copy of Cybersecurity Semester 1 Final Review

**CAPTCHA -** A system that can distinguish between a human and an automated program.

**Trojan Horse -** A malicious program disguised as legitimate software. Users intentionally install a Trojan Horse

**Difference between worm and virus -** A worm is spread on it's own and does not need human interaction, a virus is spread through humans and needs them to spread.

**Worms -** Similar to a virus except that a worm does not need a human to spread, rather it can replicate on its own to infect other computers.

**Phishing -** Practice of sending fraudulent emails that appear to be from legitimate

companies with the intent to induce people to share sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card numbers

**Spam -** Irrelevant or inappropriate messaging sent through email to a large number of recipients; also known as junk mail.

**Top-Level Domain -** The last segment of a web address; it follows immediately after the last "dot" symbol (.com, .net, .org, .gov)

**Social Engineering -** The art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information, which

includes your passwords, bank information, or access to your computer

**Log Files -** A file that keeps records of events that occur on a computer

**What is LAN made up of and connected by? -** Made up of: clients / laptops Connected by: physical cables (wires)

**Site Certificate -** A small data file that is validated by a "certificate authority" which allows an organization have a secure website. Also called a site security certificate.

**Cookie -** Small text-based bits of information about your browser that a web server saves.

**Spyware -** Software that secretly collects information about you. It usually resides on a website or in a service such as your email program.

**Typosquatting -** Also known as URL hijacking, is a form of cybersquatting (sitting on sites under someone else's brand or copyright) that targets Internet users who incorrectly type a website address into their web browser

**Backdoor -** Malicious software that bypasses the normal, secure, or restricted access

**Script Files -** Disguising executable files as other file types, tricking a user into executing a script (1.2.2 bubble 15)

**Ransomware -** Software that locks your computer or makes it inoperable, requiring you to pay someone to remove it. Ransomware can spread like a virus, worm, or Trojan horse.

**Ecommerce -** The buying and selling of goods or services over the internet.

**What does confidentiality do in the CIA Triad? -** It protects information from unauthorized access. Protects by (1) providing explicit permissions for accessing info. (2) Using encryption when storing and communicating the information. Breaches are made by word of mouth, printing, and emailing.

**What does integrity mean in the CIA Triad? -** Ensuring the accuracy and validity of information. Common ways to maintain data integrity are to store it securely and control access to it.

**What does Availability do in the CIA Triad? -** Ensuring the info is readily accessible to authorized users at all times

**Protocol -** Agreed method of communication

**Host Machine -** A computer, typically one on a network. A host can also be referred to as a

machine or a system

**Web Server -** A computer that delivers files forming web pages across a network to requesting clients.

**What port is HTTP on?** - HTTP is on port 80

**What port is HTTPS on? -** HTTPS is on port 443

**Information Architecture -** The way an organization structures and structures and organizes the information that is required by their employees and/or customers.

**Passive Analysis -** Analyze something without interfering or affecting it

**IP Address -** An identifying number for hosts and servers on the internet. It uses the Internet Protocol (IP) and is of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. It often includes a port number as part of the address. This appears after a colon at the end of the address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:nnn

**Security Baseline -** A starting point for data analysis. It is the initial data set used in later comparisons.

**What command looks up domain names of IP addresses? - nslookup**

**What does netstat - n do? -** Without the "-n" it converts IP address to domain names, to see just the IP addresses use the -n flag (also runs faster) - shows all remote (foreign) hosts that are currently exchanging data with your host

**What command changes directory in powershell? -** CD

**What command shows you the computer directory in powershell? -** Dir

**What command clears the screen in powershell? -** CLS

**What command clears errors in poweshell? -** CTRL+C

**What does the command Python do in poweshell? -** Executes a python script

**What is a DDOS attack? -** A (distributed) denial of service attack that targets websites and web servers

with the intention of bringing the services they provide to a halt. If one host is involved in the attack, the attack is considered to be a DoS attack. If multiple hosts are involved, it is a DDoS attack

Whistleblower - An "insider", meaning an employee of an organization, exposes an injustice or some criminal behavior that the organization is committing

**Social Ideology -** Hackers engage in "hacktivism" to change aspects of society such as disrupting

terrorists, promoting human rights, exposing an injustice and examples of social


**Black Hat Hacker -** Hacker who breaks laws, steals data, holds information for ransom, and commits other criminal acts. Their behavior is meant to cause harm, to draw attention to something, or to achieve personal gain

**White Hat Hacker -** Expert who has permission to perform security tests and who fully discloses their activities. They report vulnerabilities and improve the security of a system. Their behavior is noble, and their actions align with society's greater good

**Grey hat hacker -** Hacker uses illegal and/or unethical means to discover a system's security vulnerabilities. Typically, gray-hat hackers access systems illegally—without permission—but then share their findings and report problems they find

**Industrial Espionage -** Companies steal information from competitors to gain the upper hand or eliminate the competition

**What is the Botnet malware? -** Software that replicates and infects many computers, turning the computer into a "zombie". Zombie devices are remotely controlled by an attacker for malicious purposes.

**What is a keylogger? -** Software and hardware that track all keyboard clicks, including back spaces, to discover usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information

**Packet -** Small units of data transmitted on a network. Collected together, they compose some larger data, such as a document, a website, a movie, etc.

**Decrypt -** Decodes information and is the opposite of encrypted.

**Encrypt -** to write in code; to encode

**Penetration Testing (Pen Test) -** Performing a computer attack to evaluate the security of a system.

**Log File -** A file that contains an official record of activities that occur on a computer.

**What does IIS stand for? -** Internet Information Services

**What does IoT stand for? -** Internet of Things

**What does FTP mean and what port is it on? -** File transfer protocol; Port 20

**Inetpub -** contains all the web pages and content that will be published on the web. It is the default directory for publishing web pages. It is the default directory for publishing web pages.

**IIS Manager -** Administration tool for the MS IIS web server. Allows administrators to define

the behavior and structure of the websites run by IIS and supports secure site configurations. Admins can enable or disable directory browsing, such as FTP.

**Log File protection measures using IIS Manager -** Change the file location to make it harder to find

**FTP protection measures using IIS Manager -** You use the remove services tool in the IIS manager to remove FTP functions

**Directory Browsing -** You use the IIS manager to go to directory and then you disable directory browsing.