
Five factors of transgression>>factors of

Pabbajjā: Ordination Samanera pabbajjā and upasampadā (higher ordination). In early period both were same but after Rahula's pabbajjā they were separated as two different status. Samanera pabbajja consists of three main sections and several sub sections↓ Bhandukamma- Shaving the head hair. If shaven by bhikkhu then have to announce to sangha. Cleaning by Bathing Requesting ordination Giving the robes asking the robes Kasavacehadana -Wearing the Robes. If Robes are not obtained from a bhikkhu, even if the refuge is undertaken ordination will not be established. Tisarana gamana- Observation of Refuge Giving refuge and observing refuge- Niggahitanta method and Makaranta method- The arrival at the samanera status occurs with taking of refuge even if precepts are not taken. 10 Precepts Panatipata veramani (5 factors of transgression) It should be living beingKnowing it is a living being The intention to kill Employing Strategy (effort) to kill Death occurring due to that Effort Adinnadana veramani (5 factors of transgression) Being the property of others knowing it belongs to others Intention to steal Strategy to steal employing the strategy (actually taking it) Abbrahmcariya veramani (2 factors of transgression) Intention to have sex Actual entry in three entries. Musavada Veramani (4 factors of transgression) What is said being untrue Intent to deceive Indicate falsehood by speech or gesture or writing Other understanding the message Surameraya majjapamadannhana veramani (4 factors of transgression) Substance that causes intoxication and heedlessness intention to drink attempt to drink intoxicant entering the body Vikala bhojana veramani ( 4 factors of transgression) Time being vikala food being yavakalika (not yamakalika, sattahakalika or yavajivika) knowing it is yavakalika food swallowing it. Nacca gita vadita visuka dassana veramani If you dance, make others to dance, watch dance (sing/play musical instruments) watch organize competing programs like wrestling, horse racing, bull fighting, running etc Precept is broken by going to another place to see or hear, even a peacock dance. precept is not broken while travelling for other reason or if in monastery Malagandha vilepana dharana mandana vibhusanatthana veramani. Decorating body with garland or ornaments even a thread breaks precept paritta thread for protection will not break precept perfumes or ointments or powders for medicinal purposes is ok. Uccasayana maha sayana veramani 18 inch (8 inch of sugata anguli) high furniture except single chair with or without back support is uccasayana Mahasayana in village and danasala is allowed when offered by laypeople, except asandi (high chairs or bed), cotton mattresses and pallamka (with legs depicting ferocious animals) sitting on bed and chairs cushioned with cotton is allowed but not for sleeping even prepared by lay people. When delivering dhammatalks, normally all are allowed Jata rupa rajata patiggahana veramani gold, silver and any other valid form of money are not allowed to accept Nasana: 3 main Methods of punishments Linga nasana (banishing) How many Linga nasana for bhikkhus, bhikkhunis and samaneras?↓ 4 parajika for bhikkhus, 4+4 parajika for Bhikkhunis and 5 parajika +5 extra for samanera What are the Dasa linga nasana for samanera? killing living beings stealing sexual intercourse telling lies consuming intoxicants Expressing faults of qualities of Buddha Expressing faults of qualities of Dhamma Expressing faults of qualities of Sangha Wrong view such as eternity belief and annihilation view Sex with bhikkhuni Samvasa nasana (suspension)= to do ukkhepaniya kamma for isolation is called samvasa nasana. Only for Upasampada monks and nuns. Danda Kamma nasana (punishments) vikala bhojana Nacca gita vadita visuka dassana Malagandha vilepana dharana mandana vibhusanatthana ucchasayana mahasayana Jata rupa rajata patiggahana Attempting to cause harm to bhikkhu Attempting to cause losses to Bhikkhu Attempting to make it difficult for Bhikkhus to live in residence. Insulting Bhikkhus Causing schism among Bhikkhus Abhabba puggala (Those who are not suited for samanera ordination). There are Eleven people in whom ordination will not be established even if ordained. Pandaka Ubhatobyanjanaka Theyyasanvasaka Titthiyapakkantaka Tiracchanagata Bhikkhunidusaka Matughataka Pitughataka Arahantaghataka Lohituppadaka Sanghabhedaka Sosārita puggala. Ten people in whom ordination will be established but should not ordain Not permitted by parents. Rajabhata (King's soldier) Person suffering from 5 diseases Kuttha (leprosy) Ganda (boils) kilasa (eczema) sosa (Tuberculosis) Apamara (epilepsy) Dhajabandha cora (well known Rouge) Kharabhedaka cora ( fugitive who escaped from prision) Likhitaka cora (Rouge who has been ordered by government to be captured) Kasahata ( person punished under law by whipping) Lakkhana hata (Person who as scars due to being burnt as punishment) Inayika ( person in debt) Dasa (Slave) Thirty two more person in whom ordination will be established but should not ordain Hatthacchinno- Person with no arms padacchinno- Person with no legs Hatthapadacchinno- Person with no arms and legs Kannacchinno- Person with no ears Nasacchinno- Person with no nose Kannanasacchinno- Person with no ears and nose Angulicchinno- Person with no big fingers Alachinno- Person with no small fingers Kandaracchinno- Person with no main veins Phanahattho- Person with hand of which fingers are attached to each other Khujjo- The hunched back person Vamano- Dwarf Galagandi- Person with boils in the neck Lakkhanahato- person with marks of punishment on the body Kasahato- Person with marks on body made by whiplash Likhitako- Person registered as offender and to be captured Sipadi- Person with Elephantiasis Paparogo- Disease because of Kamma Parisadusako- Ugly due to abnormal appearance Kano- with one eye Kuni- Hunched back Khanjo- person with limp (walks limping) Pakkhahato - Part of body is paralized Chinnieiyapato- Limbless person Jaradubbalo- very weak due to old age Andho- Blind person Mugo- Mute person Badhiro- Deaf person Andhdamugo- Blind, mute person Andhabadhiro- Blind, deaf person Mugabadhiro- Mute, deaf person Andhamugabadhiro- Blind, mute, deaf person UpasampadāWhy bhikkhu's morality is called "adhisīla"(higher morality)?→The morality of higher ordination in the dispensation of the Buddha is one that brings all great and invaluable mundane and supramundane benefits to the sons of householders who establishes in it. Therefore great kings who had luxuries like devas, sons of kings who were heirs to the throne, great rich men with immense wealth and sons of rich men left royalty and luxurious lives and got ordained. That morality of higher ordination is the highest among all moralities. Therefore, it is called "adhisīla (higher morality). Why Bhikkhu's morality is called "Pātimokkha saṃvara sīla"?→Because the one who protects it is released from suffering in apāya and self reproach.How many total Sāmanerā silas are there and what are they?→(109)= 10 liṅga nāsanā, 10 daṇda kamma nāsanā, 75 sekhiyā and 14 duties Modes of higher ordination (4 by Budhha and 4 by Sāvakas)(Nālaka ordination not mentioned in this list). What are the eight modes of higher upasampadā? Which ones are given by Buddha and which are given by Sāvakas? which one do we use now a days? Ehi bhikkhu upasampadā Saraṇāgamana upasampadā- Sāmanerahood and higher ordination both were done this way. Ovāda patiggahaṇa upasampadā- to Piphalī, in city of Rajagaha, under Banyan tree named Bahuputtaka. By giving three advices, contemplate repulsiveness, listen to dhamma with attention and respect sangha (junior, majjhima and senior). Bhikkhu name- Mahā Kassapa. Pañhabyākaraṇa upasampadā- To Sopāka sāmaṇera, walking behind tathāgata in Pubbārāma monastery, Savatthi. 10 questions about the unpleasant perception (asubha saññā). Ñatti catuttha kamma upasampadā- after ven. Rahula's ordination saraṇāgamana method was used for sāmanera ordination and ñatti catuttha for higher ordination. one announcement and 3 proclamations. used until today. Garu dhamma paṭiggahaṇa upasampadā- to Pajāpatī gotamī, stepmother, aunt of lord Buddha. by accepting 8 aṭṭha garu dhamma. Aṭṭhavācikā upasampadā- for Bhikkhuṇīs, ordained by ñatti catuttha from Bhikkhuṇī side first and Bhikkhus side second. so becomes 8 recitation. Dūtena upasampadā- Prostitute named Aḍḍhkāsī got ordained by Bhikkhunis and her Bhikkhu side ordaination was done by sending messenger. Steps of Higher ordination↓ Bringing the candidate to the saṅgha (in the sīmā) Changing the name (if necessary) Taking the upajjhāya mentioning the bowl and robes sending the upasampadāpekkha to some distance away from the saṅgha. the admonisher( ovādācariya) asking the permission to admonish. admonishing the upasampadāpekkha about the antarāyika dhamma. the admonisher asking the permission from the saṅgha to bring the upasampadāpekkha to the saṅgha. upasampadāpekkha asking for the higher ordination the ovādācariya asking permission from the saṅgha to question the upasampadāpekkha about the antarāyika dhamma. questioning the upasampadāpekkhā about the antarāyika dhamma. reciting the kammavācā. Immediately After the higher ordination Telling new monk about his ordination Chāyāmetabbā- informing new monk, time of his ordination. Utuppamāṇaṃ ācikkhitabbaṃ- informing about season of his ordination Divasabhāgo ācikkhitabbo- informing about session of the day (noon, afternoon) Saṅgīti ācikkhitabbā- if he is questioned by someone about information of his ordination, he should be able to answer all above. Explaining the four nissaya Food dependence- on alms food, allowance- different house invitations. Robe dependence- Paṃsakūla cīvara (discarded cloth), allowance- householder donated robes. Accommodation dependence- Foot of the tree, allowance- roofed walled house. Medicine dependence- fermented cattle urine and gall nuts, allowance- other various allowable medicines ( pañca bhesajja). Explaining the four Akaraṅīya NO sexual activity whatsoever. NO stealing even a blade of grass. NO killing intentionally, even an ant. NO expression of superhuman attainments or boasting spiritual qualities, even simple samana practices. Nissāya samādāna (observance of dependence) steps of taking nissāya from senior go to qualified teacher. wrap the robe covering only one shoulder. crouch with hands in anjali say "Ācāriyo me bhante hohi, āyasmato nissāya vacchāmī" teacher should say " Pāsādikena sampādetha". Teacher must accept verbally or at least by gesture otherwise nissāya taking is not successful.taking nissāya from junior first 3 steps are same as above. should say "Ācāriyo me, āvuso hohi, āyasmato nissāya vacchāmi" when going to village ask permission by saying "gāmappavesanaṃ āpucchāmi, ācāriyo" Abhabba puggala (not suited for higher ordination) Eleven abhabba puggala (paṇḍaka, theyyasaṅvāsaka, mātughātaka etc. Pārajikā bhikkhu/bhikkhuni. (Bhikkhuni who have disrobed) The age of the candidate- 20 years from the conception for male. Generally taken 19 years and 6 months( not 9 months for safety). for females if married than age 12, if unmarried than 20 years. Qualification of Bhikkhus suited to become preceptor (parisupatthāka bahussuta)↓ knows analysis of Bhikkhu and Bhikkhunī Vinaya. knows how to conduct vinaya kammas. knows vattakkhandas and how to establish disciples in it. have studied Mulapaññasaka of majjhima nikāya, or mahāvagga of Dīganikāya or first three chapters of Saṃyutta nikāya or half of anguttara nikāya or dhammapada and jātakas with it's commentaries. completed 10 vassā. Qualification of Nissayamuttaka bahussuta (release from dependence) memorized both, bhikkhu and bhikkhunī patimokkhas. memorized four bhāṇavāras of dhamma from sutta piṭaka know Dhamma stories to relate to devotees. knows least 3 Dhamma talks for both auspicious and inauspicious occasions. can perform vinaya kammas like pavārana and uposatha. have learn at least one method of meditation completely and properly leading up to arahantship. is of at least 5 vassa. Five sampatti for higher ordination act to be akuppa (Valid). Vatthu sampatti- qualities of candidate (upasampadāpekkha) age 20 from the time of conception. not one of the 11 abhabba puggalā. not parājikā monk or disrobed bhikkhuni. Ñatti sampatti- informing sangha about the act vatthu parāmasana- mentioning "ayaṃ nāgo" saṅgha parāmasana- mentioning "suṇātu me saṅgho" puggala parāmasana- mentioning preceptor "Nāgo tissassa upasampadāpekkho" ñatti parāmasana- stating "ñatti" in an advised manner. Pubbe ñatti ṭhapana- stating ñatti before anusāvana. Anusāvana sampatti- should be done properly vatthu parāmasana- mentioning "ayaṃ nāgo" saṅgha parāmasana- mentioning "suṇātu me saṅgho" puggala parāmasana- mentioning " nāgo tissassa upasampadāpekkho" sāvaṇa ahāpana- uttering sāvaṇa 3 times with correct pronounciation. Kāla sāvaṇa- ñatti must be done first and anusāvana subsequently. Sīmā sampatti- Baddha sīmā and abaddha sīmā without defects. Parisa sampatti- participating bhikkhus Sikkhāpaccakkhāna- Renouncing higher ordination. Six factors to be considered↓ Citta - renouncing mind. Khetta- words used to disrobe. 22 ways- 14 rejections and 8 bearings. any language is ok. synonyms, equal words also ok. 14 rejections Buddhaṃ paccakkhāmi- i am rejecting buddha. dhammaṃ paccakkhāmi saṅghaṃ paccakkhāmi sikkhaṃ paccakkhāmi vinayaṃ paccakkhāmi pātimokkhaṃ paccakkhāmi udessaṃ paccakkhāmi upajjhāyaṃ paccakkhāmi ācāriyaṃ paccakkhāmi saddhivihārikaṃ paccakkhāmi antevāsīkaṃ paccakkhāmi samānupajjhāyaṃ paccakkhāmi samānācariyaṃ paccakkhāmi sabrahmacariyaṃ paccakkhāmi Eight bearing ups gihī'ti maṃ dhārehi- consider me as lay person. upāsako'ti maṃ dhārehi ārāmiko'ti aṃ dhārehi sāmanero'ti maṃ dhārehi tithiyo'ti maṃ dhārehi tithiyasāvako'ti maṃ dhārehi asamano'ti maṃ dhārehi asakkhyaputti'ti maṃ dhārehi Kāla- grammatical tense vattamānakālavasena- khetta should be uttered in present tense. anāmaṭṭhakālavasena- without using any tense for the verb. examples below. can be used for all 14 rejections alaṃ me buddhena- buddha is of no concern for me kiṃ nu me buddhena- of what use is the buddha for me na mamattho buddhena- buddha is of no use for me sumuttā'haṃ buddhena- i have escaped well from the buddha. Payoga- act of disrobing- should be done verbally. Not by writing or messenger. Puggala- individuals involved, bhikkhu and second person. Bhikkhu should not be insane (ummattaka and khittacitta) or afflicted with severe pain (vedanaṭṭa) should be only with humans, non humans are not valid. second person- should not be insane or in severe pain present in front. Vijānana- understanding the expression of disrobing by listener. When rejection of precepts is done focusing some people, the precepts will be rejected if, at least one among them instantly understands the idea of the bhikkhu. when rejection of precepts is done without focusing on specific persons, the precepts will be rejected if, any human being understands the idea of the bhikkhu.

Explaining the four Akaraṅīya

  • Central Idea: Four rules to follow for spiritual growth

Main Branches

  1. No sexual activity

  2. No stealing

  3. No killing intentionally

  4. No boasting spiritual qualities


  1. No sexual activity whatsoever

    • No physical contact with the opposite gender

    • No sexual thoughts or fantasies

  2. No stealing even a blade of grass

    • No taking anything that does not belong to you

    • No cheating or dishonesty in any form

  3. No killing intentionally, even an ant

    • No harming any living being

    • No violence or aggression towards others

  4. No expression of superhuman attainments or boasting spiritual qualities, even simple samana practices

    • No showing off or bragging about spiritual practices or abilities

    • No claiming to be better than others spiritually
