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  • -centesis - surgical puncture

  • -cidal - killing

  • -cyte - cell

  • -ectomy - excision or surgical removal

  • -emia - blood condition

  • -emesis - vomiting

  • -gram - something written

  • -ia/-ism/-ic - condition of

  • -itis - inflammation

  • -logy - study of

  • -megaly - enlargement

  • -oma - tumor or swelling

  • -opia - vision

  • -orrhea - flow excessive discharge

  • -ostomy - creation of an artificial opening

  • -otomy - cut into or incision

  • -oxia - oxygen

  • -pathy - disease

  • -sclerosis - hardening

  • -stasis - control or stop


  • -centesis - surgical puncture

  • -cidal - killing

  • -cyte - cell

  • -ectomy - excision or surgical removal

  • -emia - blood condition

  • -emesis - vomiting

  • -gram - something written

  • -ia/-ism/-ic - condition of

  • -itis - inflammation

  • -logy - study of

  • -megaly - enlargement

  • -oma - tumor or swelling

  • -opia - vision

  • -orrhea - flow excessive discharge

  • -ostomy - creation of an artificial opening

  • -otomy - cut into or incision

  • -oxia - oxygen

  • -pathy - disease

  • -sclerosis - hardening

  • -stasis - control or stop