Psychodynamic theory - behavior is unconscious
Sigmund Freud - Pioneered psychodynamic theory
Unconscious - without realizing or acting
Freud's sectors of the mind - iceberg
Ego - Realistic, deals with id reasonably
Id - bodily needs met NOW
Superego - moral compass
Defense mechanisms - Id and superego beef
Denial - refusal to acknowledge pain
Displacement - kicking the dog
Projection - attributing unwanted feelings onto others
Rationalism - supplying seemingly logical reasoning
Reaction formation - I hate men
Regression - childlike behavior
Sublimation - emotions into something socially acceptable
Projective tests - stimuli to get out feelings
Thematic apperception tests (TAT) - perceive something based on past
Rorschach test - inkblots
Determinism approach - personality determined by environment
Humanistic theory of personality - people are born good
Abrham Maslow - developed hierarchy of needs
Hierarchy of needs - motivated to reach potential
Self-actualization tendency - pushing through to achieve
Self-concept - who you are
Ideal self - who you want to be
Unconditional positive regard - encourages self improvement
Trait theory - describes personality
Gordon Allport - define personality
Big 5 - personality traits
Consciousness - messy vs organized
Agreeableness - soft-hearted vs ruthless
Neuroticism/emotional stability - calm vs. anxious
Openness/rigidity - imaginativity/practical
Extrovertedness/introvertedness - sociable vs reteriable
Personality inventories - see what traits an individual has
Factor analysis - statistics
Socio-cognitive perspective - what influences who we are
Abert Bandura - pioneered socio-cognitive perspective
Social Cognitive theory - emphasizes interactions of our thinking
Reciprocal determinism - thinking, environment, and personality interact
Self-esteem - our feelings of self-worth
Self-efficacy - I can do this