Chapter 2 Study

Paradox is a statement that seems contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is true

O happy fault: the negative consequence of sin become happy news with Jesus, because he comes to defeat death

Protoevangelium is the first announcement of the Good news found in the beginning of salvation history.

Salvation History: valuable moments in catholic history

Striking the head is fatal, while striking the heel is more of an inconvenience. Jesus and followers will be able to crush Satan, even with temptation towards sin

Covenant is a solemn agreement between human beings or between God and human beings in which mutual commitments are made

Covenants: mutual respect and love, establish formal relationships, mutual agreements, and humanity

  • Friendship is like a covenant because it is rooted in love and respect.

  • God became a leader and provider while still respecting us

What are the 4 covenants? Noah, Abraham, Israelites, and David

How could one man totally fulfil the covenants? The man (Jesus) is perfect

Typology: the study of God’s work in the OT as a prefiguration of what he accomplishes through Jesus Christ

What are god’s promises to Abraham?

  • Numerous descendance

  • land for the descendance that is their own

  • that him and his descendance will be a blessing

Mosaic Law encouraged the Israelites to avoid sin, and in doing so, prepared them to receive the one living and true Son of God, Jesus Christ

Mosaic Law = 10 commandments (and more) brought to the Israelites by Moses

Covenant = remedy for sin


  • Noah: God wouldn’t wouldn’t destroy anything and askes nothing in return

  • Abraham: God promises to bless him and descendance, asks for obedience to laws

  • Israel: God promises to bless with promised land and descendance, asks for obedience to mosaic laws

  • David: God promises a powerful descendant, asks for David to follow the laws.
