Degree within the field:
Bachelor’s Degree
Doctor of Medicine
Doctor of Chiropractic DC
Doctor of Dentistry
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Doctor of Physical Therapy DPT
EdD, PhD, DSci
Credentialing: used to make sure trained professionals within that field are safely practicing things that they are.
Certification: proving that you are knowledgeable in that field
Licensure: you were granted permission by an official to practice something, if you don’t have a licensure it is illegal to practice. it.
registration: documentation of qualification/ gov’t licensing
credentialing: showing certified documents that show individuals have a right to perform certain functions or actions
credentialing organization: oversees administers examinations
interactive components: certification examinations; requires a video excerpt to answer a specific activity.
Continuing Education Units: this is to continue having the certification within a credentialing organization
Interactive component A part of an examination whereby the candidate taking the examination must respond to a visual situation.
Continuing education units Additional professional education that is required to maintain certification, licensure, or registration.
Program accreditation The granting of an academic program the standing of meeting acceptable criteria for the preparation of students enrolled in the program.
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs The largest organization for program accreditation in the health and exercise sciences field.
Committee on the Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences An organization designed to establish standards and guidelines for academic programs that facilitate the preparation of students seeking employment in the health, fitness, and exercise industry.
Individual, institution, or educational program is evaluated and recognized as meeting certain predetermined standards through successful completion of a valid and reliable examination
Granting of permission by a competent authority (usually a government agency) to an organization or individual to engage in a practice or activity that would otherwise be illegal
Recording of professional qualification information relevant to government licensing regulations; similar to licensure, except that the scope of practice is usually more narrow than for a licensed professional
Athletic trainer: ATC athletic trainer certified; prevents, treats and rehab for injuries. Commission on accreditation of athletic training education
biomechanist: clinical bimechanics focuses on the mechanics of injury and the principles of prevention, evaluation, and treatment of musculoskeletal problems.
biomedical engineer: they apply the principles of biology and enginnering to healthcare and medicine in order to design artifical organs, prosthetics, surgical instruments, and medical devices in order to support physiological functions.
Chiropractor: licensed program. increase range of motion of joints and muscles.