Using Gustar

Me gusta(n)- I like

Te gusta(n)- You like

Le gusta(n)- He, she, it likes; you formal like

Nos gusta(n)- we like

Les gusta(n)- they all like

Gusta- used for liking one (1) thing

Gustan- used for liking more than one thing

Definite Articles are written in “gustar” expressions even if they do not necessarily translate

When expressing dislake no goes before the pronoun

To come across more clear when writing gustar (which can mean he, she, it, you formal likes) you can put a and the subject pronoun in front.

Example: A ella le gusta arroz. A mí me gusta cantar.

The rough translation for Me gustan los videojuegos, is I like video games, but the actual translation is VIdeo games please me.
