Chapter 7
Understanding of the nervous system and its components.
Overview of the Nervous System
Neurons and Supporting Cells
Neurons and Classification of Neurons
Supporting Cells
Axon Regeneration
Electrical Activity in Axons
Ion Gating in Axons
Mechanism of Action Potential Generation
Conduction of Nerve Impulse: Axonal Conduction
Synapses and Synaptic Transmission
Central Nervous System (CNS): Brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Cranial and spinal nerves.
Cell Types:
Neurons: Functional units of the NS.
Glial Cells: Maintain homeostasis, 5-7x more than neurons.
Gather and transmit information by responding to stimuli, sending electrochemical impulses, and releasing neurotransmitters.
Composed of cell body, dendrites, and axon.
Groups of cell bodies are called nuclei (CNS) or ganglia (PNS).
Dendrites: Receive information; convey to cell body.
Axons: Conduct impulses away from cell body.
Sensory (Afferent) Neurons: Conduct impulses into CNS.
Motor (Efferent) Neurons: Carry impulses out of CNS.
Association (Interneurons): Integrate NS activity; located entirely within CNS.
Pseudounipolar: Cell body alongside a single process (e.g., sensory neurons).
Bipolar: Dendrite and axon on opposite ends (e.g., retinal neurons).
Multipolar: Many dendrites and one axon (e.g., motor neurons).
Types in PNS:
Schwann Cells: Myelinate PNS axons.
Satellite Cells: Cover sensory and autonomic ganglia.
Types in CNS:
Oligodendrocytes, Microglia, Astrocytes, Ependymal Cells.
Support and maintain neurons; myelinate axons; participate in immune response.
In PNS, each Schwann cell myelinates 1mm of one axon.
Myelin insulates axons and facilitates faster signal transmission via nodes of Ranvier (unmyelinated gaps).
More feasible in PNS than CNS; oligodendrocytes inhibit regrowth, while astrocytes form scar tissue blocking regrowth.
When PNS axon is severed:
Distal part degenerates.
Schwann cells form a regeneration tube to guide regrowth toward synaptic site.
Nerve Impulse: Series of action potentials that change membrane potential.
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP): Internal charge is -70 mV, maintained by ion distribution and ion channels.
High Na+ outside and K+ inside.
Excitability: Rapid changes in resting membrane potential due to ion permeability.
Depolarization & Hyperpolarization: Changes in membrane potential.
Ion Channels:
K+ leakage channels always open; voltage-gated channels respond to voltage changes.
A wave of change that travels along the axon induced by Na+ influx and K+ efflux.
All-or-None Principle: AP triggered once threshold is reached; AP amplitude remains the same.
Refractory Periods:
Absolute: No new AP can occur.
Relative: Harder to reach threshold due to open K+ channels.
Types of Conduction:
Continuous conduction in unmyelinated axons (slow).
Saltatory conduction in myelinated axons (fast, jumps from node to node).
Fiber Classification:
A Fibers (fast, myelinated); B Fibers (medium speed, myelinated); C Fibers (slow, unmyelinated).
Definition: Connection between presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic cell.
Types of Synapses:
Chemical (via neurotransmitters) and electrical (via gap junctions).
Neurons communicate using graded potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs).
EPSPs: Depolarizing graded potentials that can summate to cause an AP.
IPSPs: Hyperpolarizing potentials that inhibit neuron activity.
Synaptic Integration: If summation of EPSPs and IPSPs reaches threshold, an AP is generated.
AP: All-or-none, regenerated along axon; exhibits refractoriness.
EPSPs: Graded, short-range communication; no refractory period.
Neurotransmitter receptors can be ionotropic (direct ion channel opening) or metabotropic (indirect via G-proteins).
Mechanism: NT binding opens specific channels, resulting in depolarization (EPSP) or hyperpolarization (IPSP).