
Name: edgar allan poe

  • master of the macabre

  • the master of suspense

  • the father of detective story

  • tomahak man (he wrote harsh revieuws)

why famoes: his eerie and imaginative tales → groundwork modern detetcive stories

Family situation: father abandoned the family + mother died of turbeculosis → raised by foster → cut ties with him

Economicly: struggeled →had to leave uni ( university of virginaia + wrestpoint) → full time job as writer

Love: married his cousin virginia in 1839 → died in 1847 → sad: NEVER MORE GOT MADE

Died: 1849 in baltimore

  • alcohlism to medical conditions but thats just a theory a litterary theory.

Things you should know:

  • A line = verse

  • group of lines = stanza

  • repearing rhytmic unit that forms part of a line = foot

  • basic rhymic stucture of a line = a metre


1st stanza

  • stressel sulabble follewed by an unstressed sullable → a trochee (repeated 8 times) → thochaaic octametre

like the rest


Dark and eerie: gothic imagery (midnight december), narrator descents in depsair, pauses. + repititions of NEVERMOREEE


mourning the loss of lis love lenore, he was sitting in his room reading a book as a distraction


death and espair + permanant grief. Ravens are associated with death of the supernatual in varius mythologies.


the realistation that his hopes of seeing lenore again of escaping his sorrow are futile.

Figures of speech

  • metaphor

    • comparison without like or as

    • the raven who represents the narratos grief / lonliness

  • allusion

    • reference to another person or another litteray work

    • pallas: godess of wisdom

  • simile

    • comparion with like or as

    • suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping,

  • juxtaposition

    • putting contrasting things next to eahother

    • the raving htat is sitting on the pallas

  • personification

    • making objects of animals seem human

    • the raven speaks

  • onomatopoeia

    • words that sound like what they describe

    • tapping

  • refrain

    • a phrase or sentence that is regulary repeated


  • hyperbole

    • exagerration

    • all my soul within me burning

  • assonance

    • repeating vowel sounds

    • one upon a midnight dreary while i ponder weak and weary

  • alitteration

    • repeating constants at te beginning of the words

    • i nodded nearly napping

  • irony

    • saying the opposite of what you mean

  • anaphora

    • the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginnign of several sentences or clauses

    • let my heart be,…
