

  • Formation of the Muslim League to protect Muslim interests

  • Key Leaders

  • Mohandas Gandhi - Leader of the independence movement, advocate of nonviolence

  • Jawaharlal Nehru - First Prime Minister of independent India

  • Japanese Modernization and Imperialism

  • Meiji Restoration

  • Westernization and modernization of Japan

  • Industrialization and the need for natural resources

  • Imperial Expansion

  • Japan's imperialism for resources and markets

  • Wars like Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese conflicts

  • WWII and Aftermath

  • Japan's involvement in WWII, including Pearl Harbor

  • Consequences of atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Post-war developments like the occupation and economic growth