New cells are only produced from pre-existing cells
Cytokinesis: The splitting of cytoplasm in the parent cell between daughter cells
Mitosis: The splitting of nuclear content or chromosomes
Cytokinesis between animal and plant cell is different
Animal cell: Cleavage furrow forms in the middle of the cell
Constriction belt of actin and myosin
Plant cell: Cell plate formation
Many vesicles fuse together to form a new cell wall
Equal cytokinesis: Division of cytoplasm and organelles into 2 daughter cells
Each daughter cell must receive at least 1 mitochondrion because mitochondria can only arise from pre-existing mitochondria
Unequal cytokinesis: Unequal distribution of organelles/cytoplasm during reproduction
E.g. Yeast budding
Nucleus is divided - mitosis
Small outgrowth formed on parent cell
Receives nucleus but a small amount of cytoplasm
Cell wall forms in between daughter cell and parent cell → budding off
E.g. Oogenesis
Production of ovum
Meiosis 1 → 1 large cell with almost all the cytoplasm + 1 polar body
Only large cells proceeds to 2nd round of division → Mature oocyte
Mitosis is nuclear division resulting in the continuity of the chromosome number and genome
Meiosis is nuclear division resulting in reduction of chromosome number and diversity in the genome
Parent cell divides without undergoing mitosis → anucleate cell
limited lifespans
cannot synthesize proteins
DNA Replication occurs before mitosis and meiosis
occurs in S phase of interphase
Replicated DNA during mitosis are in the form of sister chromatids, held together by the centromere and cohesin loops
DNA is immensely long → condensed into chromosomes for efficiency and avoiding knots/tangles/breaks in DNA
Microtubules - attach to kinetochores on the centromere and move the chromosomes to opposite poles
Kinetochores - protein structures assembled on the centromere
Acts as Microtubule motors → remove subunits of tubulin from microtubules → shortening/move to opposite ends
Replicated DNA is getting condensed
Microtubules are assembled at opposite poles of the cell called MTOC (Microtubule organizing centers)
Nuclear membrane breaks down
Chromosomes are formed and aligned at the equator of the cell
Microtubules attach to kinetochores and split sister chromatids
Move to opposite poles (kinetochore cuts down microtubules)
Nuclei reform
DNA re-condenses
Cytokinesis has begun
Homologous chromosomes: Chromosomes with the same sequence of genes as each other
Diploid: Organism with 2 sets of chromosomes - homologous pairs - 2n
humans - 46
Haploid: Organism with 1 set of chromosomes - non-homologous - n
humans - 23
e.g. Gametes
Meiosis 1 is a reductive division → daughter cells are haploids at the end
Divides twice (Meiosis 1 and 2)
First division → 2 haploid cells
Second division → 4 haploid cells
Nondisjunction: Uneven splitting of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids
Anaphase 1 or 2
Results in daughter cells with either an extra chromosome or missing one
Down syndrome
Extra copy of chromosome 21
Heart/vision disorders, limited lifespan, etc
Meiosis creates genetic diversity
Random orientation of bivalents
Crossing over
Bivalent: A pair of homologous chromosomes
Crossing over
prophase 1
2 non sister chromatids brought together
Chiasma formed from crossing over
Number of chromosome combinations = 2^n
Cell proliferation: Rapid increase in the number of cells - rapid cell division
Cell replacement
Tissue repair
In plants - Meristem (growth region)
tips of stems and roots
Skin - cell replacement and repair
Cell division → replace dead skin cells
Regenerate cells in wounds
Mitosis, G1, S, G2
G1: Active growth phase, naturally functioning
S: DNA synthesis, copies chromosomes
G2: Prepares for division - growth, produce organelles/proteins/membranes, DNA packed as chromatin fibers
Cells can enter G0
Resting phase
Cell is neither dividing or preparing to divide
Cell must double in size
DNA is replicated/doubled
Increase in most organelles
Cell cycle checkpoints hold cells until it is appropriate for them to proceed to the next phase
G1, G2, M
Ensure that Cyclin is present in adequate amounts
Cyclins are proteins that coordinate changes throughout the cell cycle
CDKs (Cyclin-dependent kinases) are activated by cyclins, which bind to and activate other proteins
G1 Checkpoint:
Ensures there is adequate room in the environment for more cells
Ensures there is enough energy and materials available
G2 Checkpoint:
Ensures there is enough energy and materials available
Ensures DNA has been completely replicated and checked for errors
Regulated by Maturation-promoting-factors (MPFs)
Made of CDK, cyclin, and phosphate
M checkpoint:
Checks that all chromosomes are attached to microtubules
Mutations in the cell cycle (at checkpoints) can lead to uncontrolled cell division → tumor
Mutagens increase mutations and tumor formation
mutagenic chemicals
Proto-oncogenes affect cell proliferation
Can mutate into oncogenes → promote cell proliferation
Tumor-suppressor genes prevent uncontrolled cell proliferation
Mutations to proto-oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes can increase tumor formation
Uncontrolled cell division - ignoring checkpoint checks
Benign tumors
Primary tumor
Not serious, removable
Malignant tumors
Secondary tumor
loses attachment to nearby cells
Metastasis: Spread to other systems/tissues