C2 P1 T3

1. calamitoso - disastrous
2. adverso - adverse
3. menguado - diminished/ decreased in numbers
4. **incumbencia - responsibility**
5. negligencia - negligence
6. ineptitud - incompetence
7. rampa - ramp
8. ladera - hillside/ mountainside
9. pendiente - slope
10. derramar - to spill
11. rebasar - to pass the limit
12. colmar - to fill to the brim
13. conturbar - to perturb
14. recodo - bend
15. viraje - vehicular turn
16. **enfilar - to make one's way**
17. **encauzar - to channel**
18. enderezar - to straighten
19. **abalanzarse - to rush/ surge**
20. **embestir - to charge**
21. pamplina - sweet talk
22. aspaviento - fuss
23. encarar - to approach/ to fit together
24. soslayar - to dodge/ avoid
25. succionar - to suck up
26. hastiar - to weary
27. halagar - to praise
28. **agasajar - to honour/ trato cariñoso y expresivo**
29. tantear - to feel/ consider
30. cavilar - to ponder
31. indagar - to investigate
32. azar - chance
33. sino - fate/ destiny
34. riesgo - risk
35. hecho - fact
36. acto - act
37. **ademán - gesture**
38. cobertura - cover
39. portada - cover
40. encuadernación - binding
41. **turbio - blurred/ confused**
42. **desatinado - foolish/ sin juicio**
43. recóndito - isolated/ hidden
44. ejemplar - exemplary
45. tomo - volume
46. umbral - threshold
47. mirador - viewpoint
48. alféizar - sill
49. aparador - shop window
50. anaquel - shelf
51. pliego - sheet
52. folio- sheet
53. legajo - files
54. de soslayo - from the corner of the eye
55. de un tirón - in one go
56. de hito en hito - gaze/ stare
57. **congoja - anguish**
58. condolencia - condolence (dolor ajeno)
59. osadía - audacity/ atrevimiento
60. hemiciclo - chamber/ floor
61. **tendido - building/ laying**
62. banquillo - bench (sports)
63. escaño - seat (politics)
64. palco - royal/ president's box
65. **maltrecho - in a bad way**
66. **ahíto - sated (food)**
67. atestado - packed/ crammed
68. apostar - to bet/ station/ post
69. amoldar - to adjust/ adapt
70. ceñir - to be tight/ to encircle/ surround
71. detonador - detonator
72. cartucho - cartridge
73. gatillo - trigger
74. irrumpir - to burst in
75. susurrante - whispering/ murmuring
76. **mullido - soft/ springy**
77. **ingente - enormous/ huge**
78. **apegado - stuck/ attached**
79. petrificado - petrified
80. **ufano - proud**
81. murmullo - murmur/ rustle
82. ronroneo - purring
83. cuchicheo - whispering
84. ala - wing
85. flanco - flank/ sidewall
86. **ujier - usher/ uniformed doorman**
87. celador - jailor
88. **bedel - porter**
89. otorgamiento - awarding/ bestowal
90. proclamación - proclamation/ declaration
91. investidura - investiture
92. sirena - mermaid
93. primogénito - firstborn
94. **primerizo - novice/ first-beginner**
95. primario - primitive/ primary
96. **rociado - spray/ sprinkler**
97. **diseminada - to disperse/ scatter**
98. raptar - to kidnap/ abduct
99. emplumar - to grow feathers
100. desplumar - to pluck
101. **arrasar - to destroy/ devastate**
102. **despojo - remains**
103. desperdicio - scrap/ waste
104. **atolondrado - dazed/ scatterbrained**
105. empachado - to get an upset stomach
106. aturdido - to get confused
107. **arrecife - reef**
108. estrellarse - to smash/ crash
109. derrumbarse - to demolish/ pull down
110. **despeñarse- to fall over a cliff**
111. **treta - trick/ ruse**
112. iluso - naive
113. infalible - infallible
114. **incólume - unscathed/ unharmed**
115. **embrollo - tangle**
116. **ardide - trick/ ruse**
117. deslice - faux pas/ slip up
118. abrochar - to fasten up
119. **amarrar - to tie up**
120. **enhebrar - to thread/ string**
121. **mástil - mast**
122. ataúd - coffin
123. hoyo - hole
124. talla - sculpture
125. adentrarse en - to go deep in
126. asomar a - to peek
127. **inmiscuir en - to interfere**
128. **boscoso - wooded**
129. **yermo - barren/ wasteland**
130. **frondoso - leafy**
131. encadenar - to chain
132. desencadenar - to trigger
133. cuesta - uphill
134. **ensamblar - to assemble**
135. adherir - to stick/ adhere
136. **entroncar - to be related/ linked/ connected to**
137. pañal - diaper/ nappy
138. estar en la inopia - daydreaming
139. umbral - threshold
140. dintel - lintel
141. **soportal - porch**
142. **meollo - marrow**
143. entraña - heart/ core
144. pulimentado - polished/ refined/ perfected
145. pulido - polished
146. alisado - smoothing/ straightening
147. neófito - neophyte/ new member
148. novato - novice
149. novel - novice/ beginner
150. **traba - catch**
151. **maraña** **- tangle**
152. **patraña - tall story full of lies**
153. extrañar - to miss
154. tertulia - gathering/ talkshow
155. parrafada - lecture/ sermon
156. **perorata - lecture**
157. **amainar - to abate/ die down**
158. **aplacar - to soothe**
159. desdecir - to be unworthy of/ to deny the authenticity
160. emmendar - to amend/ improve
161. **restañar - to stanch/ heal**
162. **mojigatería - prudishness**
163. **infundio - false rumor/ malicious story**
164. estafa - fraud/ criminal deception
165. **desquiciado - tatters/ shreds**
166. descabellado - crazy/ ridiculous
167. **desdeñar - to scorn/ spurn**
168. senil - old/ advanced (age)
169. **agonizar - to be dying/ fade/ crumble**
170. **denodado - tireless/ unflagging**
171. agotado - exhausted/ sold out
172. **mecer - to rock/ push**
173. **concitar - to arouse**
174. impulsar - to drive/ propel
175. alentar - to encourage/ cheer
176. conminar - to order
177. **atosigar - to pester/ hassle**
178. **apuntalar - to shore up/ brace**
179. **socavar - to undermine**
180. **ahondar - to make deeper/ to go in greater detail**
181. **inusitado - unusual/ rare/ uncommon**
182. **vedado - reserve**
183. pastoreo - pasture
184. pasto - pasture
185. **acaecer - to happen**
186. **ostensiblemente - obviously/ evidently**
187. **desligado - loose/ unfastened**
188. desleído - weak
189. deslindado - to demarcate/ mark the boundaries of
190. bruma - mist
191. **restallar - to crackle/ crack**
192. **restregar - to rub/ scrub**
193. **berreo - bawling**
194. ladrido - bark
195. jadeo - panting/ gasping
196. agarrar - to get hold of
197. erguir - to raise/ lift/ straighten
198. a**certar a - to manage**
199. **vendaval - strong wind**
200. bochorno - sticky weather
201. **temporal - storm**
202. rumiar - to ponder/ brood upon
203. **engullir - to bolt down**
204. carcomer - to be eaten by worms/ to riddle/ to consume
205. **pajar - barn**
206. **redil - fold/ enclosure**
207. pesebre - crib
208. **zarzal - bushes/ bramble**
209. **caño - pipe**
210. **heno - hay**
211. **zurcir - to darn/ mend**
212. bordar - to embroider
213. **hilvanar - to put together/ tack**
214. **ensacharse - to widen/ stretch**
215. dilatarse - to dilate
216. **aflojarse - to ease/ loosen**
217. fruncirse - to frown
218. **apretarse - to push/ squeeze/ press down**
219. estrecharse - to get narrower
220. senda - path
221. ceder - to give away/ transfer
222. **clamar al cielo - to cry out to heaven/ to be a cruel injustice**
223. **hendidura - crack/ fissure**
224. grieta - crack
225. brecha - gap/ opening
226. agravante - aggravating factor
227. gravedad - severity
228. **agrura - bitterness/ sourness**
229. **témpano - cold fish/ ice fish**
230. driblar - to dribble past
231. **birlar - to swipe/ pinch**
232. librar - to fight/ save
233. **vedar - to prohibit/ ban**
234. traba - catch/ obstacle
235. **tira - strip/ rag**
236. **barricada - barricade**
237. pléyade - pleiad
238. **plétina - deck/ platen**
239. planicie - plain
240. **desgreñada - disheveled**
241. d**esdeñar - scorn**
242. desenredar - to untangle
243. **preterir - to put off**
244. **sin tregua - relentlessly**
245. tregua - truce
246. dispar - uneven/ disparate
247. escenificar - to stage a drama
248. coexistir - to coexist
249. **acoplar - to fit together/ connect**
250. disolver - to annul/ dissolve
251. constituir - to make up/ constitute/ represent
252. **ensueño - daydream/ fantasy**
253. liv**iano - lightweight**
254. acicalado - dressed up
255. peripuesto - dressed up to the nines
256. afilado - sharp
257. **preciado - valueable**
258. etiquetado - labelled
259. **alargar - to lengthen/ extend**
260. estirar - to stretch/ pull out
261. **como si no viniera a cuenta - as if it didn’t matter**
262. diáfano - crystal clear
263. irse de rositas - to get away without facing consequences
264. **ponerse flamenca - to get excited/ passionate**
265. enrollado con - involved with/ wrapped up in (+ something positive/ meaningful)
266. liado - tied up/ involved (busy/ overwhelmed)
267. envuelto - involved in (complicated/ difficult)
268. clausurar - to bring to a close
269. **zanjar - to settle/ resolve**
270. manada - herd/ pride
271. oleada - wave
272. bandada - flock/ swarm
273. chivarse - to snitch/ inform on someone
274. **esgrimir - to wield/ use/ employ**
275. **adiestrar - to train/ teach**
276. enderezar - to straighten/ align
277. guiñar - to wink (+)
278. parpadear - to blink
279. pulsar el ojo - wink (-)
280. **tuétano - marrow**
281. diferir - to differ
282. distinguir - to distinguish
283. conceder - to give/ award/ grant
284. regir - to govern
285. concluir - to complete/ finish
286. transmitir - to transmit/ broadcast
287. inalcanzable - unattainable/ unachievable
288. intuitivo - intuitive
289. elocuente - eloquent/ articulate
290. locuaz - talkative
291. rebajar - to lower/ bring down
292. otorgar - to award/ grant
293. atenerse a - abide by/ comply/ obey
294. recurrir - to turn to
295. zarparse - to go beyond limits or boundaries/ set sail/ weigh anchor
296. desembocar en - to culminate in
297. arrancar - to tear off/ pluck/ extract
298. encomendar - to entrust
299. asentado - lies on/ deep-rooted
300. abrigado - sheltered
301. loable - commendable/ praiseworthy
302. fosilizado - fossilized
303. clamor - clamour
304. resquemor - feeling of suspicion/ resentment
305. reanudar - to resume
306. reponer - to replace/ repay
307. remediar - to repair
308. ingenuo - naive/ ingenuous
309. subsistir - to persist
310. traspié - slip-up/ blunder
311. desenfundar - to draw
312. desembuchar - to come clean about it
313. desencajar - to be pulled out of it’s position
314. deplorar - to deplore/ regret
315. remitir - to send/ transfer/ forgive
316. pavonearse - to show off/ strut
317. torear - to participate in bullfighting
318. faena - techniques of bullfighting/ job one is responsible for
319. paño - piece of cloth
320. trapo - cleaning cloth
321. tejido - fabric/ textile
322. extraviar - to mislay/ lose/ get lost
323. eclosión - hatching/ eclosion
324. trozo - chunk (weight/ substantially)
325. porción - portion (time/ land/ food)
326. fragmento - piece/ fragment (part of whole)
327. saciado - satisfied/ sated/ quenched/ fulfilled
328. saneado - reorganized/ rationalised
329. respeto - respect/ esteem
330. respecto - regarding/ concerning
331. manosear - to handle
332. mentar - to mention
333. menear - to shake/ fidget/ wag
334. indeleble - indelible
335. imberbe - beardless
336. osezno - bear cub
337. polluelo - young bird/ chick
338. cabrito - kid/ swine
339. tónica - tonic/ trend
340. túnica - tunic
341. trasiego - shuffling around
342. dar una cabezada - to have a nap
343. discurrir - to pass/ go by
344. reponer - to replace/ put back
345. reconducir - reroute/ restore/ reconsider
346. **urdimbre - warp/ intrigue**
347. trama - plot
348. sollozo - sob
349. **ahínco - with determination**
350. **brinco - jump/ leap/ bound**
351. solapa - flap
352. manga - sleeve
353. alforza - pintuck
354. paliar - to ease/ alleviate
355. fiar - to give credit/ trust/ secure
356. piar - to chirp/ tweet
357. rebosar - to brim with/ bubble over
358. palpar - to palpate/ touch/ feel
359. hedor - stench/ reek
360. redimir - to redeem
361. dirimir - to resolve/ settle
362. achacar … a … - to be held responsible/ take the blame
363. infracción - offence
364. plantear - to set out/ create
365. **encaminar - to direct/ channel**
366. replantear - to rethink
367. pugna - struggle
368. tener cabida - to have room for
369. letón - latvian
370. lituano - lithuanian
371. chipriota - cypriot
372. esloveno - slovanian
373. húngaro - hungarian
374. estonio - estonian
375. eslovaco - slovekian
376. maltés - maltese
377. **huelga decir que - Needless to say that/ It goes without saying**
378. escueta - concise
379. bizco - cross-eyed
380. tez - complexion
381. cutis - skin
382. **enjuto - lean**
383. fofo - flabby
384. defunción - death
385. lápida - tombstone
386. linaje - descent
387. primogénito - firstborn
388. allegado - close
389. compinche - good buddy
390. **talante - mood/ willingness**
391. asedio - siege
392. **potingue - cream/ lotion**
393. tonel - barrel
394. sorbo - sip
395. **piscolabis - snack**
396. impugnar - to contest/ challenge
397. faena - task/ job
398. aguinaldo - pocket money
399. gandul - lazybones
400. cachondearse - to make fun of
401. látigo - whip
402. contrincante - opponent
403. bulo - unfounded rumour
404. misiva - missive
405. migaja - breadcrumbs
406. **enclenque - weak/ sickly**
407. sepelio - burial
408. perecedero - perishable
409. **brebaje - magic potion**
410. **chamuscar - singe**
411. **yacer - to lie down**
412. **atiborrarse - to stuff oneself**
413. entablar - to strike up
414. velar - to keep a vigil
415. pellizcar - to pinch
416. altibajos - ups and downs
417. inteligible - intelligible
418. **inefable - indescribable**
419. **cerril - wild/ stubborn**
420. **curruscante - crusty**
421. sardónico - ironic
422. recalcitrante - stubborn
423. cerval - deer-like
424. inocuo - harmless
425. interpelar - to question
426. disipar - to dispel
427. aclarar - to clear up
428. generalidad - majority
429. **meollo - marrow/ heart**
430. bagaje - cultural knowledge
431. pertrecho - military gear
432. empaque - imposing presence
433. granjear - to earn/ win
434. apropiar - to appropriate
435. amoldar - to adjust
436. **resquicio - gap**
437. **aguante - patience/ tolerance**
438. proliferar - to spread/ proliferate
439. germinar - to germinate
440. **endeble - weak/ feeble**
441. **desgastar - to wear out**
442. impulsar - to propel/ drive
443. pretexto - pretext
444. detonante - explosive
445. retraído - retiring/ withdrawn
446. **sosiego - peace**
447. **acervo - heritage**
448. arrebato - sudden impulse
449. aflorar - to surface
450. **desvarío - delirium**
451. podar - to prune
452. **achacarse - attribute**
453. ilusorio - imaginary/ false
454. **mermar - to fade**
455. desvelar - to reveal
456. asueto - time-off
457. desparramar - to spill
458. **manido - wasted**
459. renegar DE - to renounce
460. **aprovisionar DE - to stock up with**
461. aferrarse A - to cling onto
462. enfurruñar - to sulk
463. reconfortar - to comfort
464. recostarse - to lean/ lie down
465. encorvado - stoop
466. aferrar - to grip
467. **impertérrito - unmoved**
468. cerciorar - to make sure/ make certain/ assure oneself
469. estridente - shrill/ high-pitched
470. canjear - to exchange
471. manojo/ fajo/ mazo - bunch/ bundle
472. aciago - tragic
473. prolijo - detailed
474. ineluctable - inevitable
475. inconmovible - unmoved
476. mermar - disminuir
477. desvelar - revelar
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