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Complete ielts unit 2 (multiple choice-lis)




  1. grab (v)


chộp lấy, vồ lấy

to take or hold somebody/something with your hand suddenly

She grabbed the child’s hand and ran

  1. health-wise (suffix)

in terms of….(về mặt sức khỏe)

relating to a particular thing

We were very lucky weather-wise yesterday

  1. lie awake (v)

lie without sleeping (thức trắng đêm)

I lay awake all night worrying about tomorrow

  1. attention (n)


sự chú ý listening/looking carefully

In order to learn anything, she has to pay attention

  1. careless (adj)


bất cẩn

not giving enough attention and thought to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes

He is very careless with money

  1. hygiene (n)


sự vệ sinh

the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease

Poor dental hygiene can contribute to tooth decay

  1. germ (n)


mầm bệnh, vi trùng

a very small living thing that can cause infection and disease

Dirty hands can be a habitat for germs


Complete ielts unit 2 (multiple choice-lis)




  1. grab (v)


chộp lấy, vồ lấy

to take or hold somebody/something with your hand suddenly

She grabbed the child’s hand and ran

  1. health-wise (suffix)

in terms of….(về mặt sức khỏe)

relating to a particular thing

We were very lucky weather-wise yesterday

  1. lie awake (v)

lie without sleeping (thức trắng đêm)

I lay awake all night worrying about tomorrow

  1. attention (n)


sự chú ý listening/looking carefully

In order to learn anything, she has to pay attention

  1. careless (adj)


bất cẩn

not giving enough attention and thought to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes

He is very careless with money

  1. hygiene (n)


sự vệ sinh

the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease

Poor dental hygiene can contribute to tooth decay

  1. germ (n)


mầm bệnh, vi trùng

a very small living thing that can cause infection and disease

Dirty hands can be a habitat for germs