voluntary nervous system
involves motor neurones that are under voluntary or conscious control involving the cerebrum
autonomic (involuntary) nervous system
the motor neurones control bodily functions that the conscious area of the brain does not normally control
sympathetic nervous system
involves autonomic motor neurones which produce noradrenaline as their neurotransmitter and often have a rapid response, activating an organ system; these neurones have very short myelinated preganglionic fibres that leave the CNS and synapse in a ganglion very close to the CNS; postganglionic fibres are long and unmyelinated
parasympathetic nervous system
involves autonomic motor neurones which produce acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter and often have a relatively slow, inhibitory effect on an organ system; these neurones have very long myelinated preganglionic fibres that leave the CNS and synapse in a ganglion very close to the effector organ; postganglionic fibres are very short and unmyelinated
a collection of nerve cell bodies outside of the central nervous system