One of the poorest countries with peasants and poor workers. Moscow and St Petersburg were overcrowded and had terrible living conditions. Workers were protesting because of food shortages.
Communism is a system of government where the state controls property, business, jobs and society and there are limited individual rights. It is against organised religion. The idea was by german political leader Karl Marx. Capitalism was an economic system in which private individuals or business own capital goods.
Fought from 1914-1918 before European countries competed for power and formed two alliances.
Entente: Britain, France, Russia, Italy and USA
Central: Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Ottoman Empire
Huge loss of life. Huge economic crisis including food shortages, lack of men and no one to work. Led to riots, revolution and hatred against the tsar. Russians wanted to pull out of the war
Run by monarchy and government. Tsar Nicholas II and Duma(government). Tsar fighting at front in WW1. Wife in charge with healing monk and people unhappy.
In February 1917 the Tsar’s government Duma collapsed and there were riots and strikes. A temporary provisional government was set up but was overthrown in the October revolution in 1917 and was replaced by the communist party and Vladimir Lenin.
Lenin and his followers were part of the Bolshevik party(Red party) and set up the first Communist state. Karl Marx created the idea of communism.
Promised peace, land and bread. Factories and banks were under government control. Organised religion was banned and the property of the church was seized. All other political parties were banned. Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in the war. Land that was previously owned by nobles was give to peasants. Began a literacy campaign.
Wealthy and religious people were not a fan of Lenin and civil war broke out in 1917. People were worried about lenin’s actions. The Bolshevik Red Army was led by Leon Trotsky. They fought the white army made up of non-communist parties. In July 1918 the Tsar and his family were executed by the Bolsheviks. In 1922 the white army were defeated. Russia was renamed the USSR.
Before he died Lenin wrote his testament and it stated that he didn’t trust or approve of Josef Stalin the General Secretary and wanted him removed. He died on January 21st 1924. No direct successor was left which led to a power struggle. Lenin saw Leon Trotsky as the most capable candidate. Stalin wanted the position. Stalin took control of Lenin’s funeral/made a speech at it/conspired to have Trotsky and other threats to his position removed from the party.
He was born in Georgia in 1878. He was born into a poor family. Sent to seminary school aged 16 and was later expelled. Stalin(man of steel) was not his surname. He was arrested for joining the Bolsheviks and was sent to Siberia in 1904. He had a minor role in the October Revolution in 1917. Played a role in organizing the Red Terror - Civil War.
Stalin’s aim was to strengthen communism in the USSR and then spread it to other nations. His competitor in power Leon Trotsky wanted to spread it straight away.
Collectivisation in 1927. Joining small unproductive farms to form large state owned farms. The idea was not popular. In 1929 collectivisation became compulsory. Punishment for non-compliance. Over 2.5 million wealthy independent farmers were removed and sent to labour camps called Gulags. By 1936 90% of farmland was collectivised.
Grain production rose to nearly 100 million tonnes in 1937. Russia sold large quantities of grain to other countries. Approx 17 million people left the countryside to go work in the towns. The Kulaks were eliminated. The peasants were closely under the governments’ control. Approx 3 million kulaks were killed. There were famines in 1930 and 1932-3 when 5 million people starved to death.
1928 - absolute ruler of the USSR. Changed Russia from an agricultural and peasant dominated society to a modern, industrial, urban society in one generation. Citizens paid a high price for progress. Terror and propaganda were his main tools for change.
Each plan had targets and policies to meet within 5 years. Rewards for most productive workers. Apartments/free schooling/basic healthcare offered to many workers. These plans were made to industrialize Russia. Oil production rose from 2 million tonnes to 29 million tonnes.
Focus was heavily on industry(coal,iron,steel and electricity)
Improved industry but targets were not unrealistic
Focus was on industry, transport and consumer goods
Improved industry/rail and canal links built
Cut short due to WW2 German Invasion
Focus was to produce arms and ammo
Stalin used terror and intimidation to maintain control. 1939 - Cheka were recognised as the NKVD. Enemies of the state were arrested, tortures and executed. Gulags(30,000) were run by the NKVD. Over 1 million people died in Gulags between 1934-53. Purge - to remove a group of people considered undesirable in a violent matter. Stalin feared plots to overthrow him - he purged and expelled almost 1 million members of the Communist party in 1934. In 1937 the Red Army was purged 8 army commanders secretly tried and executed plus 30,000 officers fired/executed.
Staged public trials used as propaganda from 1936 - 38
16 Communist Party leaders tried for assassination and attempting to overthrow the government. All were executed despite Stalin offering pardon if they pleaded guilty.
17 current and former Bolsheviks tried. 13 were executed and others were sent to 10 years in the gulags.
Removed remaining potential rivals. Accused of plotting the assassinations of Lenin and Stalin. 17 were executed.
The use of media to put across one message or image.
Communist newspaper - Pravda meaning truth. Through posters, artwork, streets and statues that showed godlike figure of Stalin. Referred to as the Father of Nations and The Brilliant Genius of Humanity. Edited images to remove smallpox scars, showed strength.
Textbooks changed to give Stalin a big role in Revolution and Civil War. School compulsory and exams reinstalled after Lenin had removed them. Literacy rates increased from 28% to 75%. Youth groups like the Octobrists Pioneers and Komsomol.
More healthcare and doctors. Poorly built flats and housing. Everyone entitled to annual holiday. State controlled radio cinema newspaper clubs sports facilities.
Under Lenin
Women gained the right to education, to vote, contraception, divorce and be the legal head of the family. Cheap dining halls, laundries and childcare so women could work.
Under Stalin
Wanted a high birth rate for army and nation growth. Child allowance for married women. Contraception illegal and divorce was discouraged. 6+children meant 2000 roubles for 5 years. 9+ children meant a medal. In 1935 women made up 44% of the workforce and in 1937 they made up 50%.