Involves creating a name and logo that differentiates one thing from the other.
It allows consumers to identify and distinguish products and services from one another.
The process used by individuals to make them stand out from others.
It is a combination of how you present your unique traits via various communication means and how people perceive and remember you after meeting you.
Created by anyone wanting to enhance their digital brand image.
One of the most critical elements in building an awesome personal brand.
Five things to build an awesome personal brand:
Check your online presence to discover what is out there about you.
Create a personal website and list it on your resume.
Think before you post anywhere.
Consider how you want to be perceived.
Create connections with the three Cs:
Accountants use five fundamental principles:
Manager’s five fundamental principles
There are 5 dimensions of ethical behavior in the digital age.
Information rights
Copyrights and Intellectual Property
Control and Accountability
Establishing Standards
Quality of Life
The study of human interaction with the objects they use.
A criminal activity committed with a computer.
Two common cybercrimes:
Ongoing series of events
A deliberate misuse of computers and networks
It uses malicious code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network.
An event that potentially causes asset loss or the consequences or impact from that loss.
A weakness or flaw in system security design, implementation, and control that can be compromised by accident or intention.
System compromises can result in:
Security breaches
Lost information or data
System outages
Violations of an organization’s system
The way a system vulnerability can be used by a hacker to execute a malicious activity.
Occurs when a hacker gains unauthorized access to an organization’s systems, data, and information.
Includes policies and procedures to help prevent security incidents, data breaches, and unauthorized network access.
Uses computers and the Internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons.
A hacker is a person who gains unauthorized access to networks in order to steal and corrupt information and data.
Black hat hackers - Have the intent of causing or stealing data.
White hat hackers - policies computer security experts.
Malicious software.
The common types of malwares are:
Trojan horses
Software that infects computers and is created using computer code.
They can destroy programs or alter the operations of a computer or network.
A virus that is written in a macro language and placed within a document or spreadsheet.
A program that appears legitimate, but executes an unwanted activity when wanted.
A destructive program that replicates itself throughout a single computer or across a network.
It reproduces itself
Designed to attack both wired and wireless networks
Worm replication exhausts network bandwidth or available storage