Religion Final - Popes

Pius X - Encouraged frequent reception of Holy Communion for all Catholics and especially

emphasized that children should receive First Holy Communion as soon as they

are old enough to understand that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.

Pius XII - Lead the Church through World War II appointing an archbishop for the military

services in the United States.

Pius XI - Entered into the Lateran Treaty with Hitler and Mussolini, which recognized the

Vatican as an independent, sovereign state.

John Paul I - Serving as pope the shortest amount of time, his reign was only thirty-three days.

Benedict XVI - After serving just over four years as pope, he resigns and continues as a pope

“emeritus” due to age and health.

Pius IX - Called the First Vatican Council which had to abandoned due to loss of the Papal

States and he secluded himself to the Vatican City for the rest of his reign.

Leo XIII - Wrote the greatest encyclical on Catholic Social Justice in Church history,

Francis - His election as pope marks the first pope from South America and the first pope

from the Jesuit order of priests. He is now serving as pope of the Church.

John XXIII - Called the Second Vatican Council reforming the Church, but died during the

This time he died and did not see the end of the council. Also know for his

encyclical on Catholic social justice.

Paul VI - Continued the work of John XXIII by continuing the Second Vatican Council. He

encouraged social justice through his letters, encyclicals, and travels.

John Paul II - His election marked the first non-Italian pope since the 16th century. Among many

accomplishments he is credited with bringing an end to Soviet communism in

Russia and Eastern Europe.
