p1 - one point, application (explain theory)
p2 - criticism of ^, and application
p3 - second point, application
p4 - criticism of ^, and application
Additional argument (if time)
p5 - critical conclusion.
Intro - There are 4 structures within society, the upper class (1% of the population), the middle class (the majority of the population), the working class and then the underclass. Many different sociologists think there are many different reasons as to why these structures are the way they are.
P1 - Hirschi
point - asks why people commit crimes and says that we need to focus on what forces people to do crimes rather than what propels them into crime.
application - his 4 crucial bonds to society: commitment, attachment, belief and involvement. says that if one of these is out of place then the individual will turn to crime.
p2 - Feminists such as Oakley
point - says that Hirschi doesn’t look at other aspects that could lead people to crime
application - he assumes that all of society share the same values whereas feminists would argue that what values society shares is down to the men who force them among women within a patriarchal society.
p3 - Young
point - says that the 50’s were the golden age of living
application - since the reduce in industrialisation it has meant many have lead to being unemployed and are forced to be working class
p4 - Snider
point - criticise Young for failing to see that crimes have a deeper impact.
application - such as white collar crimes which costs a lot more foe the economy then petty crimes committed by working class individuals.
Critical conclusion - In conclusion, right realists believe that the reason why the structure system is the way it is due to the left being too kind and allowing individuals to have access to the welfare state and committing crimes without a large punishment. Such as Murray who states that when people have access to the welfare state it allows them to not need to work so therefore they don’t go out and find work.