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econ terms


  • how nations make decisions about distributing limited resources to satisfy the unlimited wants and needs of its citizens with limited resources

    • whatever they decide is how the economy will be

      *it is all about production (goods and services)

      • the usa has the biggest economy since we produce the most


  • a universal problem that can never be solved

    • unlimited wants and needs with limited resources make for scarcity

      *thanos: wanted to kill half of the universe, so everyone could get their needs and wants

      • scarce = limited


  • list of options or possible ways to allocate (distribute or give away) resources

    (pro-con lists)

    • using a computer to be more productive or only a pen and paper

      *only affects YOU!


  • because you cannot have everything you want, you must make a decision

    • one option —> you pick

trade-off (verb):

  • the act of getting something but giving up something else

    • sentence:

      “i chose ________ and gave up _______.”

      • ex. I chose to come to school and gave up the option to stay at home. I chose to use an agenda instead of taking a picture of the homework.

opportunity cost (noun):

  • the value of the runner-up —> your second choice (the next BEST alternative)

    • not money or the cost of what you chose but because of scarcity

      • ex. i gave up the opportunity to go to the mall to buy a sweater from hollister but instead, i got one from amazon


  • to distribute or give away resources


  • things required for survival

    • food, water, clothing, shelter


  • luxuries not required for survival

    • these things are scarce and the factors necessary for the economy to produce goods and services

      • labor: work, time

      • land: land, water

      • capital: buildings, tools

      • entrepreneurship

econ terms


  • how nations make decisions about distributing limited resources to satisfy the unlimited wants and needs of its citizens with limited resources

    • whatever they decide is how the economy will be

      *it is all about production (goods and services)

      • the usa has the biggest economy since we produce the most


  • a universal problem that can never be solved

    • unlimited wants and needs with limited resources make for scarcity

      *thanos: wanted to kill half of the universe, so everyone could get their needs and wants

      • scarce = limited


  • list of options or possible ways to allocate (distribute or give away) resources

    (pro-con lists)

    • using a computer to be more productive or only a pen and paper

      *only affects YOU!


  • because you cannot have everything you want, you must make a decision

    • one option —> you pick

trade-off (verb):

  • the act of getting something but giving up something else

    • sentence:

      “i chose ________ and gave up _______.”

      • ex. I chose to come to school and gave up the option to stay at home. I chose to use an agenda instead of taking a picture of the homework.

opportunity cost (noun):

  • the value of the runner-up —> your second choice (the next BEST alternative)

    • not money or the cost of what you chose but because of scarcity

      • ex. i gave up the opportunity to go to the mall to buy a sweater from hollister but instead, i got one from amazon


  • to distribute or give away resources


  • things required for survival

    • food, water, clothing, shelter


  • luxuries not required for survival

    • these things are scarce and the factors necessary for the economy to produce goods and services

      • labor: work, time

      • land: land, water

      • capital: buildings, tools

      • entrepreneurship