Week 3
Dr Edward Harrison - 1827 reported that bonesetters outnumbered physicians 9-1.
Must have books: Grey’s Anatomy, Guittan’s Physiology, Boyd’s Pathology, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
Dr Andrew Dods. Scoliosis
Dr William John Little 1868 - Spinal curves, 1853- Deformities
Sir James Paget 1871- Cases that bonesetters cure.
Wharton Hood, MD. 1871 bonesetting is a relation to the treatment of joints crippled by injury.
Multi-man adjustments
Sir Herbert Atkinson Barker: was a bonesetters. Performed manipulative surgery. 1906 he is an osteopath
Friar THomas Mouilton 1656 The complete bonesetters
Nara it - Czech Republic and Slovaki - Bonesetter
Sir Perceval Pott. 1800’s believed that all spoinal problems were from Tuberculosis (Pott’s Disease). Convinced the BMS, Declared manipulation of spine was malpractice
Osteopathy: Declared 1874- Andrew Taylor Still. First osteopathic doctor. A.T.Still University, Kirksville Missouri. He wanted to improve medicine. Whole family died of Meningitis. Investigated alternative treatments. Used Rational medical therapy. Created the idea of preventative medicine to treat disease not just symptoms
1892- First Osteopathic school. A.T. Still University- Kirskville, MO
95% of Osteopaths are Broad osteopaths (surgery, medicine). 5% are Lesion osteopaths (manipulation).
Daniel David Palmer (DD Palmer). born in Pickling, Ontario. Came to the US from Canada to Port Perry by the Mississippi.
Abba (DD’s first wife) was a spiritualist. Divorced and moved to SF. DD then married Landers (4 kids), then Martha, lastly Alvilla Thompson (Villa)
1886 DD introduced to Magnetic Healing. Moved to the Ryan building.
DD used “nerve tracing” by tracing out where the tenderness was to the spine.
Harvey Lillard - Janitor at Ryan Building. Deaf sometimes after back pop (displacement of vertebrae) T4 “racked”. After 2 adjustments, hearing was completely restored for the rest of Lillard’s life. BJ said it was in the neck (C2), but this is disputed.
DD Palmer was secretly a Bonesetter (family secret) and used to watch himself do sets in mirrors, but realized that his patient could see what he was doing, and mashed the mirrors.
Sep. 18, 1895 when the first adjustment was given. 4th floor of the Ryan Building. On the corner of 2nd and Brady Street in Davenport, IA.
Reverend Samuel Weed, Presbyterian minister and patient of DD Palmer. Watched DD practice. Showed DD 33e Greek terms to Come up with the name: Cheri (hand) Practos (done by)
April 1896: DD coins term Chiropractic meaning “done-by-hand”
July 1896: DD incorporated the Palmer school of Magnetic Cure (PSMC)
Jan. 1897: D offers to teach Chiro with tuition $500 for 3-month course
Theories of Chiro from DD:
1897-1902, Therapeusis, manipulation, no innate intelligence, causes circulatory obstruction, machine metaphor, nerve pinching., vital tone (body working correctly)
1903-1906: No Therapeusis, Adjustments to subluxation, nerves/innate intelligence, no circulatory obstruction, Foraminal occlusion, nerve pinching, machine metaphor. No tone
1908-1914: No Therapeusis, adjustments, innate intelligence, no circ. Obstruction., nerve vibration, optional religious plank or obligatory, tone.
Difference between Manipulation and Adjustments: Manipulation-making a temporary change Adjustment- specific time, direction for a more permanent solution
3rd theory believed nerves may be impinged upon, not pinched, by misaligned joints
Dr Edward Harrison - 1827 reported that bonesetters outnumbered physicians 9-1.
Must have books: Grey’s Anatomy, Guittan’s Physiology, Boyd’s Pathology, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
Dr Andrew Dods. Scoliosis
Dr William John Little 1868 - Spinal curves, 1853- Deformities
Sir James Paget 1871- Cases that bonesetters cure.
Wharton Hood, MD. 1871 bonesetting is a relation to the treatment of joints crippled by injury.
Multi-man adjustments
Sir Herbert Atkinson Barker: was a bonesetters. Performed manipulative surgery. 1906 he is an osteopath
Friar THomas Mouilton 1656 The complete bonesetters
Nara it - Czech Republic and Slovaki - Bonesetter
Sir Perceval Pott. 1800’s believed that all spoinal problems were from Tuberculosis (Pott’s Disease). Convinced the BMS, Declared manipulation of spine was malpractice
Osteopathy: Declared 1874- Andrew Taylor Still. First osteopathic doctor. A.T.Still University, Kirksville Missouri. He wanted to improve medicine. Whole family died of Meningitis. Investigated alternative treatments. Used Rational medical therapy. Created the idea of preventative medicine to treat disease not just symptoms
1892- First Osteopathic school. A.T. Still University- Kirskville, MO
95% of Osteopaths are Broad osteopaths (surgery, medicine). 5% are Lesion osteopaths (manipulation).
Daniel David Palmer (DD Palmer). born in Pickling, Ontario. Came to the US from Canada to Port Perry by the Mississippi.
Abba (DD’s first wife) was a spiritualist. Divorced and moved to SF. DD then married Landers (4 kids), then Martha, lastly Alvilla Thompson (Villa)
1886 DD introduced to Magnetic Healing. Moved to the Ryan building.
DD used “nerve tracing” by tracing out where the tenderness was to the spine.
Harvey Lillard - Janitor at Ryan Building. Deaf sometimes after back pop (displacement of vertebrae) T4 “racked”. After 2 adjustments, hearing was completely restored for the rest of Lillard’s life. BJ said it was in the neck (C2), but this is disputed.
DD Palmer was secretly a Bonesetter (family secret) and used to watch himself do sets in mirrors, but realized that his patient could see what he was doing, and mashed the mirrors.
Sep. 18, 1895 when the first adjustment was given. 4th floor of the Ryan Building. On the corner of 2nd and Brady Street in Davenport, IA.
Reverend Samuel Weed, Presbyterian minister and patient of DD Palmer. Watched DD practice. Showed DD 33e Greek terms to Come up with the name: Cheri (hand) Practos (done by)
April 1896: DD coins term Chiropractic meaning “done-by-hand”
July 1896: DD incorporated the Palmer school of Magnetic Cure (PSMC)
Jan. 1897: D offers to teach Chiro with tuition $500 for 3-month course
Theories of Chiro from DD:
1897-1902, Therapeusis, manipulation, no innate intelligence, causes circulatory obstruction, machine metaphor, nerve pinching., vital tone (body working correctly)
1903-1906: No Therapeusis, Adjustments to subluxation, nerves/innate intelligence, no circulatory obstruction, Foraminal occlusion, nerve pinching, machine metaphor. No tone
1908-1914: No Therapeusis, adjustments, innate intelligence, no circ. Obstruction., nerve vibration, optional religious plank or obligatory, tone.
Difference between Manipulation and Adjustments: Manipulation-making a temporary change Adjustment- specific time, direction for a more permanent solution
3rd theory believed nerves may be impinged upon, not pinched, by misaligned joints