comparative exam information: answering questions + past questions

question 1: “examine”

  • knowledge and analysis, ao1 and ao2

  • very straightforward, knowledge based

for 1a, 1b: ao1(6 marks), ao2 (6 marks)

  • demonstrates accurate knowledge and understanding of political institutions, [processes, concepts, theories and issues, which are carefully selected in order to underpin analysis and evaluation (ao1)

  • consistent comparative analysis of aspects of politics, with coherent, logical chains of reasoning, drawing on similarities and/or differences within aspects of politics, which make relevant connections between ideas and concepts (ao2)

  • 3 distinct points

question 2: “analyse”

  • ao1, ao2, but HAVE to use comparative theory

  • rational, cultural and structural approaches in spec only applies to question two

ao1(6 marks), ao2 (6 marks)

  • demonstrates accurate knowledge and understanding of political institutions, [processes, concepts, theories and issues, which are carefully selected in order to underpin analysis and evaluation (ao1)

  • consistent comparative analysis of aspects of politics, with coherent, logical chains of reasoning, drawing on similarities and/or differences within aspects of politics, which make relevant connections between ideas and concepts (ao2)

  • 3 distinct points

examiners report feedback 2024

question one

  • need exemplification, not just very historical evidence - needs the most up-to-date evidence that befits the subject focused on current affairs

  • 12 mark question should not have intro/conclusion

  • needs to be very example heavy, backwards and forwards arguments for each side of question

  • strongest responses able to access higher ao2 marks by analysing using comparative phrases - “more protection”, “entrenched/unentrenched”, “greater access to..”, “more flexible”. must ao2 develop points so that they are not simple - not sufficient to assert a point and then move on, development is essential to access ao2 marks.

  • arguments need to be like-for-like, limited marks are available if not direct comparison


  • exemplification needs to be accurate, if don’t remember say ‘around’

  • IF THE QUESTION SAYS SIMILARITIES, DO NOT mention DIFFERENCES, and vice versa - will lose marks

campaign finance probably wont come up in COMPARATIVE QUESTION

  • was also question on 2023 main essays

question two examiner feedback

  • doesn’t need intro/conc

  • ensure factors chosen are com[arin like-for-like factors, and include up to date exemplification (where appropriate) rather than relying on historic evidence

  • level cap: if no integrated discussion of at least one comparative theory, then level 4 could not be awarded

    • must be INTEGRATED, not shoehorned at the end

  • comparative theory must have some explanation attached to point being made - rather than tagged to end of point.

  • explanation of comparative theory must apply to both countries, rather than simply stating “this is a structural difference because the USA has a codified constitution”

  • no requirement to include all 3 theories, or to include one or more theory in every point of comparison - one developed and exemplified point, with one well explained theory integrated into the comparative analysis of the point is sufficient to access level 4 - provided other points re decent
