Definition: The basic tools used to accomplish an organization’s communication objectives.
Components of the Promotional Mix:
Direct Marketing
Internet Marketing
Sales Promotion
Publicity/Public Relations
Personal Selling
Increasing difficulty in targeting audiences and communicating effectively.
Consumers are no longer passive recipients of information; they actively seek and demand engagement.
Audience engagement stems from a myriad of information sources.
Traditional Mass Media:
Includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and billboards.
These traditional media now drive consumers to websites.
Online Strategies:
Provide detailed information and facilitate interactions.
Focus on being experiential, entertaining, and interactive through platforms like MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, and mobile media devices.
Utilize tools such as e-mail for direct communication.
Key Components:
Point of Purchase
Interactive Marketing
Special Events
Sales Promotion
Public Relations
Media Advertising
Direct Response
Direct Marketing
Description: IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) is a strategic business process used to:
Plan, develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programs.
Target audiences including consumers, customers, prospects, employees, and relevant external/internal audiences.
Goals of IMC:
Generate short-term financial returns.
Build long-term brand value.
Recognition as a Business Process:
IMC is recognized as a strategic process rather than merely tactical integration of various communication activities.
Importance of Relevant Audiences:
Externally includes customers, prospects, suppliers, investors, interest groups, and the general public.
Internally focuses on employees.
Demand for Accountability:
There is an increased emphasis on measuring the outcomes of marketing communication programs.
Strategic Integration of Communications Functions:
Aims to avoid duplication of efforts and leverage synergy among promotional tools.
Results in more efficient and effective marketing.
Factors Influencing IMC Growth:
Rapidly changing environment in terms of consumers, technology, and media.
Review of Marketing Plan
Analysis of Promotional Program Situation
Detailed Analysis of Communication Process
Budget Determination
Incorporation of Various Promotional (communication) Tools:
Sales Promotion
Public Relations/Publicity
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing
Internet/Interactive Marketing
Develop Objectives and Strategy for Each Initiative
Develop Message, Media Strategy, and Tactics
Integrate and Implement Marketing Communications Strategies
Monitor, Evaluate, and Control IMC Program