speech styles



levels of language formality in dependent on the content, tone, and type of relationship interlocutors have with one another

I Can Count Five Fingers

intimate, casual, consultative, formal, frozen

  • intimate

    • very private

    • happens between two very close people

    • e.x. gossip with best friend, expressing your affection to someone close

  • Casual

    • among friends

    • ex. interacting with peers on break, small talk

  • Consultative

    • consult

    • ex. professional transactional/exchange between sender & receiver, doctor giving his diagnosis to the patient

  • Formal

    • follows conventions

    • has structure

    • ex. teacher discussing a lesson, defending a thesis proposal

  • Frozen

    • non-negotiable

    • patterns & features of the message

    • ex. reciting wedding vows, police officer stating the rights of a suspect (you have the right to remain silent, etc)
