Scales formed from epidermis
dry, scaly, multiple layers, prevents water loss
number and arrangement of epidermal scales species-specific
snakes—size, shape of scales related to locomotion
squamates—continual growth, shedding
outer layer—stratum corneum—replaced gradually or all at once (ecdysis)
Turtles—shield or scutes on shells
scales develop separately, not a solid sheet
femoral—pheromones to attract mates or mark territory
pre-anal—reproductive hormones
cloacal—scent marking
nuchodorsal—near neck, defense against predators
Claws—keratinized, climbing
Rattles—part of stratum corneum, but stays after ecdysis
Horns—bony projections of skull covered with scaly integument or just modifications of integument
Shell—large, bony, dermal plates
lateral bridges—unite the two shell parts
Chromatophores—cells that disperse pigment granules
sex recognition
temporal fenestrae—surface area for muscle attachment
turtles—anapsids, no fenestrae
crocodilians, snakes, and lizards—diapsids—two fenestrae
snakes—up to 500 vertebrae
precaudal—before vent with ribs
postcaudal—after vent without ribs
thoracic—have ribs
lumbar—reduced or absent ribs
Sacrum—two fused sacral vertebrae that support the pelvic girdle, allows some to stand on 2 legs
3 chambered heart—ventricles incompletely divided
Double circulation
only one functional lung in snakes and some lizards
lungs located in the pleuroperitoneal cavity
faveoli—sub-chambers of lungs
force pump system to get air in lungs or suction/pressure
some species absorb oxygen through pharynx, cloaca, and skin
Digestive System—oral cavity
most have teeth, turtles have beaks
acrodont dentition—marginal teeth attached to biting edges of jaws
pleurodont dentition—jaw teeth are attached to the inner sides of the jawbone
thecodont dentition—teeth rooted in sockets (crocodilians)
snake teeth recurved
sides of many snakes’ mandibles joined only by stretchy ligament » large prey
Some snakes have extra folding strut that suspends the lower jaw on a hinge → even larger prey
Most reptiles have polyphyodont dentition= constant and steady replacement of teeth
Proteroglyphs—rigid dangs that fit into pockets in the outer gum of the lower jaw. Eastern coral snake, venom is neurotoxin
Solenoglyphs—highly specialized fangs that fold back into the mouth. Pit vipers, venom is hemolytic
Venom glands—modified labial salivary glands
Reptilian tongue—more developed that amphibians
Turtles—attached to floor of oral cavity, can’t stick it out
snakes and some lizards—long, skinny, flexible, forked
Flicking—chemoreceptors on tongue allow snakes to locate food or mates
long esophagus to accommodate large prey
some have esophageal “teeth “ to cut shell
elongated in lizards and snakes
cecum to help digest plant matter in herbivores
Separate compartments for intestinal and urogenital tracts, but open into common outlet=vent
Nervous System
Cutaneous receptors—pain and heat
pit vipers—loreal pits—heat sensing
Ears—equilibrium, and hearing
Snakes—no external ear openings
other reptiles—exposed tympanum
eyes—nictitating membrane in turtles and some lizards
lacrimal glands—secrete tears
parietal eye—third eye in some lizards regulates body temperature