What are amino acids?
Organic compounds derived from ammonium in which one or more hydrogen atoms in ammonia have been replaced by a carbon chain or ring.
nitrogen atom attached to at least one straight or branched carbon chain
e.g. methylamine, CH3NH2
nitrogen atom attsched to an aromatic ring
e.g. phenylamine, C6H5NH2
Naming amines:
Naming a primary amine:
add the suffix -amine to the name of the alkyl chain
where a primary amine contains an amine group on any other carbon but carbon-1, add the prifix amino- and the number to indicate the position of the amine group
Secondary and tertiary amines:
the prfixes di- or tri- are used to indicate the number of alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom
Reactions of amines:
Amines as bases:-
Why do amines behave as bases?
The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom can accept a proton
Salt formation:-
Amines are bases and so neutralise acids to make salts
propylamine + hydrochloric acid —> propylammonium chloride
ethylamine + sulfuric acid —> ethylammonium sulfate
Preparation of alphatic amines:
Formation of primary amines:-
The lone pair on the nitrogen allows ammonia to act as a nucleophile in a substitution reaction with a haloalkane
The product would be an ammonium salt
Aqueous alkalki is then added to generate the amine from the salt
CH3CH2CH2Cl + NH3 —> CH3CH2CH2NH3+Cl-
1-chloropropane propylammonium chloride (salt)
CH3CH2CH2NH3+Cl- + NaOH —> CH3CH2CH2NH2 + NaCl + H2O
propylammonium chloride propylamine
Ethanol is used as a solvent to prevent any substituation of the haloalkane by water to produce alcohols
Excess ammonia is used to reduce further substitution of the amine group to form secondary and tertiary amines
Formation of secondary and tertiary amines:-
The reaction above is unsuitable for making pure primary amines, the product still contains a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom, which is able to further react with a haloalkane to form a seconday amine.
CH3CH2CH2NH2 + CH3CH2CH2Cl —> (CH3CH2CH2)2NH2+Cl-
propylamine dipropylammonium chloride
Teritary amines are formed by further reaction of the seconday amine. In this example, it would form tripropylammonium chloride, (CH3CH2CH2)3N
Preparation of aromatic amines
Phenylamine, C6H5NH2, is made by the reduction of nitobenzene
Nitobenzene is heated under reflux with tin and hydrochloric acid to form the ammonium salt, phenylammonium chloride
It is then reacted with excess sodium hydroxide to produce the aromatic amine, phenylamine
Amino acids:
What are they?:-
an organic compound containing both amines, -NH2 and carboxylic acid, COOH, functional groups
they have the general formula - RCH(NH2)COOH
Reactions of the amine group:
They act as bases to react with acids and make salts therefore, the amino acid can also react with acids to form salts
Reactions of the carboxylic acid group in amino acids:
The carboxylic acid can react with alkali’s to form salts and with alcohols to form esters if in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
e.g. aminoethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide to form a sodium salt and water
Within the amino acid, the lone pair of electrons on the amine group is able to accept a proton from the carboxylic acid group to form an ion containing both a positive and negative charge — known as a zwitterion
They have no overall charge as the positive and negative charge cancel out
What is the isoeletric point?:-
It is the pH at which the zwitterion is formed
Each amino acid has its own unique isoeletric point
If an amino acid is added to a solution with a pH greater than its isoeletric point, the amino acid behaves as an acid and looses a proton — forming a negative ion
If an amino acid is added to a solution with a pH lower than its isoeletric point, the amino acid acids as a base and gains a proton — forming a positive ion
Amides are the product of reacing acyl chlorides with ammonia and amines
Compounds with the same structural formula but different arrangement of atoms
Optical isomerism:-
Found in molecules that contain a chiral centre
A chiral centre is a carbon atom that is attached to four different atoms or groups of atoms
The presence of a chiral carbon atoms in a molecule leads to two non-superimposable mirror image structures — known as optical isomers
When drawing optical isomers, they are shown in a 3D tetrahedral arrangement. One isomer being a mirror image of the other
Polyesters and polyamides
What is condensation polymerisation?:-
Condensation polymerisation is the joining of monomers with loss of a small molecule, usually water or hydrogen chloride
Two different functional groups are needed for this to happen
monomers are joined together by ester linkages in a long chain to form the polymer
they can be made from one monomer containing both a carboxylic acid and an alcohol group, or from two monomers — one containing two carboxylic acid groups and the other containing two alcohol groups
polyamides are condensation polymers formed when monomers are joined together by amide linkages in a long chain to form the polymer
they can be made from one monomer containing both a carboxylic acid (or acyl chloride) and an amine group — or two monomors containing two carboxylic acid groups (or acyl chlorides) and the other containting two amine groups
Hydrolysing condensation polymers
Polyesters and polyamides can be hydrolysed using hot aqueous alkali (like sodium hydroxide) or by hot aqueous acid (like hydrochloric acid)
Hydrolysing with a base is preferable over an acid as it is not a reversible reaction like hydrolysis with acid