
DRRR reviewer

Hazard - threat or harm that has potential to cause damage

Disaster - event that causes widespread losses or impacts

Disaster risk - tendency of a community to face a disaster

Natural disaster - devastating outcomes that results from natural hazard

Man-made disaster - also called technical hazard, disaster from man made hazard

Effects of Disaster - mostly depending on the severity of the exposure of life

Primary Effects - are direct situations arising from the disaster itself

Tertiary effects - are those that are not experience as a disaster is taking place, but can be felt some time after disaster has occurred

Affected components - people, buildings and infrastructure, economy, environment

Physical Perspective - includes visible and tangible materials

Psychological Perspective - emotional, cognitive, or interpersonal reactions to difficulties

Sociocultural Perspective - response of people to emergency situations

Economic Perspective - disruption of economic activities in the community

Political Perspective - deals with how government services are used to reduce loss or damage

Biological Perspective - focuses on how biological factors affect human health

Exposure - refers to being open to contact, influence, or harm from external factors

Vulnerability - quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed

Proximity to a hazard event - area frequented by a certain hazard predisposes it to high vulnerability

Population Density near a hazard event - measures how many people live in a specific area of land

capacity and efficiency to reduce disaster risk - includes the accessibility and availability of services and facilities that help prepare

Building codes and disaster policies - design and construction of buildings should be considered

Hydrometeorological Hazard - natural hazards caused by atmospheric, meteorological, oceanographic

Geological hazard - hazard caused by crusts movement

Environmental Hazard - caused by changes in the environment that can pose damage to people

Accident-related hazard - hazard brought by an unintentional event that leads to loss of life or property

Philippines - Earthquake happens in blank more frequently because of its geographical location

Pacific ring of fire - majority of the earthquakes happen in the area known as

Divergent boundary - this is where to plates move away from each other creating small volcanoes and earthquake

Convergent boundary - plates move together, as they push each other, one slides under causing huge volcanoes and earthquakes

Transform boundary - plates move past each other, causing large impacting earthquakes, as a result of all the friction of the plates rubbing together

Seismic waves - form of energy that travels through different layers of earth cause by vibration and movement

Ground shaking - the shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves

Ground rupture - ground movement happens on a fault line and breaks through the surface

Zones of weakness - fault rupture follows pre existing faults known as

liquefaction - when seismic shaking causes the loose materials in the soil to mix with ground water or soil saturated water, eventually the ground becomes like a quicksand

Earthquake-induced ground subsidence - the lowering of ground due to various causes

tsunami - series of waves that are generated by a sudden displacement on the ocean floor

harbor wave - english of tsunami

Earthquake-induced landslide - may happen during or after an earthquake, when a weakened section of land primarily falls of due to gravity

Seismometer - an instrument used to measure movements on earth surface
