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Quiz on Fixed Expenditures Accounting and Reporting System

1. What is the primary purpose of the Fixed Expenditures Accounting and Reporting System (FEARS)?


Copy code

b) To establish historical cost data for budget preparation referenc 

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the objectives of FEARS?


Copy code

b) To ensure all transactions are digital and paperless

3. What are the main types of Fixed Expenditures covered under this system?


Copy code

b) Light, water, and communication 

4. What is the role of the C, RLDs/ADLs in the management of fixed expenditure funds and resources?


Copy code

c) To be responsible and accountable for the management of fixed expenditure funds and resources

5. Which document is used to summarize the funds received, disbursements, and the resulting available funds?


Copy code

b) Monthly Status of Funds (MSF) c

6. What type of ledger is used for storing consumption transactions?


Copy code

c) Consumption Subsidiary Ledger 

7. Who regulates the tariff rates for electricity, according to the system?


Copy code

c) Energy Regulatory Commission 

8. What does the acronym FEARS stand for?


Copy code

a) Fixed Expenditures Accounting and Reporting System 

9. Which entity is responsible for collecting payments from Concessionaires, On-Base Housing Units, and Non-PNP Units for their utility consumption?


Copy code

a) Regional Finance Service Office 

10. What measure may RD, PROs impose to manage light, water, and telephone consumption?


Copy code

b) Impose ceiling on consumption



### Quiz on Fuel Management Distribution



1. What must be secured first to properly control and regulate the use of government vehicles and fuel?

   b) Drivers’ Trip Ticket 

2. Who is eligible to receive a gas coupon?

   c) Organic PNP personnel with a valid motor vehicle license 

3. What types of equipment are included under "Organic PNP Vehicles"?

   b) All vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, and engineering equipment owned and registered by the PNP 

4. Which document outlines the guidelines and procedures on the management and utilization of the PNP Fleet Card?

   b) MC No. 2022-058 

5. Which office is responsible for implementing the bulk procurement of FOL supplies at the PRO level?

   b) Regional Logistics Division (RLD) 

6. F_ The procurement of FOL supply contracts must always follow regular bidding as per RA 9184, without exceptions.


7. F__ FOL funds can be used without approval or endorsement from TDL.


8. T_ The Central Gas Station is operated and maintained by the Logistics Support Service (LSS).


9. T_ Withdrawal of fuel may be done using a Delivery Advice, Gas Coupon/Money Value Coupon, or Fleet Card.


10. __F_ Fleet Cards can be used to procure groceries, vehicle accessories, and service repairs.


#### Fill-in-the-Blank Questions


11. The annual FOL program shall be based on the approved PNP __________. Operating Program and Budget (OPB)


12. Petroleum fuels reserved for contingency purposes are supplied through deliveries to ___ DSS _______ or PNP-owned service station.


13. The office responsible for issuing respective FOL management policies and guidelines in conformity with the SOP is the PROs______.


14. Regular FOL supplies for the NHQ-PNP and NSUs are allocated through the ______ Fleet Card____ system for convenience and effective management.


15. The guidelines and procedures on the issuance and control of Petroleum, Oil, & Lubricants Products are outlined in SOP No. 2009-01______.



16. What is the main purpose of the Central Gas Station as mentioned in the policies? The main purpose of the Central Gas Station is to dispense FOL for general dispatch and to store reserve FOL supplies for emergency situations.


17. Under what circumstances can other modes of procurement be used instead of regular bidding for FOL supplies? Other modes of procurement can be used when specific circumstances warrant them as prescribed in RA 9184.


18. Describe who is entitled to regular FOL allocation according to the policies. Regular FOL allocation is entitled to organic vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft or engineering equipment in running condition and other vehicles duly authorized for official functions by Chiefs of Offices/Units.


19. What must officers do with their Fleet Card if they retire, are attrited, or transferred to other units? Officers must turn over the Fleet Card to their Supply/Logistics officer.


20. List the types of fuel and the corresponding aircraft that use them as specified in the special instructions.  JET A1 is used by BELL 429 and H125; AVIATION GAS (AVGAS 100LL) is used by ROBINSON R44.

Which document outlines the guidelines and procedures on the management and utilization of the PNP Fleet Card?

b) MC No. 2022-058


What is the main focus of SOP No. 2012-002?

b) Management & Utilization of Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants Supplies

Which document specifically deals with the issuance and control of Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants Products?

d) SOP No. 2009-01

Letter Directive No. 92-01 is concerned with what aspect of fuel management?

d) Authorized POL Issuance to PNP Vehicles


Which document would you refer to for guidelines and procedures on authorized POL issuance to PNP vehicles?

d) Letter Directive No. 92-01


Quiz on PNP Memo Circulars and Related Guidelines

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Which PNP Memo Circular provides guidelines and procedures for the procurement of PNP equipment?

C) PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-024


Which memo circular is concerned with the issuance of Basic Assault Rifles (BAR)?

B) PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-08

What is the main focus of PNP Memo Circular No. 2019-018?

C) Issuance of Ammunition Basic Load

Which document provides the revised policy on the permanent issuance of handguns as of August 02, 2022?

C) PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117

Which circular outlines the preventive maintenance and repair of PNP equipment?

A) PNP Memo Circular No. 2008-010

What is CMC 22-2020 concerned with?

B) Handgun Marksmanship Training

Which circular details the demilitarization and disposal of firearms and ammunition?

B) CMC No. 24-2013

Which LOI addresses the proper care and maintenance of issued firearms?

A) LOI 65/2010

Part 2: True or False

PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-024 deals with the guidelines and procedures for the issuance of Basic Assault Rifles (BAR).


The main focus of PNP Memo Circular No. 2019-018 is the preventive maintenance and repair of PNP equipment.


PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117 provides the revised policy on the permanent issuance of handguns.


CMC No. 24-2013 outlines the guidelines and procedures for the demilitarization and disposal of firearms and ammunition.


LOI 65/2010 provides guidelines on the proper care and maintenance of issued firearms.


Part 3: Short Answer

What are the duties and functions of the TWG according to the relevant PNP memo circulars? [Expected answer discussing the specific roles and responsibilities of the TWG in the procurement and distribution process]


Explain the purpose of the Market Survey in the context of PNP procurement guidelines. [Expected answer explaining how market surveys help in identifying the best options for procurement in terms of quality, price, and availability]


Describe the process and importance of the PPMP in PNP equipment procurement. [Expected answer detailing the importance of the Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) in ensuring systematic and efficient procurement]


What are the key components of a supply directive as outlined in PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117? [Expected answer describing the critical elements such as authority, distribution, and accountability mentioned in the circular]


What does the percentage fill-up refer to in the context of PNP equipment and ammunition planning? Expected answer defining percentage fill-up in relation to stock levels and replenishment rates]


Part 4: Matching

Match the following PNP Memo Circulars and documents with their respective focuses:

PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-024 B

PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-08 A

PNP Memo Circular No. 2019-018 C

PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117 D

PNP Memo Circular No. 2008-010 EE

CMC 22-2020 F

CMC No. 24-2013 G

LOI 65/2010 H

A. Issuance of Basic Assault Rifles (BAR) B. Procurement of PNP Equipment C. Issuance of Ammunition Basic Load D. Permanent Issuance of Handgun E. Preventive Maintenance and Repair of PNP Equipment F. Handgun Marksmanship Training G. Demilitarization and Disposal of Firearms and Ammunition H. Proper Care and Maintenance of Issued Firearms

: Historical Highlights to the Birth of Logistics in the PNP


#### Multiple Choice Questions


1. When was the Philippine Constabulary inaugurated as an insular police force?

   a. August 8, 1901 


2. Who was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary?

   b. Rafael T. Crame 


3. When was the Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP) established?

   c. August 8, 1975 


4. Which President signed the PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 8551?

   b. Joseph M. Ejercito Estrada 


5. What does Logistics management entail in the PNP?

   c. Obtaining, storing, and moving resources 


#### True or False


6. The Philippine Constabulary was established before the Philippine Army.



7. The Logistics Plans & Programs Division is responsible for formulating logistics policies and procedures.



8. Supply Chain Management covers everything from product development to logistics.



9. The Directorate for Logistics proposed a revised Organizational Structure in 2007, which was approved immediately.



10. The NHQ BAC Secretariat Division manages the disposal of police equipment and facilities.



#### Fill in the Blanks


11. The Philippine Constabulary was inaugurated as an insular police force under the American Regime on ______________.. August 8, 1901

12. The Logistics Resource Management Division assists the Director for Logistics in the administration and management of the ____. logistical __________ resources of the PNP.

13. Just-in-Time (JIT) is an inventory strategy that aims to increase efficiency by receiving goods only ______________. as they are needed

14. The Directorate for Logistics proposed a revised Organizational Structure in _______. 2007_______ to accommodate the growing personnel of the office.

15. Supply Chain Management represents a conscious effort by the supply chain activities which cover everything from ___ product development to logistics___________ to coordinate these activities.


#### Short Answer


16. What was the Philippine Constabulary, and when was it established? 16. The Philippine Constabulary was an insular police force established under the American Regime on August 8, 1901.

17. Who was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, and when did he assume command? 17. Brigadier General Rafael T. Crame was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, assuming command on December 17, 1917.

18. Briefly explain the concept of Supply Chain Management. 18. Supply Chain Management is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It encompasses product development, sourcing, production, logistics, and information systems coordination.

19. What is the significance of the PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 8551? 19. The PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 8551 initiated significant changes in the Philippine National Police, including its structure, organization, and management.

20. Describe the role of the NHQ BAC Secretariat Division in the procurement process of the NHQ PNP. 20. The NHQ BAC Secretariat Division manages all procurement activities of the NHQ PNP, coordinates procurement plans, oversees lower BAC activities, provides technical support, maintains supplier records, and manages procurement complaints and inquiries.



Quiz on PNP Infrastructure Projects

Multiple Choice Questions

What activities are included in the PNP Infrastructure Projects?

a. Construction of roads and bridges

b. Improvement of airports and seaports

c. Rehabilitation of communication facilities

d. All of the above


What does a Certificate of Lot Readiness (CLR) signify?

b. The lot is prepared for construction following mandatory activities

What is the purpose of the Engineering Administrative Overhead (EAO)?

b. To fund salaries of employees for the project duration


What should be the minimum duration of a usufruct agreement for a lot utilized by the PNP?

d. 25 years


Which law governs the procurement process for PNP construction and repair projects?

c. RA No. 9184


True or False

All PNP infrastructure projects must conform to the National Building Code (PD 1096).



A PNP police station of TYPE “A” requires a minimum lot size of 400 sq.m.

False REQUIRES 600sqm


The Directorate for Logistics is responsible for supervising all construction projects within Camp Crame and Camp Panopio.



A Performance Security of 30% of the contract price is required from the winning bidder prior to contract signing.



The EAO should not exceed Three Hundred Thousand Pesos for projects with a duration of one year or less.



Fill in the Blanks

The total amount programmed and released for infrastructure projects is referred to as the ______________. stimated Project Cost


The body responsible for overseeing bids and awards for PNP projects is called the ______________. Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)


For projects located between 50 km and 150 km from the supervising engineer's office, the EAO shall be __________ percent of the ABC. One


The ______________ shall ensure strict compliance with the National Building Code and other applicable laws. Director, Engineering Service


The ______________ has the supervisory power over repair projects within the RHQ with an estimated project cost of below Php100,000. Regional Headquarters Support Group (RHSG)


Short Answer

What are the main responsibilities of the Director, Engineering Service in the context of PNP infrastructure projects?



16.  Responsibilities of the Director, Engineering Service:

·         Monitor all construction and repair projects within Camp Crame and Camp Panopio

·         Submit reports of ongoing projects

·         Ensure compliance with the National Building Code

·         Prepare plans, designs, bill of materials, and cost estimates

·         Observe the approved Camp Development Plan

·         Comply with procurement laws

·         Oversee repair projects with costs above Php1.0M in specified camps

17.  Three types of infrastructure included:

·         Roads and bridges

·         Airports and seaports

·         Communication facilities

18.  Significance of SBCT:

·         It ensures that the soil at the construction site can support the load of the proposed structure, which is critical for the safety and stability of the building.

19.  Role of the TWG:

·         Assist in the preparation and evaluation of technical specifications

·         Oversee the technical aspects of project implementation

·         Ensure that infrastructure projects meet the required standards and specifications

20.  Minimum floor area requirements:

·         City Police Office (CPO): 783 sq.m

·         Provincial Police Office (PPO): 608 sq.m

Requirements In The Programming Of


PNP Infrastructure Projects:


• Certificate of Lot Readiness;


• Project Location (in conformity with the

Approved CMDP if inside camp);


• Plans and Design (Architectural Only);


• Budgetary Estimates; and


• Scope of Works

Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following activities is NOT included in the PNP Infrastructure Projects?

d. Manufacturing of police equipment


What is a Certificate of Lot Readiness (CLR)?

b. A document issued after mandatory lot readiness activities are completed


What does Engineering Administrative Overhead (EAO) cover?

b. Direct engineering and administrative costs including salaries


How are funds for PNP infrastructure projects scheduled for spending?

c. Through the programming of funds


The procurement process for PNP construction and repair projects must adhere to which law?

b. RA No. 9184


True or False

All PNP infrastructure projects must comply with PD 1096 of the National Building Code.



A usufruct agreement for PNP infrastructure projects must have a minimum duration of 25 years.




The PNP can utilize funds for infrastructure projects on any property, regardless of ownership.



The Head of Procuring Entity (HOPE) is responsible for ensuring compliance with procurement laws.



All PNP construction and repair projects are exempt from the approved camp master development plan.



16.  types of infrastructure projects included:

·         Roads and bridges

·         Airports and seaports

·         Water supply systems

17.  Responsibilities of the Director, Headquarters Support Service:

·         Monitor repair projects in Camp Crame and Camp Panopio with costs of Php 1.0M and below

·         Submit monthly project status reports

·         Implement the approved Camp Development Plan

·         Comply with procurement laws, especially RA No. 9184

·         Oversee repair projects within the specified cost range inside the designated camps

18.  Role of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC):

·         Oversee the bidding process

·         Ensure transparency and fairness in awarding contracts

·         Evaluate bids based on set criteria and regulations

19.  Significance of a Certificate of Lot Readiness (CLR):

·         It certifies that the lot is prepared and meets all mandatory requirements for construction

·         Ensures that the project can commence without legal or logistical issues

20.  Ensuring compliance with procurement laws:

·         Regional Directors monitor project progress

·         Submit regular reports to the Directorate for Logistics

·         Coordinate with local government units for support and compliance

·         Strictly follow RA No. 9184 and other relevant laws



Quiz on Revised Guidelines and Procedures on Donations from Local Sources (PNP MC 2021-109)

1. What is the primary purpose of PNP MC 2021-109?


b) To lay down policies for negotiation and acceptance of donations

2. Who is the final approving authority on matters concerning donations from local sources?


d) The CPNP

3. What document must a donor submit to initiate a donation?


b) Letter of Intent to Donate

4. Which of the following is NOT a required provision in the Deed of Donation with Acceptance?


d) Estimated market value of the donor's assets

5. What is the maximum value of goods donations that the Head of Office can sign for without additional authority?

b) PhP 5,000,000.00

6. What must be included in the draft Deed of Donation provided by the donor?


a) Desired requirements, conditions, and limitations

7. What should heads of police offices/units ensure during the negotiation of donations?


b) Donations must be free from any obligations

8. In which document should all accepted donations be recorded?


b) PNP Property Books

9. What are the documentary requirements for donations of firearms?


a) Letter of Intent to Donate, Deed of Donation, Resolution, Authority to Purchase, Procurement Documents

10. For donations exceeding PhP 15,000,000.00 for infrastructure, what is required from the heads of police offices/units?

b) They must request a written delegation of authority from the CPNP





Quiz on Fixed Expenditures Accounting and Reporting System

1. What is the primary purpose of the Fixed Expenditures Accounting and Reporting System (FEARS)?


Copy code

b) To establish historical cost data for budget preparation referenc 

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the objectives of FEARS?


Copy code

b) To ensure all transactions are digital and paperless

3. What are the main types of Fixed Expenditures covered under this system?


Copy code

b) Light, water, and communication 

4. What is the role of the C, RLDs/ADLs in the management of fixed expenditure funds and resources?


Copy code

c) To be responsible and accountable for the management of fixed expenditure funds and resources

5. Which document is used to summarize the funds received, disbursements, and the resulting available funds?


Copy code

b) Monthly Status of Funds (MSF) c

6. What type of ledger is used for storing consumption transactions?


Copy code

c) Consumption Subsidiary Ledger 

7. Who regulates the tariff rates for electricity, according to the system?


Copy code

c) Energy Regulatory Commission 

8. What does the acronym FEARS stand for?


Copy code

a) Fixed Expenditures Accounting and Reporting System 

9. Which entity is responsible for collecting payments from Concessionaires, On-Base Housing Units, and Non-PNP Units for their utility consumption?


Copy code

a) Regional Finance Service Office 

10. What measure may RD, PROs impose to manage light, water, and telephone consumption?


Copy code

b) Impose ceiling on consumption



### Quiz on Fuel Management Distribution



1. What must be secured first to properly control and regulate the use of government vehicles and fuel?

   b) Drivers’ Trip Ticket 

2. Who is eligible to receive a gas coupon?

   c) Organic PNP personnel with a valid motor vehicle license 

3. What types of equipment are included under "Organic PNP Vehicles"?

   b) All vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, and engineering equipment owned and registered by the PNP 

4. Which document outlines the guidelines and procedures on the management and utilization of the PNP Fleet Card?

   b) MC No. 2022-058 

5. Which office is responsible for implementing the bulk procurement of FOL supplies at the PRO level?

   b) Regional Logistics Division (RLD) 

6. F_ The procurement of FOL supply contracts must always follow regular bidding as per RA 9184, without exceptions.


7. F__ FOL funds can be used without approval or endorsement from TDL.


8. T_ The Central Gas Station is operated and maintained by the Logistics Support Service (LSS).


9. T_ Withdrawal of fuel may be done using a Delivery Advice, Gas Coupon/Money Value Coupon, or Fleet Card.


10. __F_ Fleet Cards can be used to procure groceries, vehicle accessories, and service repairs.


#### Fill-in-the-Blank Questions


11. The annual FOL program shall be based on the approved PNP __________. Operating Program and Budget (OPB)


12. Petroleum fuels reserved for contingency purposes are supplied through deliveries to ___ DSS _______ or PNP-owned service station.


13. The office responsible for issuing respective FOL management policies and guidelines in conformity with the SOP is the PROs______.


14. Regular FOL supplies for the NHQ-PNP and NSUs are allocated through the ______ Fleet Card____ system for convenience and effective management.


15. The guidelines and procedures on the issuance and control of Petroleum, Oil, & Lubricants Products are outlined in SOP No. 2009-01______.



16. What is the main purpose of the Central Gas Station as mentioned in the policies? The main purpose of the Central Gas Station is to dispense FOL for general dispatch and to store reserve FOL supplies for emergency situations.


17. Under what circumstances can other modes of procurement be used instead of regular bidding for FOL supplies? Other modes of procurement can be used when specific circumstances warrant them as prescribed in RA 9184.


18. Describe who is entitled to regular FOL allocation according to the policies. Regular FOL allocation is entitled to organic vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft or engineering equipment in running condition and other vehicles duly authorized for official functions by Chiefs of Offices/Units.


19. What must officers do with their Fleet Card if they retire, are attrited, or transferred to other units? Officers must turn over the Fleet Card to their Supply/Logistics officer.


20. List the types of fuel and the corresponding aircraft that use them as specified in the special instructions.  JET A1 is used by BELL 429 and H125; AVIATION GAS (AVGAS 100LL) is used by ROBINSON R44.

Which document outlines the guidelines and procedures on the management and utilization of the PNP Fleet Card?

b) MC No. 2022-058


What is the main focus of SOP No. 2012-002?

b) Management & Utilization of Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants Supplies

Which document specifically deals with the issuance and control of Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants Products?

d) SOP No. 2009-01

Letter Directive No. 92-01 is concerned with what aspect of fuel management?

d) Authorized POL Issuance to PNP Vehicles


Which document would you refer to for guidelines and procedures on authorized POL issuance to PNP vehicles?

d) Letter Directive No. 92-01


Quiz on PNP Memo Circulars and Related Guidelines

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Which PNP Memo Circular provides guidelines and procedures for the procurement of PNP equipment?

C) PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-024


Which memo circular is concerned with the issuance of Basic Assault Rifles (BAR)?

B) PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-08

What is the main focus of PNP Memo Circular No. 2019-018?

C) Issuance of Ammunition Basic Load

Which document provides the revised policy on the permanent issuance of handguns as of August 02, 2022?

C) PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117

Which circular outlines the preventive maintenance and repair of PNP equipment?

A) PNP Memo Circular No. 2008-010

What is CMC 22-2020 concerned with?

B) Handgun Marksmanship Training

Which circular details the demilitarization and disposal of firearms and ammunition?

B) CMC No. 24-2013

Which LOI addresses the proper care and maintenance of issued firearms?

A) LOI 65/2010

Part 2: True or False

PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-024 deals with the guidelines and procedures for the issuance of Basic Assault Rifles (BAR).


The main focus of PNP Memo Circular No. 2019-018 is the preventive maintenance and repair of PNP equipment.


PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117 provides the revised policy on the permanent issuance of handguns.


CMC No. 24-2013 outlines the guidelines and procedures for the demilitarization and disposal of firearms and ammunition.


LOI 65/2010 provides guidelines on the proper care and maintenance of issued firearms.


Part 3: Short Answer

What are the duties and functions of the TWG according to the relevant PNP memo circulars? [Expected answer discussing the specific roles and responsibilities of the TWG in the procurement and distribution process]


Explain the purpose of the Market Survey in the context of PNP procurement guidelines. [Expected answer explaining how market surveys help in identifying the best options for procurement in terms of quality, price, and availability]


Describe the process and importance of the PPMP in PNP equipment procurement. [Expected answer detailing the importance of the Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) in ensuring systematic and efficient procurement]


What are the key components of a supply directive as outlined in PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117? [Expected answer describing the critical elements such as authority, distribution, and accountability mentioned in the circular]


What does the percentage fill-up refer to in the context of PNP equipment and ammunition planning? Expected answer defining percentage fill-up in relation to stock levels and replenishment rates]


Part 4: Matching

Match the following PNP Memo Circulars and documents with their respective focuses:

PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-024 B

PNP Memo Circular No. 2020-08 A

PNP Memo Circular No. 2019-018 C

PNP Memo Circular No. 2022-117 D

PNP Memo Circular No. 2008-010 EE

CMC 22-2020 F

CMC No. 24-2013 G

LOI 65/2010 H

A. Issuance of Basic Assault Rifles (BAR) B. Procurement of PNP Equipment C. Issuance of Ammunition Basic Load D. Permanent Issuance of Handgun E. Preventive Maintenance and Repair of PNP Equipment F. Handgun Marksmanship Training G. Demilitarization and Disposal of Firearms and Ammunition H. Proper Care and Maintenance of Issued Firearms

: Historical Highlights to the Birth of Logistics in the PNP


#### Multiple Choice Questions


1. When was the Philippine Constabulary inaugurated as an insular police force?

   a. August 8, 1901 


2. Who was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary?

   b. Rafael T. Crame 


3. When was the Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP) established?

   c. August 8, 1975 


4. Which President signed the PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 8551?

   b. Joseph M. Ejercito Estrada 


5. What does Logistics management entail in the PNP?

   c. Obtaining, storing, and moving resources 


#### True or False


6. The Philippine Constabulary was established before the Philippine Army.



7. The Logistics Plans & Programs Division is responsible for formulating logistics policies and procedures.



8. Supply Chain Management covers everything from product development to logistics.



9. The Directorate for Logistics proposed a revised Organizational Structure in 2007, which was approved immediately.



10. The NHQ BAC Secretariat Division manages the disposal of police equipment and facilities.



#### Fill in the Blanks


11. The Philippine Constabulary was inaugurated as an insular police force under the American Regime on ______________.. August 8, 1901

12. The Logistics Resource Management Division assists the Director for Logistics in the administration and management of the ____. logistical __________ resources of the PNP.

13. Just-in-Time (JIT) is an inventory strategy that aims to increase efficiency by receiving goods only ______________. as they are needed

14. The Directorate for Logistics proposed a revised Organizational Structure in _______. 2007_______ to accommodate the growing personnel of the office.

15. Supply Chain Management represents a conscious effort by the supply chain activities which cover everything from ___ product development to logistics___________ to coordinate these activities.


#### Short Answer


16. What was the Philippine Constabulary, and when was it established? 16. The Philippine Constabulary was an insular police force established under the American Regime on August 8, 1901.

17. Who was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, and when did he assume command? 17. Brigadier General Rafael T. Crame was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, assuming command on December 17, 1917.

18. Briefly explain the concept of Supply Chain Management. 18. Supply Chain Management is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It encompasses product development, sourcing, production, logistics, and information systems coordination.

19. What is the significance of the PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 8551? 19. The PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 8551 initiated significant changes in the Philippine National Police, including its structure, organization, and management.

20. Describe the role of the NHQ BAC Secretariat Division in the procurement process of the NHQ PNP. 20. The NHQ BAC Secretariat Division manages all procurement activities of the NHQ PNP, coordinates procurement plans, oversees lower BAC activities, provides technical support, maintains supplier records, and manages procurement complaints and inquiries.



Quiz on PNP Infrastructure Projects

Multiple Choice Questions

What activities are included in the PNP Infrastructure Projects?

a. Construction of roads and bridges

b. Improvement of airports and seaports

c. Rehabilitation of communication facilities

d. All of the above


What does a Certificate of Lot Readiness (CLR) signify?

b. The lot is prepared for construction following mandatory activities

What is the purpose of the Engineering Administrative Overhead (EAO)?

b. To fund salaries of employees for the project duration


What should be the minimum duration of a usufruct agreement for a lot utilized by the PNP?

d. 25 years


Which law governs the procurement process for PNP construction and repair projects?

c. RA No. 9184


True or False

All PNP infrastructure projects must conform to the National Building Code (PD 1096).



A PNP police station of TYPE “A” requires a minimum lot size of 400 sq.m.

False REQUIRES 600sqm


The Directorate for Logistics is responsible for supervising all construction projects within Camp Crame and Camp Panopio.



A Performance Security of 30% of the contract price is required from the winning bidder prior to contract signing.



The EAO should not exceed Three Hundred Thousand Pesos for projects with a duration of one year or less.



Fill in the Blanks

The total amount programmed and released for infrastructure projects is referred to as the ______________. stimated Project Cost


The body responsible for overseeing bids and awards for PNP projects is called the ______________. Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)


For projects located between 50 km and 150 km from the supervising engineer's office, the EAO shall be __________ percent of the ABC. One


The ______________ shall ensure strict compliance with the National Building Code and other applicable laws. Director, Engineering Service


The ______________ has the supervisory power over repair projects within the RHQ with an estimated project cost of below Php100,000. Regional Headquarters Support Group (RHSG)


Short Answer

What are the main responsibilities of the Director, Engineering Service in the context of PNP infrastructure projects?



16.  Responsibilities of the Director, Engineering Service:

·         Monitor all construction and repair projects within Camp Crame and Camp Panopio

·         Submit reports of ongoing projects

·         Ensure compliance with the National Building Code

·         Prepare plans, designs, bill of materials, and cost estimates

·         Observe the approved Camp Development Plan

·         Comply with procurement laws

·         Oversee repair projects with costs above Php1.0M in specified camps

17.  Three types of infrastructure included:

·         Roads and bridges

·         Airports and seaports

·         Communication facilities

18.  Significance of SBCT:

·         It ensures that the soil at the construction site can support the load of the proposed structure, which is critical for the safety and stability of the building.

19.  Role of the TWG:

·         Assist in the preparation and evaluation of technical specifications

·         Oversee the technical aspects of project implementation

·         Ensure that infrastructure projects meet the required standards and specifications

20.  Minimum floor area requirements:

·         City Police Office (CPO): 783 sq.m

·         Provincial Police Office (PPO): 608 sq.m

Requirements In The Programming Of


PNP Infrastructure Projects:


• Certificate of Lot Readiness;


• Project Location (in conformity with the

Approved CMDP if inside camp);


• Plans and Design (Architectural Only);


• Budgetary Estimates; and


• Scope of Works

Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following activities is NOT included in the PNP Infrastructure Projects?

d. Manufacturing of police equipment


What is a Certificate of Lot Readiness (CLR)?

b. A document issued after mandatory lot readiness activities are completed


What does Engineering Administrative Overhead (EAO) cover?

b. Direct engineering and administrative costs including salaries


How are funds for PNP infrastructure projects scheduled for spending?

c. Through the programming of funds


The procurement process for PNP construction and repair projects must adhere to which law?

b. RA No. 9184


True or False

All PNP infrastructure projects must comply with PD 1096 of the National Building Code.



A usufruct agreement for PNP infrastructure projects must have a minimum duration of 25 years.




The PNP can utilize funds for infrastructure projects on any property, regardless of ownership.



The Head of Procuring Entity (HOPE) is responsible for ensuring compliance with procurement laws.



All PNP construction and repair projects are exempt from the approved camp master development plan.



16.  types of infrastructure projects included:

·         Roads and bridges

·         Airports and seaports

·         Water supply systems

17.  Responsibilities of the Director, Headquarters Support Service:

·         Monitor repair projects in Camp Crame and Camp Panopio with costs of Php 1.0M and below

·         Submit monthly project status reports

·         Implement the approved Camp Development Plan

·         Comply with procurement laws, especially RA No. 9184

·         Oversee repair projects within the specified cost range inside the designated camps

18.  Role of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC):

·         Oversee the bidding process

·         Ensure transparency and fairness in awarding contracts

·         Evaluate bids based on set criteria and regulations

19.  Significance of a Certificate of Lot Readiness (CLR):

·         It certifies that the lot is prepared and meets all mandatory requirements for construction

·         Ensures that the project can commence without legal or logistical issues

20.  Ensuring compliance with procurement laws:

·         Regional Directors monitor project progress

·         Submit regular reports to the Directorate for Logistics

·         Coordinate with local government units for support and compliance

·         Strictly follow RA No. 9184 and other relevant laws



Quiz on Revised Guidelines and Procedures on Donations from Local Sources (PNP MC 2021-109)

1. What is the primary purpose of PNP MC 2021-109?


b) To lay down policies for negotiation and acceptance of donations

2. Who is the final approving authority on matters concerning donations from local sources?


d) The CPNP

3. What document must a donor submit to initiate a donation?


b) Letter of Intent to Donate

4. Which of the following is NOT a required provision in the Deed of Donation with Acceptance?


d) Estimated market value of the donor's assets

5. What is the maximum value of goods donations that the Head of Office can sign for without additional authority?

b) PhP 5,000,000.00

6. What must be included in the draft Deed of Donation provided by the donor?


a) Desired requirements, conditions, and limitations

7. What should heads of police offices/units ensure during the negotiation of donations?


b) Donations must be free from any obligations

8. In which document should all accepted donations be recorded?


b) PNP Property Books

9. What are the documentary requirements for donations of firearms?


a) Letter of Intent to Donate, Deed of Donation, Resolution, Authority to Purchase, Procurement Documents

10. For donations exceeding PhP 15,000,000.00 for infrastructure, what is required from the heads of police offices/units?

b) They must request a written delegation of authority from the CPNP