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Kin flashcards (copy)


Built Environment-The human made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity (Buildings, parks, neighbourhoods, etc)

Socioeconomic Barriers-Barriers associated with the social standing of an individual or group. Typically measured as a combination of income, education, and occupation

Personal or Psychological barriers-Obstacles to physical activity that are definitely real and serious but are largely or partially under the control of the individual (finding time to exercise, lack of motivation, self-esteem, etc)

Multiculturalism-A celebration of ethnic, religious, and multicultural backgrounds.

Physical Literacy-is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities

Kinesiology-The study of physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of human movement

Inclusiveness and Accessibility-Ensuring that leisure, recreation, sports programs, and resources are available to everyone free of any barriers or obstacles

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)-A model that outlines the a clear pathway and guides a persons experience in in sport and physical activity throughout their life

Things to know

  1. The recommended amount of moderate physical activity per week

    The recommended amount of Moderate exercise per week is -150 minutes.

    Moderate exercise is defined by working out hard enough to increase your heart rate and you begin to sweat.

  2. Dangers to us if we are not physically active-Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Lack of certain skills (ie. Responsibility, time management) , Prone to injuries, Increased risk of uterine, and kidney cancers etc. )

  3. Barriers to participation (Personal/Psychological, Socioeconomic, Environmental)- self esteem, low income, transportation, poor time management, lack of motivation.

  4. Ways to overcome these barriers- develop friendships with physically active people,

  5. The 7 stages of the Long Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD) and their order

    • Stage 1: Active start (Age 0-6)

    • Stage 2: FUNdamentals (Girls: 6-8, Boys: 6-9)

    • Stage 3: Learn to train (Girls: 8-11, Boys: 9-12)

    • Stage 4: Train to train (Girls: 11-15, Boys: 12-16)

    • Stage 5: Train to Compete (Girls: 15-21, Boys: 16-23)

    • Stage 6:Train to win (Gi8rls: 18+, Boys 19+)

    • Stage 7: Active for life (Any age)


  6. Careers in Kinesiology and other names for disciplines in Kinesiology

    Careers include- doctor, chiropractor, kinesiologist, fitness trainer, coach, teacher

Exercise Science - Specific emphasis on the study of the human body while exercising.

Physical Education - More traditional form of Kinesiology. Mainly about learning to play sport or learning sport related skills

Sport Science (or Sport Studies) - Emphasis on studying and learning about sport. Can incorporate most of the areas of study.

Human Kinetics -focuses on the mechanics of human movement, including biomechanics.

  1. Do you think provincial and federal governments should provide tax breaks or incentives for companies that offer health and wellness programs or gym membership to their employees? Why/Why not?- Yes since healthier people influence other to be healthy reducing taxes spent on health diseases caused by inactivity

  2. List as many benefits as you can that are associated with regular participation in physical education and sport programs.

  • Increased stamina

  • Reduces risks of injuries

  • Improved mental health

  • Better social skills

Suggest ways that individuals or families can achieve healthy body weight and maintain sufficient daily activity, in ways that are enjoyable and cost effective

  • Walks

  • Routine

  • Biking around

  • JUST DANCE (X-Box)

Eating dinner with family so you can eat at a slower pace, regulation and conversation

Project North -a not-for-profit organization committed to enhancing and improving the lives of children in Canada's North. Project North's community-based and national funding initiatives will generate opportunities to provide education and fitness programs that benefit the Inuit youth of today and of the future.

Kin flashcards (copy)


Built Environment-The human made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity (Buildings, parks, neighbourhoods, etc)

Socioeconomic Barriers-Barriers associated with the social standing of an individual or group. Typically measured as a combination of income, education, and occupation

Personal or Psychological barriers-Obstacles to physical activity that are definitely real and serious but are largely or partially under the control of the individual (finding time to exercise, lack of motivation, self-esteem, etc)

Multiculturalism-A celebration of ethnic, religious, and multicultural backgrounds.

Physical Literacy-is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities

Kinesiology-The study of physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of human movement

Inclusiveness and Accessibility-Ensuring that leisure, recreation, sports programs, and resources are available to everyone free of any barriers or obstacles

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)-A model that outlines the a clear pathway and guides a persons experience in in sport and physical activity throughout their life

Things to know

  1. The recommended amount of moderate physical activity per week

    The recommended amount of Moderate exercise per week is -150 minutes.

    Moderate exercise is defined by working out hard enough to increase your heart rate and you begin to sweat.

  2. Dangers to us if we are not physically active-Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Lack of certain skills (ie. Responsibility, time management) , Prone to injuries, Increased risk of uterine, and kidney cancers etc. )

  3. Barriers to participation (Personal/Psychological, Socioeconomic, Environmental)- self esteem, low income, transportation, poor time management, lack of motivation.

  4. Ways to overcome these barriers- develop friendships with physically active people,

  5. The 7 stages of the Long Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD) and their order

    • Stage 1: Active start (Age 0-6)

    • Stage 2: FUNdamentals (Girls: 6-8, Boys: 6-9)

    • Stage 3: Learn to train (Girls: 8-11, Boys: 9-12)

    • Stage 4: Train to train (Girls: 11-15, Boys: 12-16)

    • Stage 5: Train to Compete (Girls: 15-21, Boys: 16-23)

    • Stage 6:Train to win (Gi8rls: 18+, Boys 19+)

    • Stage 7: Active for life (Any age)


  6. Careers in Kinesiology and other names for disciplines in Kinesiology

    Careers include- doctor, chiropractor, kinesiologist, fitness trainer, coach, teacher

Exercise Science - Specific emphasis on the study of the human body while exercising.

Physical Education - More traditional form of Kinesiology. Mainly about learning to play sport or learning sport related skills

Sport Science (or Sport Studies) - Emphasis on studying and learning about sport. Can incorporate most of the areas of study.

Human Kinetics -focuses on the mechanics of human movement, including biomechanics.

  1. Do you think provincial and federal governments should provide tax breaks or incentives for companies that offer health and wellness programs or gym membership to their employees? Why/Why not?- Yes since healthier people influence other to be healthy reducing taxes spent on health diseases caused by inactivity

  2. List as many benefits as you can that are associated with regular participation in physical education and sport programs.

  • Increased stamina

  • Reduces risks of injuries

  • Improved mental health

  • Better social skills

Suggest ways that individuals or families can achieve healthy body weight and maintain sufficient daily activity, in ways that are enjoyable and cost effective

  • Walks

  • Routine

  • Biking around

  • JUST DANCE (X-Box)

Eating dinner with family so you can eat at a slower pace, regulation and conversation

Project North -a not-for-profit organization committed to enhancing and improving the lives of children in Canada's North. Project North's community-based and national funding initiatives will generate opportunities to provide education and fitness programs that benefit the Inuit youth of today and of the future.