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The constitution was created by the people. The con was the constitution cannot stand up or speak for itself. The kings were replaced with law. You can’t be lean to your rights because they’re built on God . God made the natural law the natural law made the natural rights and the natural rights made the social contract. We believe in the constitutional republic. The north were well bonded while the south were separated, Religion made North more bonded and no borders to separate the colonist. The Indians made the colonist more aware and have more caution and made them train with guns more often. The Indians were converted to a new religion and we’re bout to deer Island lived on shellfish but sadly died. Slave owners were afraid of a group of rebellion. The Colonial life was more bland while the Europeans were more complex. Four on the left was communism and fire in the right was anarchy. The natural laws were created by God. The orthodox Catholics believed in original sin meaning we became really sick from Sin and they also believed in buys grace Which was a substance of spiritual stuff. Grace was called infusion. Luther reform the Catholic Church. The Lutherans Calvinism believed in hell would you go away if you don’t believe in God or don’t have mortal sin or both. They believed in purgatory which you go in to be punished for your sins and to be made holy. They also believed in heaven which you go in if you’re really pure. Luther also believed that when you’re born you’re dead no good that can please God. The fulfillment of promise. which was the great exchange god takes away your sins and you get made holy which was the great exchange god takes away your sins and you get made holy. Luther believes all stand for God so loved the, world that he gave his only be gothe son. Son the where ever would believe in him would not equal but have everlasting life. To him who does not work but believe in Christ who justifies the ungodly, his faith is created as righteousness. Luther also believed the elect which he thought God loves and the non-elect which God hates. There is three things to execute which was the kings governor which is basically police. The lesrslot Which are the people that checking on the executioners which is the governing the kings. The Judicial Which was Jodes and the constitutional law. Both europeans and colonies believed in the form. What was different was the colonies because it was small government and they kept in control while the Europeans government got bigger and was out of control and also because you’re it was not speaking for their constitution because they barely believed. The great awakening changed everything it created the five churches of Christianity. Luther Calvinism believe the fall created sin. The fall was born to sin and sin is a spiritual disease haretary passed by blood.