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Truman + Early Cold War

Truman Homefront

GI Bill of Rights: Provided wartime veterans with funds for education, housing, etc.

80th Congress: Passed many bills during its time

Taft-Hartley Act: To protect workers rights and power in labor unions

Committee on Civil Rights: was a group of people that brought forward the measures to strengthen civil rights

‘Do-Nothing’ Congress: passed lot of bills

Thomas Dewey: Gov or NY, ran against Truman and lost

Dixiecrats: Did not like Truman, Pro-segregation

1948 Election: Truman vs. Thomas Dewey

Fair Deal: Trumans new deal

Cold War Origins

Wartime ‘Alliance’: Alliance between U.S. and SSR

Communism v. Democracy: Both Stalin and Truman want the world to look like their country

Josef Stalin: Soviet Union Dictator

Yalta Broken Promises: Stalin manipulates elections to elect communist leaders loyal to the Soviet Union

Satellite States: Eastern European communist countries→ all about power for Stalin

Division of Germany

Occupation Zones: After WWII, Germany is split into many occupation zones, owned by France, U.S., and England.

West v. East Germany: East=Communist, West=Democratic

Berlin: East Berlin becomes communist, Western Berlin becomes democratic.

Containment/Dominoes/Iron Curtain

George Kennan: (Director of Special Operations) and founder of “containment”

Containment: Not getting completely rid of communism, but keeping it contained in its original spot and not letting it spread to other parts of the world.

Domino Theory: standing dominoes are countries that are not communists. if dominoes fall, then that country falls to communism. The plan is to keep as many countries (dominoes) from falling to communism.

Winston Churchill: English Prime Minister

**Iron Curtain Speech:

United Nations

General Assembly: Made up of all member nations

Security Council - Permanent Members: U.S., Russia, England, France, China

Absolute Veto Power: If a SC (only) member does not like a vote or idea, then the matter is dismissed

Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

**Truman Doctrine Video



Government Aid: 1st time gov’t aid to outside country

US and the ‘Free World’: U.S. puts itself into the position of protecting the “Free World”

Sec. of State George Marshall: Secretary of State, makes the Marshall Plan

1947 Winter in Europe: Very harsh conditions, hunger, unease, people start eying communism for help

France and Italy: hit hard with cold, hunger, unease, most likely to convert to communism

European Recovery Plan: Plan→ US puts 17 billion into western European economy, countries will realize what a stable economy feels like, will stick with democracy

Soviet Bloc v. Anti-Soviet Bloc: The result of the Marshall Plan and deepens tension between Soviet Union

National Security Act and NATO

National Security Act: 1947, changes war department to department of defence

Department of Defense: coordinates army, navy, and air force under same administration

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency

Military Defense Pact: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Supreme Commander of NATO

Isolationism: Isolating the country and keeping it from communications with other countries

Warsaw Pact: Between the U.S.S.R and satellite countries

Duck and Cover and Second Red Scare

**Duck and Cover Video

Nuclear Threat: The threat that the S.S.R. would hit us with a nuclear bomb, we know they have one

Causes of Second Red Scare: People are scared that there are spies and other people in the country that are going to convert the U.S. into communists



Joseph McCarthy/McCarthyism:

Army-McCarthy Hearings:

McCarthy Legacy:

Witch Hunt/Panic/Mob Mentality:

The Crucible: “Witch” hunt looking for witches

‘Better 100 guilty persons should escape…’: Quote from Ben Franklin

‘Soft’ on Communism: Gov’t didn’t want to look soft on communism

House Un-American Activities Committee: (HUAC) trying to find communists in America

Richard Nixon: Head of HUAC, a congressman

Blacklist: 500 Hollywood people’s careers were destroyed and unable to find jobs

China and Korean War

Chinese Civil War: After civil war, communist vs. nationalist

Nationalists - Chiang: Nationalist, lost the war, exiled to Tiwian

Communists - Mao: Communist, won the war

Communist appeal in China: People liked the sound of communism because farmers were mad at the corrupted Chiang

U.S. intervention: Not able to send aid because of freshness coming out of WWII, but send Gorege Marshall→does not work, —> sends money to support Nationalist

People’s Republic of China

Taiwan: home of the exiled nationalists and Chiang

Sino-Soviet Pact: 1950 - Mao and Stalin

‘Loss of China’: Another important domino to fall to communism - Truman gets blamed

38th Parallel: a lateral line earth line that splits North and South Korea after WWII

South Korea - Rhee: Nationalist

North Korea - Kim: Part of the Kim family, wants to force S. Korea into communism

Invades S. Korea June 25, 1950

UN Security Council Decision: June 27, 1950 - Pleges to help S. Korea

16 UN nations, 520,000 troops

Douglas MacArthur: Leader of the 520,000 UN troops

Miracle at Inchon: Surprise attack, ½ N. Korea surrenders, ½ flee back across 28 parallel

Offensive War and Chinese Response: MacArthur wants to advance and win over the rest of N. Korea, but Truman says no. Works at

Stalemate: No one is moving in the war

MacArthur vs. Truman:

Armistice and DMZ:

Truman + Early Cold War

Truman Homefront

GI Bill of Rights: Provided wartime veterans with funds for education, housing, etc.

80th Congress: Passed many bills during its time

Taft-Hartley Act: To protect workers rights and power in labor unions

Committee on Civil Rights: was a group of people that brought forward the measures to strengthen civil rights

‘Do-Nothing’ Congress: passed lot of bills

Thomas Dewey: Gov or NY, ran against Truman and lost

Dixiecrats: Did not like Truman, Pro-segregation

1948 Election: Truman vs. Thomas Dewey

Fair Deal: Trumans new deal

Cold War Origins

Wartime ‘Alliance’: Alliance between U.S. and SSR

Communism v. Democracy: Both Stalin and Truman want the world to look like their country

Josef Stalin: Soviet Union Dictator

Yalta Broken Promises: Stalin manipulates elections to elect communist leaders loyal to the Soviet Union

Satellite States: Eastern European communist countries→ all about power for Stalin

Division of Germany

Occupation Zones: After WWII, Germany is split into many occupation zones, owned by France, U.S., and England.

West v. East Germany: East=Communist, West=Democratic

Berlin: East Berlin becomes communist, Western Berlin becomes democratic.

Containment/Dominoes/Iron Curtain

George Kennan: (Director of Special Operations) and founder of “containment”

Containment: Not getting completely rid of communism, but keeping it contained in its original spot and not letting it spread to other parts of the world.

Domino Theory: standing dominoes are countries that are not communists. if dominoes fall, then that country falls to communism. The plan is to keep as many countries (dominoes) from falling to communism.

Winston Churchill: English Prime Minister

**Iron Curtain Speech:

United Nations

General Assembly: Made up of all member nations

Security Council - Permanent Members: U.S., Russia, England, France, China

Absolute Veto Power: If a SC (only) member does not like a vote or idea, then the matter is dismissed

Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

**Truman Doctrine Video



Government Aid: 1st time gov’t aid to outside country

US and the ‘Free World’: U.S. puts itself into the position of protecting the “Free World”

Sec. of State George Marshall: Secretary of State, makes the Marshall Plan

1947 Winter in Europe: Very harsh conditions, hunger, unease, people start eying communism for help

France and Italy: hit hard with cold, hunger, unease, most likely to convert to communism

European Recovery Plan: Plan→ US puts 17 billion into western European economy, countries will realize what a stable economy feels like, will stick with democracy

Soviet Bloc v. Anti-Soviet Bloc: The result of the Marshall Plan and deepens tension between Soviet Union

National Security Act and NATO

National Security Act: 1947, changes war department to department of defence

Department of Defense: coordinates army, navy, and air force under same administration

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency

Military Defense Pact: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Supreme Commander of NATO

Isolationism: Isolating the country and keeping it from communications with other countries

Warsaw Pact: Between the U.S.S.R and satellite countries

Duck and Cover and Second Red Scare

**Duck and Cover Video

Nuclear Threat: The threat that the S.S.R. would hit us with a nuclear bomb, we know they have one

Causes of Second Red Scare: People are scared that there are spies and other people in the country that are going to convert the U.S. into communists



Joseph McCarthy/McCarthyism:

Army-McCarthy Hearings:

McCarthy Legacy:

Witch Hunt/Panic/Mob Mentality:

The Crucible: “Witch” hunt looking for witches

‘Better 100 guilty persons should escape…’: Quote from Ben Franklin

‘Soft’ on Communism: Gov’t didn’t want to look soft on communism

House Un-American Activities Committee: (HUAC) trying to find communists in America

Richard Nixon: Head of HUAC, a congressman

Blacklist: 500 Hollywood people’s careers were destroyed and unable to find jobs

China and Korean War

Chinese Civil War: After civil war, communist vs. nationalist

Nationalists - Chiang: Nationalist, lost the war, exiled to Tiwian

Communists - Mao: Communist, won the war

Communist appeal in China: People liked the sound of communism because farmers were mad at the corrupted Chiang

U.S. intervention: Not able to send aid because of freshness coming out of WWII, but send Gorege Marshall→does not work, —> sends money to support Nationalist

People’s Republic of China

Taiwan: home of the exiled nationalists and Chiang

Sino-Soviet Pact: 1950 - Mao and Stalin

‘Loss of China’: Another important domino to fall to communism - Truman gets blamed

38th Parallel: a lateral line earth line that splits North and South Korea after WWII

South Korea - Rhee: Nationalist

North Korea - Kim: Part of the Kim family, wants to force S. Korea into communism

Invades S. Korea June 25, 1950

UN Security Council Decision: June 27, 1950 - Pleges to help S. Korea

16 UN nations, 520,000 troops

Douglas MacArthur: Leader of the 520,000 UN troops

Miracle at Inchon: Surprise attack, ½ N. Korea surrenders, ½ flee back across 28 parallel

Offensive War and Chinese Response: MacArthur wants to advance and win over the rest of N. Korea, but Truman says no. Works at

Stalemate: No one is moving in the war

MacArthur vs. Truman:

Armistice and DMZ: