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This girl can

Explore how the print advertisement for Pride Magazine uses media language to create meanings:

Text: lack of text, the slogan is a simile, “Pig” usually used as an insult, particularly to women connoting that they are dirty and unattractive. plays on women’s worst fears, and their reason for being so self conscious whilst exercising. “feeling like a fox” - suggests to women that it doesn’t matter what you look like it is what you feel, fox connotes attractiveness making you feel more confident and amazing. recognisable font creates consistent branding. “this girl can” simple, sans serif, easy to understand, positive message to empower women and make exercise seem possible. “this” emphasis makes it a challenge to encourage women to join in, “girl”, colloquial language, but also connotes the feeling of youth after exercise. The use of the hashtag apeals to younger audiences and reflects of modern contexts of the advert it also allow this message to be spread amongst social media platform to reach wider audiences (uses and grats).

Images/visual codes: The lack of direct address is unconventional, as the woman looks unaware that the camera is there connotes that women shouldn’t worry about what others are thinking. she feels like a hero, rather than a damsel in distress which appeals to women who want to be the hero in their own lives. Medium long shot, shallow focus shot, mimics what going on in the woman's mind, everyone around her is a blur and she is focussing on herself and haveing fun. Scrunched facial expression, turned away from the camera, arms up as if she is dancing or moving connotes she is having fun, getting lost in the moment and enjoying exercise (the message).

Layout/design: The ad branding name is small in size and the corner suggests that the purpose of the advert isn’t to sell a product or brand, but a message.

Genre conventions: unconventional for the slogan to be right in the middle of the page blocking the main image, connotes that appearance isn’t important. ad branding name is small in size and the corner suggests that the purpose of the advert isn’t to sell a product or brand, but a message.

Colour: pink hue/lighting connotes femininity, which could be conforming to make gaze and gender stereotypes, it also could be suggesting that their target audience is in fact women.

Women: Her face and body are angled away from the camera suggesting that her appearance doesn’t matter. Her hair seems to be wet with sweat, messy representing her as imperfect and normal rather than idealised. This gives her and women a more natural representation in comparison to other adverts where they are all dolled up promoting aspirational beauty standards. shallow focus shot connotes no one else matters apart from the woman exercising, adding to her importance and signifying that she herself doesn’t care about anyone else opinions of her. The placement of the slogan over her body connotes that a woman’s body isn’t important, and so the audience is encouraged not to objectify her. this challenges feminist ideas that women are often sexualised as this advert is proof they aren’t always.

Context: In the study that the company used to create this advert they noticed that most women didn’t exercise due to being self-conscious about what others thought of them. They are trying to make exercise look natural and normal and fun.

This girl can

Explore how the print advertisement for Pride Magazine uses media language to create meanings:

Text: lack of text, the slogan is a simile, “Pig” usually used as an insult, particularly to women connoting that they are dirty and unattractive. plays on women’s worst fears, and their reason for being so self conscious whilst exercising. “feeling like a fox” - suggests to women that it doesn’t matter what you look like it is what you feel, fox connotes attractiveness making you feel more confident and amazing. recognisable font creates consistent branding. “this girl can” simple, sans serif, easy to understand, positive message to empower women and make exercise seem possible. “this” emphasis makes it a challenge to encourage women to join in, “girl”, colloquial language, but also connotes the feeling of youth after exercise. The use of the hashtag apeals to younger audiences and reflects of modern contexts of the advert it also allow this message to be spread amongst social media platform to reach wider audiences (uses and grats).

Images/visual codes: The lack of direct address is unconventional, as the woman looks unaware that the camera is there connotes that women shouldn’t worry about what others are thinking. she feels like a hero, rather than a damsel in distress which appeals to women who want to be the hero in their own lives. Medium long shot, shallow focus shot, mimics what going on in the woman's mind, everyone around her is a blur and she is focussing on herself and haveing fun. Scrunched facial expression, turned away from the camera, arms up as if she is dancing or moving connotes she is having fun, getting lost in the moment and enjoying exercise (the message).

Layout/design: The ad branding name is small in size and the corner suggests that the purpose of the advert isn’t to sell a product or brand, but a message.

Genre conventions: unconventional for the slogan to be right in the middle of the page blocking the main image, connotes that appearance isn’t important. ad branding name is small in size and the corner suggests that the purpose of the advert isn’t to sell a product or brand, but a message.

Colour: pink hue/lighting connotes femininity, which could be conforming to make gaze and gender stereotypes, it also could be suggesting that their target audience is in fact women.

Women: Her face and body are angled away from the camera suggesting that her appearance doesn’t matter. Her hair seems to be wet with sweat, messy representing her as imperfect and normal rather than idealised. This gives her and women a more natural representation in comparison to other adverts where they are all dolled up promoting aspirational beauty standards. shallow focus shot connotes no one else matters apart from the woman exercising, adding to her importance and signifying that she herself doesn’t care about anyone else opinions of her. The placement of the slogan over her body connotes that a woman’s body isn’t important, and so the audience is encouraged not to objectify her. this challenges feminist ideas that women are often sexualised as this advert is proof they aren’t always.

Context: In the study that the company used to create this advert they noticed that most women didn’t exercise due to being self-conscious about what others thought of them. They are trying to make exercise look natural and normal and fun.