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Metals and non-metals chem


Physical Properties:

- Shiny appearance (luster).

- Good conductors of heat and electricity.

- Malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires).

- Usually solid at room temperature (except mercury, which is a liquid).

- High melting and boiling points 

- Sonorous  or clan 

- Ductile 

- High density 

  • Conductivity and Ductility:

    • High thermal and electrical conductivity due to the availability of free electrons that can move easily.

    • Ductility allows metals to be drawn into thin wires without breaking, facilitating their use in wiring and electrical components.

  • Density and Strength:

    • Generally have high density and are strong, making them suitable for structural applications.

    • Some metals like titanium and magnesium are lightweight yet strong, ideal for aerospace and automotive industries.

  • Corrosion Resistance:

    • Certain metals like aluminum and stainless steel form protective oxide layers, providing resistance to corrosion.

    • Noble metals like gold and platinum are highly resistant to tarnishing or corrosion, making them valuable in jewelry and industrial applications.

  • Metallurgy and Heat Treatment:

    • Metallurgical processes like annealing, tempering, and quenching are used to modify metals' properties for specific applications.

    • Heat treatment alters the structure and properties of metals, improving hardness, toughness, or elasticity.

Chemical Properties:

- Tend to lose electrons to form positively charged ions (cations).

- React with acids to produce hydrogen gas.

- Form basic oxides when they react with oxygen.

  • Reactivity: Metals tend to lose electrons easily, forming positively charged ions (cations) in reactions.

  • Reaction with Acids: Many metals react with acids to produce hydrogen gas and form metal salts.

  • Oxides: Form basic oxides when they react with oxygen.

Examples: Iron, copper, aluminum, gold, silver.

Alloys: Metals often form alloys by combining with other metals or non-metals, improving their properties. Examples include steel (iron and carbon), brass (copper and zinc), and bronze (copper and tin).

Occurrence and Extraction:

  • Found in nature as ores and are extracted through processes like smelting and electrolysis.

  • Some metals are highly reactive and are found in compounds, while others are found in their pure form.

1. Mining:

Location and Identification: Ores containing metals are typically found in specific geological formations. Geologists use various methods to locate these deposits.

Extraction of Ores: The ore-bearing rock is mined from the Earth's crust using techniques like open-pit mining, shaft mining, or solution mining, depending on the depth and location of the deposit.

2. Concentration of Ore:

Crushing and Grinding: The mined ore is crushed into smaller pieces to increase the surface area for further processing. Grinding further breaks down the ore into fine particles.

Beneficiation: Different methods are used to separate the valuable mineral content from the waste (gangue). Techniques like gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation are employed based on the physical and chemical properties of the ore.

3. Extractive Metallurgy:

Roasting or Calcination: Some ores contain impurities or are in sulfide form, which need to be removed before extraction. Roasting involves heating the ore in the presence of oxygen to remove sulfur and convert sulfides to oxides.

Reduction: The metal is extracted from its oxide or sulfide form through a reduction process. This could involve chemical reduction using carbon (as in the extraction of iron from its oxide using carbon in a blast furnace) or electrolytic reduction (as in the extraction of aluminum from aluminum oxide through electrolysis).

Electrolysis: Some metals, like aluminum, are highly reactive and cannot be extracted using traditional reduction methods. They are extracted via electrolysis, which involves passing an electric current through a molten compound or solution of the metal.

4. Refining and Purification:

Refining: The extracted metal may still contain impurities. Refining processes such as electrolysis, distillation, or fractional crystallization are employed to remove impurities and achieve higher purity.

Alloying: In some cases, metals are combined with other elements to form alloys. Alloys often have improved properties compared to pure metals and are achieved through controlled mixing and heating.

Environmental and Technological Considerations

1. Environmental Impact: Mining and extraction processes can have significant environmental impacts, such as habitat disruption, soil erosion, water pollution, and emission of greenhouse gases. Efforts are made to minimize these impacts through sustainable mining practices and technological advancements.

2. Technological Advances: Ongoing research focuses on developing more efficient and environmentally friendly extraction processes, including the use of bioleaching (using microorganisms to extract metals) and recycling methods to minimize the need for new extraction.

The extraction process is a crucial aspect of obtaining metals from their ores, involving various stages that aim to efficiently and economically separate the desired metal from its surrounding material while considering environmental sustainability.

Uses and Applications:

  • Widely used in construction due to their strength and durability.

  • Essential in electrical wiring, machinery, and transportation (aluminum in planes, iron in cars).

  • Valuable in the production of coins, jewelry, and various alloys for specific purposes (e.g., stainless steel in kitchenware).

Reactivity Series:

  • Arrangement of metals in order of their reactivity with other substances.

  • Useful for predicting displacement reactions and the behavior of metals in various reactions.


Physical Properties:

- Dull appearance (lack luster).

- Poor conductors of heat and electricity (except for graphite and some non-metals in the molten state).

- Brittle when solid (not malleable or ductile).

- Can exist in various states at room temperature (solid, liquid, or gas).

Chemical Properties:

- Tend to gain electrons to form negatively charged ions (anions).

- React with metals to form salts.

- Form acidic or neutral oxides when they react with oxygen.

  • Reactivity: Tend to gain electrons, forming negatively charged ions (anions) in reactions.

  • Formation of Compounds: Combine with other non-metals or metals to form a wide range of compounds.

  • Oxides: Form acidic or neutral oxides when they react with oxygen.

Examples: Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, hydrogen.

Allotropes: Some non-metals exist in different structural forms called allotropes. For example, carbon has allotropes like diamond, graphite, and fullerene, each with distinct properties.

Occurrence and Properties:

  • Found in various forms in nature, often as components of compounds and minerals.

  • Wide range of properties: from gases (like oxygen and nitrogen) to solids (like sulfur) to liquid (like bromine).

Importance and Applications:

  • Vital for life (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen) as they constitute essential elements in organic compounds.

  • Used in various industries: nitrogen in fertilizers, sulfur in the production of sulfuric acid, carbon in numerous compounds (like plastics and fuels).

Non-Metal Compounds:

  • Form a diverse range of compounds, often in combination with other non-metals or even with metals.

  • Many non-metal compounds have important industrial and biological applications.

Halogen Family:

  • Group 17 elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine) known as halogens.

  • Highly reactive non-metals, used in various applications like disinfectants, water purification, and as components in pharmaceuticals.

Electronegativity and Bonding:

  • Non-metals generally have higher electronegativity compared to metals, leading to the formation of covalent or ionic bonds with other elements.

  • They tend to gain electrons in reactions with metals, forming ionic compounds.

Role in Organic Compounds:

  • Carbon, along with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur, is essential in forming the backbone of organic compounds found in living organisms.

Trends and Comparisons

  1. Periodic Table:

    • Metals occupy the majority of the periodic table, with non-metals primarily on the right side, except hydrogen.

    • Metalloids (elements with properties of both metals and non-metals) border the line between metals and non-metals.

  2. Trends in Reactivity:

    • Reactivity generally decreases across a period from left to right among metals, while non-metals become more reactive.

    • Metals become more reactive down a group, while non-metals become less reactive.


Metals and non-metals chem


Physical Properties:

- Shiny appearance (luster).

- Good conductors of heat and electricity.

- Malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires).

- Usually solid at room temperature (except mercury, which is a liquid).

- High melting and boiling points 

- Sonorous  or clan 

- Ductile 

- High density 

  • Conductivity and Ductility:

    • High thermal and electrical conductivity due to the availability of free electrons that can move easily.

    • Ductility allows metals to be drawn into thin wires without breaking, facilitating their use in wiring and electrical components.

  • Density and Strength:

    • Generally have high density and are strong, making them suitable for structural applications.

    • Some metals like titanium and magnesium are lightweight yet strong, ideal for aerospace and automotive industries.

  • Corrosion Resistance:

    • Certain metals like aluminum and stainless steel form protective oxide layers, providing resistance to corrosion.

    • Noble metals like gold and platinum are highly resistant to tarnishing or corrosion, making them valuable in jewelry and industrial applications.

  • Metallurgy and Heat Treatment:

    • Metallurgical processes like annealing, tempering, and quenching are used to modify metals' properties for specific applications.

    • Heat treatment alters the structure and properties of metals, improving hardness, toughness, or elasticity.

Chemical Properties:

- Tend to lose electrons to form positively charged ions (cations).

- React with acids to produce hydrogen gas.

- Form basic oxides when they react with oxygen.

  • Reactivity: Metals tend to lose electrons easily, forming positively charged ions (cations) in reactions.

  • Reaction with Acids: Many metals react with acids to produce hydrogen gas and form metal salts.

  • Oxides: Form basic oxides when they react with oxygen.

Examples: Iron, copper, aluminum, gold, silver.

Alloys: Metals often form alloys by combining with other metals or non-metals, improving their properties. Examples include steel (iron and carbon), brass (copper and zinc), and bronze (copper and tin).

Occurrence and Extraction:

  • Found in nature as ores and are extracted through processes like smelting and electrolysis.

  • Some metals are highly reactive and are found in compounds, while others are found in their pure form.

1. Mining:

Location and Identification: Ores containing metals are typically found in specific geological formations. Geologists use various methods to locate these deposits.

Extraction of Ores: The ore-bearing rock is mined from the Earth's crust using techniques like open-pit mining, shaft mining, or solution mining, depending on the depth and location of the deposit.

2. Concentration of Ore:

Crushing and Grinding: The mined ore is crushed into smaller pieces to increase the surface area for further processing. Grinding further breaks down the ore into fine particles.

Beneficiation: Different methods are used to separate the valuable mineral content from the waste (gangue). Techniques like gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation are employed based on the physical and chemical properties of the ore.

3. Extractive Metallurgy:

Roasting or Calcination: Some ores contain impurities or are in sulfide form, which need to be removed before extraction. Roasting involves heating the ore in the presence of oxygen to remove sulfur and convert sulfides to oxides.

Reduction: The metal is extracted from its oxide or sulfide form through a reduction process. This could involve chemical reduction using carbon (as in the extraction of iron from its oxide using carbon in a blast furnace) or electrolytic reduction (as in the extraction of aluminum from aluminum oxide through electrolysis).

Electrolysis: Some metals, like aluminum, are highly reactive and cannot be extracted using traditional reduction methods. They are extracted via electrolysis, which involves passing an electric current through a molten compound or solution of the metal.

4. Refining and Purification:

Refining: The extracted metal may still contain impurities. Refining processes such as electrolysis, distillation, or fractional crystallization are employed to remove impurities and achieve higher purity.

Alloying: In some cases, metals are combined with other elements to form alloys. Alloys often have improved properties compared to pure metals and are achieved through controlled mixing and heating.

Environmental and Technological Considerations

1. Environmental Impact: Mining and extraction processes can have significant environmental impacts, such as habitat disruption, soil erosion, water pollution, and emission of greenhouse gases. Efforts are made to minimize these impacts through sustainable mining practices and technological advancements.

2. Technological Advances: Ongoing research focuses on developing more efficient and environmentally friendly extraction processes, including the use of bioleaching (using microorganisms to extract metals) and recycling methods to minimize the need for new extraction.

The extraction process is a crucial aspect of obtaining metals from their ores, involving various stages that aim to efficiently and economically separate the desired metal from its surrounding material while considering environmental sustainability.

Uses and Applications:

  • Widely used in construction due to their strength and durability.

  • Essential in electrical wiring, machinery, and transportation (aluminum in planes, iron in cars).

  • Valuable in the production of coins, jewelry, and various alloys for specific purposes (e.g., stainless steel in kitchenware).

Reactivity Series:

  • Arrangement of metals in order of their reactivity with other substances.

  • Useful for predicting displacement reactions and the behavior of metals in various reactions.


Physical Properties:

- Dull appearance (lack luster).

- Poor conductors of heat and electricity (except for graphite and some non-metals in the molten state).

- Brittle when solid (not malleable or ductile).

- Can exist in various states at room temperature (solid, liquid, or gas).

Chemical Properties:

- Tend to gain electrons to form negatively charged ions (anions).

- React with metals to form salts.

- Form acidic or neutral oxides when they react with oxygen.

  • Reactivity: Tend to gain electrons, forming negatively charged ions (anions) in reactions.

  • Formation of Compounds: Combine with other non-metals or metals to form a wide range of compounds.

  • Oxides: Form acidic or neutral oxides when they react with oxygen.

Examples: Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, hydrogen.

Allotropes: Some non-metals exist in different structural forms called allotropes. For example, carbon has allotropes like diamond, graphite, and fullerene, each with distinct properties.

Occurrence and Properties:

  • Found in various forms in nature, often as components of compounds and minerals.

  • Wide range of properties: from gases (like oxygen and nitrogen) to solids (like sulfur) to liquid (like bromine).

Importance and Applications:

  • Vital for life (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen) as they constitute essential elements in organic compounds.

  • Used in various industries: nitrogen in fertilizers, sulfur in the production of sulfuric acid, carbon in numerous compounds (like plastics and fuels).

Non-Metal Compounds:

  • Form a diverse range of compounds, often in combination with other non-metals or even with metals.

  • Many non-metal compounds have important industrial and biological applications.

Halogen Family:

  • Group 17 elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine) known as halogens.

  • Highly reactive non-metals, used in various applications like disinfectants, water purification, and as components in pharmaceuticals.

Electronegativity and Bonding:

  • Non-metals generally have higher electronegativity compared to metals, leading to the formation of covalent or ionic bonds with other elements.

  • They tend to gain electrons in reactions with metals, forming ionic compounds.

Role in Organic Compounds:

  • Carbon, along with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur, is essential in forming the backbone of organic compounds found in living organisms.

Trends and Comparisons

  1. Periodic Table:

    • Metals occupy the majority of the periodic table, with non-metals primarily on the right side, except hydrogen.

    • Metalloids (elements with properties of both metals and non-metals) border the line between metals and non-metals.

  2. Trends in Reactivity:

    • Reactivity generally decreases across a period from left to right among metals, while non-metals become more reactive.

    • Metals become more reactive down a group, while non-metals become less reactive.