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No unit 3 or 4, just 5

Unit 5: Resistance, Revolution, and Reform

  • How did eygipatians use social media and protest to bring about political change?

  • How did Julius Caesar gail control in Rome?

  • How did the Safavid Empire use diplomacy to accomplish its goals?

  • How did Martin Lutherbring about the Protestant Reformation?

  • Why did maxmillen Robespierre believe violence was necesarry to achieve the goals of theFrench Revolition?

  • How did the Haitians end slavery and gaim independance from France?

  • How did Gandhi use nonviolent resistance against Brittish colonization?

  • Why did Emiliano Zapata think land reform was necessary for mexico?

  • How did Joseph Stalin try to revolutionaize Soviet society?

  • Why did Algerians believe that violenve was necessary to decolonize their countyr?

  • How did Rogoberta Menchy resist the human rights abuses of the Guatemalan government?

  • How did Vaclav Havel spread dissent against the totalitarian regime in Czechslocakia?

Make sure you study the Unit Question!!!!

How should people bring about political and social change?


No unit 3 or 4, just 5

Unit 5: Resistance, Revolution, and Reform

  • How did eygipatians use social media and protest to bring about political change?

  • How did Julius Caesar gail control in Rome?

  • How did the Safavid Empire use diplomacy to accomplish its goals?

  • How did Martin Lutherbring about the Protestant Reformation?

  • Why did maxmillen Robespierre believe violence was necesarry to achieve the goals of theFrench Revolition?

  • How did the Haitians end slavery and gaim independance from France?

  • How did Gandhi use nonviolent resistance against Brittish colonization?

  • Why did Emiliano Zapata think land reform was necessary for mexico?

  • How did Joseph Stalin try to revolutionaize Soviet society?

  • Why did Algerians believe that violenve was necessary to decolonize their countyr?

  • How did Rogoberta Menchy resist the human rights abuses of the Guatemalan government?

  • How did Vaclav Havel spread dissent against the totalitarian regime in Czechslocakia?

Make sure you study the Unit Question!!!!

How should people bring about political and social change?