Groups of related instructions that perform specific tasks, allowing code reusability and simplifying coding tasks.
Take input as parameters and return a result as a return value.
Break complex programs into manageable pieces.
Each function handles specific tasks, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
Organizes code and prevents redundancy.
Definition: All code resides in a single main function.
Errors in one line can disrupt the entire program.
Larger codebases become cumbersome to manage and understand.
Limits collaboration as only one person can work on the single main function.
Large programs may exceed memory limits.
Definition: Programs broken into smaller, reusable functions.
Facilitates piece-wise development.
Encourages teamwork as different programmers can work on separate functions.
Increases code productivity and reusability.
Built-in Functions:
Pre-defined functions in the C# framework.
Optimized for performance and saves development time.
User-Defined Functions:
Defined by developers for specific tasks; allows customization and reduces program complexity.
Limited tasks; may necessitate user-defined functions for specific needs.
Naming: Mandatory, follows variable naming rules.
Parameter List: Optional, can take multiple parameters or none.
Return Type: Mandatory, defines type of value returned. A 'void' return type indicates no return value.
Access Specifier: Optional, outlines method accessibility (e.g., public, private).
Modifier: Optional, controls access type (e.g., static, virtual).
using System;
namespace FunctionDemo {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
int x = 10;
int y = 15;
int sum = Add(x, y);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum is {sum}");
static int Add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
In this example, the Add function takes two integers, computes their sum, and returns it to the calling function.
Actual Parameters: Values passed to functions (e.g., x, y in the example).
Formal Parameters: Variables in the function signature (e.g., a, b in Add function).
Actual parameters are copied into formal parameters during the function call.
Each method has its own activation area; variables inside a function can't access variables of outside functions.
Effective memory handling enhances performance and organization.
Terminates function execution and returns control to the calling function.
Can return a value to the calling function.
Used when the function is ready to return a value.
Invoking a method requests an action (e.g., setting a value, printing statements, performing calculations).
Code contains the method name and any necessary data specified in the parameter list.
Control transfers to the called method, which returns control under three conditions:
When the return statement is executed.
When it reaches the closing curly brace.
When it throws an unhandled exception.
Functions in C# with Examples - Dot Net Tutorials
Groups of related instructions that perform specific tasks, allowing code reusability and simplifying coding tasks.
Take input as parameters and return a result as a return value.
Break complex programs into manageable pieces.
Each function handles specific tasks, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
Organizes code and prevents redundancy.
Definition: All code resides in a single main function.
Errors in one line can disrupt the entire program.
Larger codebases become cumbersome to manage and understand.
Limits collaboration as only one person can work on the single main function.
Large programs may exceed memory limits.
Definition: Programs broken into smaller, reusable functions.
Facilitates piece-wise development.
Encourages teamwork as different programmers can work on separate functions.
Increases code productivity and reusability.
Built-in Functions:
Pre-defined functions in the C# framework.
Optimized for performance and saves development time.
User-Defined Functions:
Defined by developers for specific tasks; allows customization and reduces program complexity.
Limited tasks; may necessitate user-defined functions for specific needs.
Naming: Mandatory, follows variable naming rules.
Parameter List: Optional, can take multiple parameters or none.
Return Type: Mandatory, defines type of value returned. A 'void' return type indicates no return value.
Access Specifier: Optional, outlines method accessibility (e.g., public, private).
Modifier: Optional, controls access type (e.g., static, virtual).
using System;
namespace FunctionDemo {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
int x = 10;
int y = 15;
int sum = Add(x, y);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum is {sum}");
static int Add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
In this example, the Add function takes two integers, computes their sum, and returns it to the calling function.
Actual Parameters: Values passed to functions (e.g., x, y in the example).
Formal Parameters: Variables in the function signature (e.g., a, b in Add function).
Actual parameters are copied into formal parameters during the function call.
Each method has its own activation area; variables inside a function can't access variables of outside functions.
Effective memory handling enhances performance and organization.
Terminates function execution and returns control to the calling function.
Can return a value to the calling function.
Used when the function is ready to return a value.
Invoking a method requests an action (e.g., setting a value, printing statements, performing calculations).
Code contains the method name and any necessary data specified in the parameter list.
Control transfers to the called method, which returns control under three conditions:
When the return statement is executed.
When it reaches the closing curly brace.
When it throws an unhandled exception.