Chapter three Pakiṇṇaka Saṅgaha
Now you know consciousnesses, mental factors and their combinations. To complete your knowledge of consciousnesses and mental factors, it is necessary to know how they arise and exist in generations. There are two types of generations of consciousnesses: vīthi generations and vithimuttaka generations. In order to learn them it is necessary to analysis each consciousness and mental factors in terms of their associated feelings, roots and some other factors. Therefore, from here on the analysis of consciousnesses in terms feeling (vedanā), root (hetu), function (kicca), door (dvāra), object (ārammaṇa) and base (vatthu) will be shown. This chapter is sixfold as follows.
Manual of feelings (vedanā saṅgaha)
Manual of roots (hetu saṅgaha)
Manual of functions (kicca saṅgaha)
Manual of doors (dvāra saṅgaha)
Manual of objects (ārammaṇa saṅgaha)
Manual of bases (vatthu saṅgaha) At the end of the chapter, students will be able to analyze each consciousness in the above-mentioned six aspects.
2 Lesson 3.1
Manual of feelings: vedanā saṅgaha
In this lesson, we shall study the threefold division (anubhavanabheda) and fivefold division (indriyabheda) of vedanā and how consciousnesses are categorized
according to their associating feelings (vedanā).
Vedanā (feeling) Feeling is one of the fifty-two mental factors. It has been explained under various categorizations by the Tathāgata in various teachings. Feeling is experiencing the flavor or taste of objects. The taste of objects can be felt as something agreeable, disagreeable or as neutral (neither aggregable nor disagreeable). There are no ways other than these three in which the flavor of objects can be felt. Therefore, feeling is threefold in terms of how it tastes the flavor of objects. This division is called anubhavanabheda. Based on indriyabheda feeling is fivefold. Indriya is the lord who unleashes his lordship over others and keep them under his authority. Vedanā also acts as a lord over other mentalities in the function of tasting the flavor of an object. In this regard vedanā is fivefold. Two types of divisions of vedanā: anubhavanabheda and indriyabheda Feeling is threefold based on the manner how it tastes the flavor (ārammaṇarasa) of an object. This is classification is called anubhavanabheda.
Pleasant feeling (sukha vedanā)
Painful feeling (dukkha vedanā)
Neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling (adukkhamasukha vedanā) In another way, feeling is fivefold based on its influence over other mentalities. This classification is called indriyabheda.
Pleasure (sukha vedanā)
Joy (somanassa)
Pain (dukkha vedanā)
Displeasure (domanassa vedanā)
Equanimity or neutral feeling (upekkhā vedanā) This is how two types of divisions are related to each other. When vedanā is divided under its indriya function, pleasant feeling (sukha vedanā) is twofold as pleasure (sukha vedanā) and joy (somanassa vedanā). Pleasure is the bodily pleasant feeling (kāyika sukha), and joy is the mental pleasant feeling (mānasika sukha). Painful feeling (dukkha vedanā) is twofold as pain (dukkha vedanā) and displeasure (domanassa vedanā) under the indriyabheda. Here, pain is bodily painful feeling (kāyika dukkha), and displeasure is mental painful feeling (mānasika dukkha vedanā).
Neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling (adukkhamasukha vedanā) becomes equanimity or neutral feeling (upekkhā vedanā). Classification of consciousnesses based on feeling Following is how consciousnesses are divided based on their associating feeling. Based on the threefold feeling (anubhavanabheda)
Consciousnesses accompanied by pleasant feeling (sukhasahagata cittas) – 63 i. Somanassa sahagata lobhamūla cittas - 4 ii. Sukha sahagata kāyaviññāṇa citta - 1 iii. Somanassa sahagata santīraṇacitta – 1 iv. Somanassa sahagata hasituppāda citta – 1 v. Somanassa sahagata kāmasobhana cittas – 12 vi. First jhāna cittas - 11 vii. Second jhāna cittas - 11 viii. Third jhāna cittas – 11 ix. Fourth jhāna cittas – 11
Consciousnesses accompanied by painful feeling (sukhasahagata cittas) – 03 i. Dosamūla cittas – 2 ii. Dukkha sahagata kāyaviññāṇa – 1
Consciousnesses accompanied by neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling (sukhasahagata cittas) – 55 i. Upekkhā sahagata lobhamūla cittas – 4 ii. Mohamūla cittas – 2 iii. Cakkhuviññāṇa – 2 iv. Sotaviññāṇa – 2 v. Ghānaviññāṇa – 2 vi. Jivhāviññāṇa – 2 vii. Sampaṭicchana cittas – 2 viii. Upekkhā sahagata santīrana cittas – 2 ix. Āvajjana cittas – 2 x. Upekkhā sahagata kāma sobhana cittas – 12 xi. Fifth jhāna cittas – 23