100 | US laws designed to prevent entry into foreign conflicts [Neutrality Acts] |
200 | Japan 1st took this part of China in 1931 [Manchuria] |
300 | This term refers to the US policy of improving relations with Latin America [Good Neighbor Policy] |
400 | The five power treaty limiting Navy size came out of this meeting in 1921-22 [Washington Conference] |
500 | Failed attempt by US to help Germany pay its reparations [Dawes Plan] |
Social Change
100 | Eight hour orphans were created by women working coupled with a lack of these [day care centers] |
200 | Effects of World War II on rates of marriage and divorce [both rose] |
30 | New style of music, based on jazz, made popular during world war II [swing] |
400Â | US region that benefited the most from US investment in aviation during WWII [West Coast] |
500 | This organization recruited young women to serve as wholesome companions for servicemen [USO] |
100 | 1st US combat experience in World War II—a decisive Japanese victory [Pearl Harbor] |
200 | 1944 US/British/Canadian invasion of German occupied France [Battle of Normandy] |
300 | Turning point of the Pacific War—US navy gained control of the central Pacific [Battle of Midway] |
400 | Historian Gar Alperovitz argued that the A-Bomb was used not to intimidate Japan, but this country [Soviet Union] |
500 | 1st US combat against Germany was here—not in German occupied France as Stalin had hoped [North Africa] |
Review 20th century
100 | Franklin Roosevelt’s program to end the Great Depression [New Deal] |
200 | Artistic and literary movement of African Americans in the 1920s [Harlem Renaissance] |
300 | American writer of the 1920s, he took delight in making fun of fundamentalists and traditional Americans [H.L. Menkin]Â |
400 | Popular Front organization worked to promote black/white cooperation in the South during the 1930s [Southern Tenant Farmers Union] |
500 | Organizer of the Share our Wealth program [Huey Long] |
Review 17th and 18th centuries
100 | Key preacher of the Great Awakening [Jonathan Edwards] |
200 | DD key European theologian behind Puritan ideas [John Calvin] |
300 | After the stamp act, this set of taxes set off a second crisis in the colonies in 1767-68 [Townshend Acts] |
400 | He led an uprising of MA farmers against an uncaring government in 1786 [Shays’ Rebellion] |
500 | He led an uprising of VA frontiersman against the colonial government in 1676 [Nathaniel Bacon] |
200 | In the summer of 1940, congress approved this first ever peacetime army expansion [draft] |
400 | In 1939, Congress amended the Neutrality act to allow weapon sales on this basis [Cash and Carry] |
600 | In the spring of 1941, the US approved this program to provide low-cost assistance to Britain [Lend-Lease] |
800 | This US ship was sunk in October 1941 while on “neutrality patrol” in the North Atlantic [USS Reuben James] |
1000 | Violating the spirit, if not the letter, of the Neutrality Acts, in 1940 President Roosevelt traded these to Britain in exchange for navy bases [100 Destroyers] |
Civil Rights
200 | The most serious racial conflict of the war was the riot here in the summer of 1943, in which 34 were killed. [Detroit] |
400 | DD This organization, created in 1942, more aggressively challenged segregation and discrimination than the NAACP [Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)] |
600 | He threatened a massive march on Washington unless blacks were given access to well-paying jobs in defense plants [A. Philip Randolph] |
800 | The term for the violent confrontation between white and Hispanic youth in the summer of 1943 in Los Angeles [Zoot Suit Riot] |
1000 | In general, world war II had this effect on the movement to strengthen Native American tribal authority [weakened it] |
200 | Roosevelt was pressured to choose him as VP candidate in 1944, a more conservative alternative to Henry A. Wallace. [Harry S Truman] |
400 | DD Republican candidate in the 1944 election [Thomas E. Dewey] |
600 | Joint US-British statement of war aims, made in the fall of 1941 [Atlantic Charter] |
800Â | One of two New Deal programs killed by Congress early in World War II [CCC, WPA] |
1000 | This organization, in charge of controlling inflation, was never popular [Office of Price Administration] |
200 | He led the America First isolation committee [Charles Lindbergh] |
400 | He led the movement in the US senate for isolation [Gerald Nye] |
600 | The Allied invasion of Italy forced him out of power [Mussolini] |
800 | Roosevelt’s 1940 opponent, decisively defeated, but re-energized the party [Willkie] |
1000 | one of Britain’s greatest mathematicians since Newton, developed the first programmable computer to break German codes. He was later imprisoned for being gay. [Alan Turing] |
Review: 19th century
200 | He adopted technology in the Gilded Age to drive down the price of steel production [Carnegie] |
400 | His lawyers invented the trust [John D. Rockefeller] |
600 | He wrote the 14th amendment, and led the Radical Reconstruction [Thaddeus Stevens] |
800 | Along with Henry Clay, he founded the Whig party [Daniel Webster] |
1000 | This treaty fixed the US southern boundary, and gave Florida to the US in 1819 [Adams-Onis Treaty] |