Vertebrate Development: Focus on the development of chickens, specifically the species Gallus gallus.
Amniotes: Group of vertebrates that includes reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Characteristics: Have an amniote egg that allows for terrestrial reproduction.
Types of Amniotes:
Reptiles: An example is the chicken.
Birds: Characterized by feathers and flight.
Monotremes: Egg-laying mammals (like platypus and echidna) that possess mammary glands.
Placental mammals: Examples include Mus musculus (house mouse).
Amniote Egg Development: Membranes form during the development of reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Types of Extraembryonic Membranes:
Yolk Sac: Provides nutrients.
Chorion: Contains blood vessels, functions in respiration, contributes to placenta in placental mammals.
Allantois: Waste storage.
Amnion: Encloses the embryo in a protective fluid.
Shell and Amniotic Cavity: Protects and contains the embryo.
Amnion: A membrane surrounding the chick embryo, providing a fluid cushion and preventing desiccation.
Yolk Sac: In chickens, encases the yolk and features blood vessels for nutrient absorption.
Allantois: Functions mainly to store waste produced by the embryo.
Chorion: Contains blood vessels that facilitate gas exchange, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide; forms part of the placenta in placental mammals.
Blastodisc: A small disc of cytoplasm on the surface of the yolk that undergoes division.
Chalaza: Helps stabilize the yolk.
Albumin: Egg white that provides additional nutrients.
Vitelline Membrane: Surrounds the yolk.
Shell Membranes & Air Space: Protect the contents.
Cell Division: Early stages show a 1-cell thick layer except at the edges.
Areas of the Blastodisc:
Area pellucida: Clear central zone.
Area opaca: Peripheral zone.
Marginal zone: Outer edge of the disk.
Cell Layers: Early cell divisions lead to a fluid-containing blastocoel below the single-layered upper epiblast.
Pre-gastrulation and Gastrulation: Similarities between chicken and mammalian development, particularly in extraembryonic membranes and cell movements during gastrulation.
Hypoblast Formation: Some cells migrate to the subgerminal cavity to contribute to the hypoblast as the egg is laid.
Blastoceal: Space found between the upper epiblast and lower hypoblast.
Only Epiblast: Responsible for forming the embryo.
Development Stages: Hypoblast islands begin to form; sequential stages classify the variety of layers.
Primitive Streak and Groove: Important process in birds and mammals, where cells migrate to the disk's center, producing the thickening known as the primitive streak and groove.
Cell Movement: Involves individual migration through the primitive groove, transitioning from an epithelial to a mesenchymal state, with changes in cadherin expression.
Stages: Various stages of development showing the formation of the primitive streak and relationships among epiblast, hypoblast, and other structures.
Cell Movements: Formation of the primitive streak is associated with the migration of cells from the marginal zone towards the center of the blastoderm.
Cell Distribution: Endodermal and mesodermal cells migrate through the primitive streak, with some integrating into the hypoblast and others forming a loose layer in the blastocoel.
Endoderm Formation: Some migrating cells displace existing hypoblast cells to form the future endoderm.
Hensen's Node: Anterior segment of the primitive streak serves a role similar to the dorsal blastopore lip in frogs, demonstrating early embryonic development processes.
Fate Map: Cell movements during the primitive streak can be mapped, showing differentiation into various structures including notochord and mesoderm layers.
Anatomical Structures: Illustrates how anterior and posterior embryonic structures form at different development stages.
Embryonic Axis and Timing: Anterior regions develop earlier than posterior regions based on the timing of cell migration through the primitive streak during gastrulation.
Gastrulation Phase: Formation of three definitive layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, with migration dynamics affecting overall morphology.
Embryonic Anatomy: Overview of key structures such as the heart and amniotic cavity, vital for development.
Cell Signaling and Organizers: Hensen’s node can induce axial development when transplanted, similar to the organizer function in frogs.
Molecular Functions: Chordin and Noggin from Hensen's node inhibit BMP signaling, enhancing dorsal tissue formation, yet requiring FGF for neural specification.
Signaling Pathways: Interactions of Noggin with BMP signaling crucial for neural induction processes in chicks.
Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGF): Produced in early embryonic stages; they are essential for neuronal gene expression in targeted areas of the embryo.
Retinoic Acid: A hydrophobic signaling molecule derived from vitamin A, serves as a morphogen affecting gene expression gradients along the anterior-posterior axis.
Morphogen Gradient: Only low concentrations enhance anterior development, while high levels promote posterior specifications.
Hox Genes: Critical for determining body plan in vertebrates; retinoic acid influences expression patterns of these genes during development.
Homologous Genes: Comparison of vertebrate Hox genes to Drosophila homeotic genes highlights evolutionary conservation and functional roles in development.
Differential Hox Expression: Specific Hox genes such as Hoxb4 and Hoxb9 are expressed at defined embryonic stages, reflecting varying developmental roles in the anterior-posterior axis.