APUSH 1920s Lecture

The Red Scare

  • Fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, etc., following a series of anarchist bombing in 1919

    • A. Mitchell Palmer raided homes of suspected radicals in the United States

      • Appointed J. Edgar Hoover

      • Many were rounded up and deported

      • The American public generally supported it

      • Often limited evidence that people were actually guilty

      • Unions were targeted as they were often seen as socialist organizations

        • IWW was especially targeted because it actually was socialist

  • The “American Plan” was employers trying to subvert unions

    • Created open shops, which didn’t require employees to be in a union

  • Criminal syndicalism laws made it illegal to make change through violence

  • The Sacco & Vanzetti Trial:

    • Sacco & Vanzetti were Italian immigrants who were also self-identified anarchists

      • They were accused of killing 2 clerks of a shoe factory in a robbery and were sentenced to death

    • Little evidence, but they seemed guilty cause they lied
