Need: Essential for survival (e.g., food, water, shelter, clothing)
Want: Desirable but not necessary for survival (e.g., a new phone, vacation, designer clothes)
Examples of Needs
Examples of Wants
A new car
A designer handbag
A vacation to an exotic island
A high-end gaming console
Fundamental Economic Problem
Scarcity: Condition of having unlimited wants but limited resources to satisfy them.
Scarcity and Choices
Scarcity forces individuals and businesses to make choices about resource allocation.
Opportunity Cost: The value of the next best alternative forgone when making a choice (e.g., choosing a PlayStation over a bicycle).
Business Activity
Definition: Any action taken by an organization to produce goods or services that satisfy consumer wants and needs.
Factors of Production
Land: Natural resources used in production.
Labour: Human effort involved in production.
Capital: Man-made resources used in production.
Enterprise: Skills and initiative to organize the other factors.
Examples of Factors of Production
Farmland used to grow crops
Oil reserves
A shop building
A factory worker
A teacher
A shop assistant
A factory machine
A delivery truck
A computer
Role of Enterprise
Involves taking risks and organizing production factors.
Example: Elon Musk for Tesla; Volkswagen for Ferrari.
Opportunity Cost in Business Decisions
If a business invests in new equipment, the opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative use of that money (e.g., investing in marketing).
Importance of Profit
Profit: Financial reward for taking risks in business.